Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fall Decor & More


I hope you all had a good weekend.  I enjoyed a couple of catch-up lunches with friends, scratched a few errands off my list, got a little shopping in, and had a team-building lunch at Capital Grille with my staff, otherwise known as the Mister. 

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year, and I want to add some festive decor.  Over the weekend, I let my fingers scroll, and I'm taking you along with me.

I came across this darling witch in TJ Maxx over twenty years ago.
It's always the first decoration on display.

That witch was a dead ringer for my 5-year-old daughter, known as #2.

Let's go shopping!

These are great if you are hosting book club.


Multitasking nutcracker - 2 holidays in one!

Great for the kids' table.

I ordered this set for 10.

Cute paper plates

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love all the decorations! I look forward to seeing your Thanksgiving table and food. Yes, I will be very jealous, but love your style and food pics!

  2. Love your cute little witch and her look-a-like! Great suggestions, Katie! I especially like the hydrangea wreath. .. Happy Autumn to you and the Mister and family.

  3. I am also hosting Thanksgiving and my motto is you can never have too much pumpkin decor.


  4. So many really cute finds. Especially liked the Etsy door wreath and all of the paper products. I just found out that we are hosting Thanksgiving so I may be ordering some of these. What Capital Grille did you go to? Always a great meal no matter what city/state you are in. Melissa B in Frisco

  5. I absolutely love fall and all things in the way of fall decor. I'm getting the nutcracker for my granddaughter who has a large collection of Christmas nutcrackers. I think she needs this one too. So many great ideas, thanks.

  6. Katie,
    I am an Etsy shopper, but apparently I have not been doing enough shopping on the app. So many beautiful items from Etsy sellers. I love to shop a small business. Most of the people selling items are also women entrepreneurs. I hope you will share a photo of your Thanksgiving table.
    Xx Maxine

    1. A word of caution about Etsy shopping, some of the sellers are Chinese or Russian trolls posing as women entrepreneurs, and proceeds go to the illegal weapons trade.

  7. I love those blue pumpkins, they're stunning! Those velvet pumpkins - I have some like that in white and my family keeps telling me they look like onions. What? They're crazy. Those pumpkin napkins with the green trim are so pretty! Happy Fall!

  8. I hosted Thanksgiving up here in Canada on the13th. There were seven of us and I prepped for 20. Would you like any casseroles? I can offer you three different types. No? Perhaps a vat or two of turkey soup? Just sing out and I'll fire 'em down ...

  9. Katie - I so look forward to reading your blog and your recommendations. You have impeccable taste!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Very nice tablecloth, looks fitting for all holidays right up to New Years day. The fireplace mantle decorations are nice, but with all those dry leaves, plastic bits and polyester bows and ribbons next to those candles is a fire hazard. All it takes is for a kid to reach up to grab something or the cat to decide to play on the mantle, and the whole thing goes up in flames.


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