Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Friday Files

TGIF!  I hope that you had a good week.  The weather has been beautiful here in the great state of Texas. 

Today, we will add a few steps to our walk and vote.  We tried to fulfill our civic duty yesterday, but there was not a parking spot to be found.  So today we are going to beat the system and walk.  There is a first for everything.

A couple of weeks ago, it was family photo day at Lucy's house.  Mission accomplished: there will be a Christmas card this year.

This beautiful home is located in Scituate, Mass., which is one town over from our last home.

This gorgeous Vancouver home was inspired by a First Lady.
Can you guess which one?

Take a look at this fashion designer's English cottage.

The next time your spouse gives you a hard time about catching some extra zzz's on the weekend, show him this article. 

This does NOT apply to retired people, Mister.

Click here to see six hidden libraries around the world.

This is what happens when you eat 50 grams of protein at every meal.

According to Food Editors, here is a list of Ina Garten's 14 best recipes


Have you read Ina's memoir?  According to my buddy Annie, it is an honest, unfiltered look at her life.  It's on my TBR list.

Anybody need a carrot cake recipe? 

Note to self: don't write Friday Files when hungry.


Here's a new one.  

Have you ever heard of fridgescaping?

I love my new bedding!

I am thrilled to be partnering with Boll & Branch again.  They are giving my readers a 20% off code:  PREPPY20.

The Mister watched this and gave it 2 thumbs up.

If you miss Yellowstone, this show is for you.

I have a feeling that this may be the Mister's new favorite show.

Springsteen fans are going to be very happy on Friday.

 I am excited for this!

I loved the first season, and I look forward to this one.

Another win for the Mister!

Great price!
Comes in petite sizes too!

Lots of colors.

I love a tissue turtleneck!
Lots of colors.

This is a good deal.

Half price!

I have used Dr. Dennis Gross pads for years, but they are pricey.  I'm going to try these to see if they are as good.  I'll keep you posted.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a darling family photo! I'm clicking to check out all the recommended tv shows. Have a good weekend!

  2. Oh my gosh; Miss Lucy looks just like you in that photo! Jo

  3. Am in the middle of Ina’s memoir and highly recommend. Where is your daughter’s dress from? Love the shade of green!

  4. I love your beautiful bed frame. I would very much appreciate knowing the color of the frame, which appears to be white or a light beige in the photo. Thank you in advance for sharing.

  5. It's easy to see which First Lady inspired that Vancouver home, obviously Melania Trump's impeccable style is written all over this. Some of Ina Garten's recipes are good, however I wouldn't waste money on her book...she is a well known troll of children, has made it known that she has no use for the little ones.

  6. Cute photo of baby!! She is growing so quickly! I enjoyed Territory - what an ending!!!

  7. I am halfway through Ina's memoir and enjoying it immensely. Ina has been my muse for decades. Her recipes are easy, foolproof and delicious. So many dishes are family favorites. I also credit Ina with freeing legions of hostesses from the old school rigid china, crystal, silver template we women of a certain age maintained as the entertaining standard. I use the WS French white dinner plates, mismatched vintage silverplate, pretty napkins, simple table settings and fail proof Ina recipes for no stress entertaining. "How easy is that?" My only criticism that I thought of this morning........does Ina have a dog?


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