Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Paint Night with Dude

Dude, my roving reporter aka celebrity stalker is my guest contributor today...  

There are Paint Nites  in cities all over the country. My friend, MJ, looked into one in NYC and enlisted me to go out and paint the town with her!!  The last time I remember painting anything was in high school art class..... So, I dusted the  cobwebs off the paint brushes, put on my artsy beret and hit the canvas!

To find out about a Paint Nite near you, just check the Paint Nite website and search for your city......then you  can search by date, artist, or painting.  We picked the painting we wanted to paint ....something that we liked and would actually hang in our houses...

Here's our subject.


Upon arrival, each station in the room is set up with easels, 3 different size paint brushes, and a cup of water to clean the brushes.

The artists in training, preparing to create their masterpieces!

 Making of a masterpiece: phase 1

 OMG!! My finished product!!  I can't believe I actually painted this! Although, I had major difficulty with the technique we used  to make the trees.....

A couple of proud painters!!

It was such a fun evening... I think I'll have to go again!


Notice Dude with her roving eyes -  just waiting for a celebrity to make the scene.

Thanks Dude... looks like a great time.  Sign me up when I hit the East Coast.  I bet my trees will be better than your trees!

Hope your tomorrow is filled with color!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. You did a GREAT job...and what fun. I think you ought to sign that dog up with an agent, too!;>) xo Diana

  2. Amazing! My girlfriend and I have been talking about doing something like that. Looks like a fun girls night out!

  3. How fun love this idea....and you all did a great job. Funny about Dudes "roving eye" always on huh!

  4. I love that whole idea, I take art classes every wednesday I think will suggest something like this, and you all did such great paintings !!That dog is just too cute!!

  5. You and dude have so much fun together even living half the country away from each other...I can't imagine what will happen when you are both in the same state!

  6. What a fun idea! I have never heard of such a thing....I will have to see if they are having them in RVA, although I am so NOT crafty that I would have to attend one with "abstract" art for my painting to look like anything recognizable!


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