J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dude's Blooms

When I got back from my cruise, I called my buddy, Dude, to catch up on things.  For those of you who don't know who dude is, you can find posts that I have written about her here, here, here and here.  
Somehow the subject of hydrangeas came up.  They are my very favorite flower in the whole world.  They are very hard to grow them in Texas because of the heat.  The two small bushes I have not killed yet always start off blooming, but when the heat hits they take a nose dive.
Dude told me that her hydrangeas are blooming with gusto thanks to all the rain Connecticut has endured this summer.  I asked her if she would send me some pics to be shared with you. 
She said yes with her usual provision:  I don't spill any of her secrets from our high school days to her son.  I promised but secretly had my fingers crossed. 

Mista Dude and Dude built their fabulous home a few years ago on the water in Connecticut.  The house on the inside is modeled after the beautiful house in the Hamptons used in one of my favorite movies, Something's Gotta Give

Hopefully, my good buddy, Dude, will take some pictures of the inside of her beautiful home so I can share them with you.  
Otherwise, I've got some tall tales to tell to her one and only!

Have a wonderful day!   

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Beautiful! Ours are blooming like crazy right now too. The biggest thing in the south is that you HAVE to water, water, water if there isn't much rain. Fortunately, we've had plenty so far.

  2. Gorgeous!! love the crazy blooming hydrangeas..yes something about the northeast that makes them bloom like mad. No complaints here, as they are one of my most favorite flowers too! Now...for the fun part, spill the beans on her secrets, lol.

  3. Gorgeous! I also live in Connecticut and the hydrangeas and roses are truly stunning right now!

  4. Hydrangeas are my very favorite flower too! Mine are in full bloom but clearly we have had some kind of radical soil change because they have always been light blue and this year they are deep, dark purple. In addition, my pink dogwood bloomed white this spring!

    It is funny how much we have in common! I am working on a post about my favorite movies and Something's Gotta Give is at the top of my list! Beautiful home! I dream about retiring to a big house on the water....with a full time maid, of course...LOL!

  5. Okay - that house - I want it - I loved that show and I LOVED that house. It was amazing!

    Your Dude friend is lucky, and of course we have hydrangeas here in Georgia!

    Now on your email - first of all I was on google+ and it just really started to take over my blog so I spent hours deleting it.

    Next the Google Reader is where I have all the blogs I follow in one place - that is going bye bye on Monday. You must read your blogs from your side bar. But when you get a lot of them what are you going to do?

    So I use the google friends connect button - to follow people and I am using Bloglovin as my new reader.

    I also would love to comment via an email - mine is
    skcz at comcast dot net and I would love yours. I'd be glad to help in any way on your blog that I can.

    I would love to follow each other on the google friends connect (mine is at the bottom of my blog). Just let me know.

    A lot of info - I know.

    Love, sandie

  6. Couldn't you just die of jealousy over those beautiful hydrangeas?! My mom lives in Minnesota and hers are like that, too. Drat this Texas heat!! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I, too love all Nora Ephron movies and her beautiful movie homes. It's such a shame she's gone.

    I hope you talk your friend into showing us the inside of her house. The exterior is gorgeous! If it's fashioned after the Something's Gotta Give house then I'm sure to love it!


  7. I so envy those who can grow such beautiful hydrangeas. I have not seen many do very well here, so I haven't really tried. What a lovely home!

  8. You tell Dude to get on the stick with those photos so we can drool over that house, too. I love hydrangeas, too, but we can only grow white/green ones here- xo Diana

  9. Love the outside of her house. So glad you have something to hold over her head so we can hope for photoes of the inside. xo Laura

  10. PS. I really do know how to spell photos. :)

  11. Beautiful home{and view} along with those blooms! Mine are coming on strong and with another week of rain ahead of us here in CT, it should be a show stopper year! UGH! It's time for some sunshine.



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