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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

book club

Yesterday, I attended my very last book club in Texas.  It was at the home of the lovely Hostess with the Mostess (HWTM).  I knew I was in for a bittersweet afternoon of catching up with friends topped off by a delectable lunch. 

When I arrived, I was greeted by this scary guy.

...and this guy.

HWTM's home was decked out in its finest Halloween adornments.

Love the school desk and blackboard!

HWTM's island in her kitchen looked so festive.

I took a peek at her recipes written with care.  Am I the only one who has food slobbered all over my recipes?  

Delicious turkey, Havarti cheese and homemade cranberry sauce on double grain bread were teasing my taste buds as I walked around the kitchen.

HWTM makes the best pumpkin soup in the world.  I was so happy to see it was on the menu. 

Fresh crispy salad with cranberries and nuts.

The cupcakes were positively scrumptious!

How cute are these Halloween plates?

This is the book that we read.  Or should I say the others read because I had spent my days cleaning and purging for the big move.  The ladies seemed to enjoy it.  We even skyped Big V in her new home in Philly!

THE YELLOW HOUSE delves into the passion and politics of Northern Ireland at the beginning of the 20th Century. Eileen O'Neill's family is torn apart by religious intolerance and secrets from the past. Determined to reclaim her ancestral home and reunite her family, Eileen begins working at the local mill, saving her money and holding fast to her dream. As war is declared on a local and global scale, Eileen cannot separate the politics from the very personal impact the conflict has had on her own life.

Hope your day includes good friends and a great book!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. What a wonderful book club night! I know you will miss that once you move.

    Have a great night! xoxo

  2. OH ,the last book club! That is bittersweet but I bet those cupcakes were sweet!! It looks like you had last lovely gathering and I need a good book and anything about Ireland is fine by me!!

  3. My book club needs to take notes!!! Lately the books have been ehhh, and and therefore the food...who cares?!

  4. Katie- What a wonderful, wonderful last meeting with your bookclub. It looks like you had a wonderful day-bittersweet but lovely. That sounds like a great book. Blessings- xo Diana

  5. Looks like fun...am sure it was bittersweet. I can see Halloween is serious business over in that house! All of the food looks so yummy, those sandwiches yum! Even though its your last book club and you will be a goner soon enough I bet these are lifelong friends and think about it this way, its a perfect excuse for a weekend getaway to go and visit each other!!

  6. Food looks delicious. I hope you find a wonderful new book club when you move, Katie, but I know you will cherish these friends forever. I have added this book to my list at the library, xo Laura

  7. that looks delicious & like so much fun!

  8. I know that those "lasts" can be tough. How wonderful that HWTM created such a special day! As hard as it is to leave friends, you will be thrilled and relieved once you are settled into your new digs.

  9. Lunch looks so yummy and the book sounds like a great read. I am sure it was to have it be your "last".Moving is so bittersweet!

  10. that looks delicious & like so much fun!


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