Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Bittersweet Farewell

This post is about 3 weeks overdue.  My friend, Corrine, and I threw a farewell party for three of our dear friends who are moving away.  Madhumita is off to Singapore, Big V is taking up residence in Pennsylvania and skinny Delaney is in search of a home in Virginia.  

To my blogging Friends: Simply LJK, Enchanted Home, The Gazebo House, Suburban Charm,  Ruth Rosenblum,  It is What It Is, and Ready and Fading a sincere thank you for your recipes.  I used most of them and the ones I didn't I put on file for the next party.

Enough with the food!  On to the supermodel, trophy wife eye-candy!!

Miss Cindy, Judy, skinny Delaney and Nancy.

Skinny Delaney with our old doubles partner, Miss Cindy.

skinny Delaney, Pam and Amy

Trying to pose like our kids ("sorority squat")... Jackie, skinny Delaney, moi, and Judy.

Old tennis buddies, Corrine, skinny Delaney, and Miss Cindy. 

My new BFF, Judy.  We went to sister schools and were very proud members of the White Team (GO WHITES!) at Camp Tegawitha.  

Judy and me (featuring my summer uniform: a wrinkled J Jill tent dress)  competing for the Tegawitha songleader award.

Lisa and Chris 

Skinny Delaney and Hostess with the Mostess.

Fellow songleader, Judy, moi, and Little Debbie.

Chris, Corrine, Big V, Amy and Madhumita

Safe travels, dear friends, and much happiness in your new homes.  Your new neighbors are pretty darn lucky to get great ladies like you in their 'hoods!

"There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart."
~author unknown

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Awww...it is so hard to say good bye to great neighbors and friends. Thanks for the shout out. If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I am partying at your house!

  2. I've been a reader of your blog for some time now and was very excited when I read that you went to Camp Tegawitha. That brought back so many fun and not so fun memories. I was twelve when I went in 1966. Remember the white camp shirts and navy shorts and saddle shoes. I can't remember whether I was on the blue or white team, but I do remember one of the songs we learned. I even taught it to my daughter as she grew up. "High on the hill, Tega girls are sleeping..." sung to the Sound of Music song, "High on the hill was a lonely goatherd..." I became an expert jacks player in our free time while listening to "Happy Together" by the Turtles and "Red Rubber Ball" by The Cyrkle. I learned to short sheet a bed and put shaving cream in people's trunks. I learned to go to the bathroom while holding a piece of toilet paper in the knotholes in the wall surrounding the toilet. I tried to learn to swim in the lake and rode horses and did archery and crafts (made a dog leash with lanyard). I think I took one shower the whole month (thank goodness for pigtails)!Thanks for the memories. It's been a long time ago but my daughter and I still sing that song.

    1. Susie... love this!! I was there around the time you were. Email me what cabin you were in. What a riot!!

    2. Katie, I remember a lot of things about that time period, just not the cabin. I do think I was on the White team though. My husband says that somewhere in the house we have info about the camp and the record from the singing competition. I found my letters to my parents recently which were very interesting. FYI, if you were a fan of the Turtles, check out their annual Happy Together tours. Really fun; you'll leave with no voice left. They've featured the Grass Roots and Peter Noone from Herman's Hermits. He puts on a great concert.

  3. Oh my gosh! You didn't have to give me any credit but thank you. From the food to the company it looks like you definitely know how to throw a perfect party without any help. What a beautiful and fun looking group you all are. The food looks divine.

  4. Your food looks amazing! Don't you love the new ideas you can get from your blog friends :-)
    Happy Monday morning.

  5. I hate saying good bye to old friends. Looks like you had a fun send off party, though. Xo Laura

  6. Incredible party! So sweet to mention me...the food looks "nom" as my kids would say! Looks like you have a great group of wonderful friends...always sad when someone moves! Although I prefer phone calls and letters, FB and texting sure make it easier to keep up with what's happening in the lives of those you love. Also love the linen shift!!! Looks comfy but very stylish!

  7. Katie,
    I just found your blog and have really enjoyed browsing thru! It's so hard to say goodbye to great friends. My BF just moved 3 hrs away to Knoxville and I miss her and all the fun we had. Your party looks fabulous, looking at all that amazing food makes me hungry, looks like everyone had a blast.
    I'm your newest follower and am putting you under my favorites so I can visit often! Would love for you to visit me.

  8. So fun Katie! What a fun group of friends you have and looks like a wonderful party. It IS tough to say goodbye .. you can always travel to visit? Have a great week ahead and enjoy the long weekend!

  9. Wow what a beautiful home - friends - and photos - very nice. Food looks great and so do you! sandie

  10. What a great spread. Everything looked wonderful. I wish your friends a safe journey and I hope they find happy homes where ever they go.

  11. What a party! Everything looks yummy. I also love your dress, you look stunning!

  12. Great post, Thanks for sharing!

    Võng tự đưa hay máy đưa võng ra đời là một trong những sản phẩm tinh túy của công nghệ. Máy đưa võng tự động hay võng đưa em bé là phương pháp ru con thời hiện đại của các ông bố bà mẹ bận rộn. Các mẹ sẽ yên tâm và hài lòng khi sử dụng máy đưa võng cho bé. Máy đưa võng tự động An Thái Sơn nhận thấy may dua vong ts với giá cả hợp lý máy đưa võng giá rẻ uy tín – sản phẩm máy đưa võng tự động thiết kế dành riêng cho em bé và An Thái Sơn tự hào là địa chỉ bán gia may dua vong tu dong tốt nhất cho bé với máy đưa võng tự động hợp lý, uy tín tại TP.HCM hay chia sẻ các bạn nhỏ thuốc nhỏ mắt nhiều có tốt không hay có hại gì cho mắt không!

    Đến với Bruno.vn bạn sẽ được cung cấp các mặt hàng chất lượng thoi trang nam hàng hiệu cá tính cho nam giới hay ao nam dep với giá hợp lý, ngoài ra còn có ao khoac nam dep cực thời trang, nhiều mẫu đẹp hay các kiểu áo sơ mi với ao so mi nam dep với các loại khác nhau từ ao so mi nam tay ngan đến các mẫu áo sơ mi nam tay dài đẹp hay áo công sở với áo sơ mi nam công sở cực sành điệu. Ngoài ra còn có mẫu áo sơ mi trắng nam cực thời trang, hay các mẫu áo sơ mi caro nam nhiều mẫu mã cực đẹp hay các mẫu áo thun ao thun nam dep hay mẫu thun dài cực đẹp với áo thun nam tay dài đẹp có chất lượng tốt, giá cả tốt, rẻ nhất thị trường.

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    Những thực phẩm giúp làm giảm tại http://thucphamlamgiam.blogspot.com/
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