Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 18, 2024

The Friday Files

Fall temps have finally hit Texas!  The cooler temps have given me a little more pep in my step on my morning walks.  I also find that I sleep better when it's chilly outside.

I am finished with all of my check-ups for 2024. Good news for me—no more pap smears! Now, my physical is reduced to drawing a clock and repeating three words they tell me to remember ten minutes later. 

I got a C-.

I had the all-over spot check done by my dermatologist.  My doctor asked me if I minded if a student witnessed my unveiling.  The girl looked like she wasn't a day over thirteen. 

I will never forget the look of horror on the girl's face when she saw me in my birthday suit. Before she lost all color in her face and ran out of the room, I told her this is your future, kid.

You could not find a lovelier, more hospitable, and competent group of women than at my mammogram place.  I arrived at 8:55 and was back in my car at 9:15. 


Having a mammogram is the scariest part of my check-up routine.  My mother passed away from breast cancer 20 years ago. I usually get my results within 24 hours, but to my dismay, there was no note in my mailbox with a cheery message telling me I was clear for another year.

I finally called the place after 3 anxiety-filled days, with my head bursting with all sorts of frightening scenarios.  I didn't fill the Mister or the girls in on my quandary. The last thing I wanted was for the Mister to sign up on Tinder or the girls looking into getting my jewelry appraised.

I spoke to Whitney, who was the bearer of good news.  
Evidently, the letter went to my spam file. 

I celebrated by sending money to St. Jude's Research Hospital, the benefactor of all of my anxiety-ridden moments.


Take a look at this gorgeous British Colonial Cottage, which was designed by the owner, Roxanne Hughes Packham. 

This beautiful home on Lake Wylie is perfectly dressed for Fall.

I love the story behind this stunning bachelor pad.

Here is a list of some famous chefs' favorite desserts.

Giada's looks pretty good to me.

Stanley Tucci's new book is out. Here is a great interview with him that touches on travel and food.

Good news for my fellow walkers and picklers.

If you indulge in some of the famous chef's desserts, you may need to put in some extra effort.

I wouldn't know since I went to an all-girls high school.

I know that a certain Mister is going to be excited about this movie.

Welcome to  Pandamania!

Great show.

It took me a minute to warm up to this show, but now I enjoy it.

Cute show.

One of my favorite shows!

I'm really looking forward to this one!

J Jill is offering a 40% discount on all sale styles.

My girls love H&M sweaters.  I ordered this one and the next one, and I was impressed with the quality.

Chico's is having a sale-on-sale promo going on.

Old Navy has already sold out of some of its Christmas jammies. They have petite sizes!
I bought a matching pair for the Mister and me.
I'm not posting a pic because I don't want to make you jealous.

If you have always dreamed of wearing a matching outfit with your furbaby, I've got good news for you.  And it's on sale!

Vineyard Vines outlet is having a 24 hour sale.


I have this and love it.  It's the perfect weight for Fall days.

Also comes in navy.

Lots of colors and a great deal!

Talbots has a 30% off entire site sale!!

Cute jacket to make the holiday party rounds.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sorry you had a scary couple of days following your mammogram. I found out that the Ontario breast screening programme no longer sends out letters to let you know you are in the clear and as a breast cancer survivor, I was visiting the mailbox every day, not knowing that part of the progamme was cancelled. I finally had to install an app that allows you to see all of your medical test results. Ugh!
    Enjoy your fall weather! -Jenn

  2. Hi, Katie! I went for my mammo this week too! Also in and out in less than a half hour….glad all is well!!!

  3. Hi Katie,
    Happy Friday! I put off my mammogram this year (I know) several months. My Mother also died from breast cancer. It is always a relief to receive a good report. You are always recommending good TV and I have one for you. Kathy Bates (love her) has a new show on CBS. Matlock. She is shrewd, smart and old (like me). It is a clever show and I am enjoying it. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Xx Maxine

    1. Maxine... I love Kathy Bates! I'll definitely tune in. Have a great weekend.

    2. I completely agree, Matlock is fantastic. I highly recommend as well!!

  4. I was once that screaming girl who couldn’t flee fast enough from seeing Mother Nature at her scariest. I still have the memories of naked old ladies who were prob moms in their 30’s, squeezing themselves in and out of bathing suits in the dressing room of the pool we belonged to. In time the girl who rudely dashed out of your examination room will wish she had Katie Clooney’s supermodel figure! Youth is truly wasted on the young. KTG

    1. No truer words have been said, KTG!!! Talk to you soon. xx

  5. It’s such a good feeling you are no longer required to get that part of the women’s exam. It reminds you that you’re advancing in age. What really reminds you when you are doing the Medicare mental health test, now repeat the three words. 🧐
    I totally understand the mammogram anxiety, waiting for the results. I’m happy for you your results are all green
    lights. The once a year exam is so much fun, it’s one I dread. My dermatologist is wonderful too. With a great sense of humor.

    1. Katherine... my derm could use a dose of sense of humor. Have a great weekend.

  6. My mother had BC in the 70’s & 80’s(actually 10 yrs apart) two mastectomies with opposing horizontal & vertical scars~ she did not pass with BC, however. Being an only child, I had to start mammograms at age 30. Getting a dreaded, yet necessary, mammo each year is no fun.(35yrs worth )But this year it probably saved me. I do have it😔early stage, low grade. The most anxious parts have been the 7 ultrasounds, 5 more mammos, 2 MRI’s, & 2 biopsies. The last one caused an intense bleed and now I’m also modeling a 2.5” hematoma. So..Surgery on 19Nov should be a piece of cake!I’ve only had one meltdown since all this has gone on starting in Aug. & it was b/c a delayed 5 day response to my 2nd biopsy. My 66th birthday is a week prior to surgery and I’m thrilled to be able to celebrate. Gift your friends with the reminder of those dreaded annual mammograms. 🫶🏼~ Cindy Cottrell in VA

    1. Cindy... never underestimate the cleansing of a meltdown. It sounds like you have have been through the mill. I remember with my mother that one of the most frustrating parts of the ordeal was waiting to get appts for tests as well as waiting for results. I wrote your name on my calendar on 11/19 to ensure prayers going your way. xx

  7. The seventies called, they want their high waist flare leg jeans back.

  8. I forgot about Lincoln Lawyer! We watched the first 2 seasons, love it. I'm sorry [not sorry], but Carrie Preston drove me nuts on the Good Wife, and I can't even stomach the commercials of Elsbeth. Hope your weekend was fabulous. Cheers to good health!


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