Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, June 10, 2013

A Very Entertaining Weekend

The theme of the weekend was entertainment.  Friday night, Corrine and I threw a farewell cocktail hour for three of our friends. Such a bittersweet, wonderful time.

Thanks to all my blogger friends who were sweet enough to pass on their recipes.  I used a lot of them and they were a HUGE hit.  The recipes that I didn't use this time are on file for the next party.  Lots of pics and a post to follow as soon as I get my lazy-ever-lovin' trophy wife rear end  in gear and write it.

Sneak peek til I write my post.

Saturday, I got a new iphone.  Mine was practically a vintage model because every time I was eligible for an upgrade, #1 or #2 lost or broke hers, so their good old mama (the martyr) would have to let one of them take her upgrade.  I was going to go out of my comfort zone and switch companies and get a Samsung-something because it was massive and I thought maybe if I held it really far from my face, I would be able to read it without my readers. But, no dice.  
Also, I read somewhere that if you carry really BIG accessories, your waist and hips look smaller.  But I was not confident in broadening my tech skills in picking up a whole new cell phone lingo so I stuck with the dependable iPhone.

Here I am showing my book club my new purchase.  Notice the envy in their eyes.

The weekend spiced up when Saturday night, the Mister and I took both girls to see Jerry Seinfeld in concert.  I had seen him about 12 years ago with a buddy and have raved about his performance ever since.

In a nutshell, Jerry surpassed his last performance by a long shot.  The thing I love about his show is that he avoids crude humor and questionable language.  And another thing... his humor identifies with every age group.  He had my girls in stitches when mimicking the drama of having the battery run out on a cell phone.

Sunday morning began with loud thunderstorms and torrents of rain.  I was happy for two reasons; we really needed the rain (we are currently in Stage 3 water restrictions) and I don't have to water any of my flower pots today.  Thanks, Lord, for filling in for me.

We went to Mass and then headed to see The Internship because #2 and I love Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.  The Mister went because it was not a love story and none of the Real Housewives were in it.  This has become the Mister's standard criteria for entertainment lately.

The Internship  was not bad.  My #2 and I shared higher hopes for it, though.  It was a cute, predictable story written by Vince Vaughn that centered around two out-of-work sales guys that end up landing an internship at Google. It is entertaining with a great message.  
If you have middle school kids - you don't have to worry about any "awkward" parts.  My #2 and I were lukewarm on the movie but the Mister LOVED it!  But I will tell you, he is an absolute sucker for an underdog story.

All in all, it was a great weekend filled with friends, family and lots of laughs.

Have a great day!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. My mom went to Seinfeld as well and also loved it! I have heard the battery bit and it is so, so funny. Glad you had a great weekend!

  2. Get #1 and #2 insurance on their phones!

  3. Sounds like a FABULOUS weekend! I would love to see Jerry Seinfeld some day...I still watch re-runs of his show. He can make something mundane seem hysterically funny! Looking forward to your post with your party pictures!

  4. Can't wait to hear what you made for the party :-)
    Happy Momday!

  5. I can always count on you to give me a great laugh to either start or end my day. Hilarious! Funny about your husbands "criteria"! I love all the food...now I am craving a little snack:) And hysterical about the big phone to make you look smaller....I would love to see Jerry in concert, he earns HUGE points from me for not needing to use vulgarity or profanity in his routine, to me only genuinely funny people can do that and he is one! Thanks for a fun post!

  6. What a wonderful weekend! I would do anything to see Jerry live and Crush's mom has that big phone and she has her "special" glasses to read it and only got it because she thought it would be easy to read.......hahahaha!

  7. Katie- Your party looks wonderful and it sounds like you had a great weekend. I love Jerry Seinfeld. I think he is a superstar among comedians because of his clean humor and the quirky way he looks at life. I still love the old reruns of his shows.
    Hope you give us a list of you party goodies later! xo Diana

  8. Yummy, I would have loved to have joined your partay! Seinfeld has always been a big hit in our home...and I don't think they have an electronic accessory to make my hips look smaller, lol! Looking forward to your recipes...

  9. We are very similar! I also have two daughters who keep jacking my upgrades. I might be able to get a new phone around the year 2020. Oh how we love them! (those impish girls, I mean!)

  10. Lol! so funny Katie (great pic of you and the girls;) Your party looked like it was a huge success! xxleslie

  11. What a great weekend! Love the book club pic, priceless! And, I am with you...why is it mom is always the last one to get a new phone???!!


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