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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Connecticut Weekend - Part 2

This post brings us to Sista and BIL's beautiful home and grounds.  It was very warm in Connecticut that weekend and all the flowers were in bloom.

After the koi finally made it home from their adventure, they seemed very happy in their new surroundings.

Pretty little niches all over Sista's property.

Sista and BIL made this to denote how many miles apart they are from friends and family.

Darling potting bench outside the garage.

Herbs and succulents galore!

This charming deck sits right outside the kitchen. Over the course of my visit, Sista and I enjoyed our morning coffee and a few glasses of wine here.

This is Max, senior member of Sista's babies.

This is Wiley - the newest addition.  She is a over active golden doodle, weighing in at about 60 lbs. but in her mind she is a 5 lb. lap dog.  She is an obedience school flunkie drop-out.   

Sista says that Wiley's expulsion leave of absence was mutual.  The school obviously couldn't appreciate Wiley's unbridled exuberance.  The school has no comment.

Evidence of how well Wiley did in her dog obedience class.  Looks like Sista may need to find another school for a refresher course!

This is George Clooney, the middle child. 

Anybody want to guess how George Clooney got his name?

Hope your day is full of smiles!

Notice the muddy paws on Wiley.  She is a little too big for the ottoman, but she doesn't care, her back paws are firmly planted on the muddy ground. 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. OK is it just me or is that an alligator in the koi pond?

    Adorable dogs! Your Sista has a lovely yard...I love Connecticut! Sounds like you had a lovely time. I will see my sister at the end of July but she is closer in age to my oldest daughter so we don't have a lot in common!

  2. What a great post. Love your sister's place. You can tell it is warm and welcoming. Ummmm... I think George Clooney might be barking up the wrong tree (pun intended)...lol xo Diana

  3. Love your sisters yard and that it is dog friendly :-)

  4. George has a happy smile in the last picture! Cute dogs and a lovely backyard at your Sista's house.

  5. Such a warm and welcoming place:) The pups are too cute and I'm glad you've had some quality time together. I don't have a sister and I think I'm missing out.


  6. What a pretty home and such adorable pups! I am happy you had a good time in our great state of Connecticut! Aren't sister weekends the best? I don't get enough time with my sisters who live down south.

  7. Fun! I wish I had a sister :( 3 brothers is a few too many, LOL Love the pond and surroundings. The dogs are so cute. Wiley needs to hook up with our Toby...the ultimate chewer! 6 years old and still eats everything. George Clooney is adorable. I am guessing the eyes and the darker facial hair. ROFL

  8. What a lovely home! It just seems like it would be so relaxing there. I am missing my Sissy like crazy. Sistas as you say, are the BEST!!!!!!!! Cutie pups, too!


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