Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

I'm Just Wild About Etsy


I hope this finds you well.  Did you have a nice weekend?  Ours was lovely.  I spent some time reading all of the sweet comments that you left on my last post.  I appreciate them very much.

The Mister and I went to see this movie based on the book A Man Called Ove.  I read it eight years ago and loved it.  Many people will say the film is not as good as the book, but I thought it was equally entertaining.  Tom Hanks can do no wrong in my book.

We took our #1 to lunch, and she came back to the house to help me with a project.  More deets on Monday.

I have used Etsy for years and have had only great experiences.  I was on the hunt on Friday because the Mister had a bee in his bonnet.  I have an awkward alcove outside of my office on the second floor.  He would like it decorated pronto!  You know how he gets.  I am set on the furniture but in search of some artwork.  After an hour of tireless research, I thought I smelled a blog coming on, and I was right.  

I have used a lot of the sites mentioned.  
The ones that I have yet to utilize have 5-star ratings.

If you have read my Blog Central reveal post, you have seen a few of these prints decorating the walls.  Every time I look at one, I can't help but smile.

This is what got me scrolling on Friday. I thought it would be a cute idea to hang a poster of every state we lived in.  It comes out to an even six.  The above print is a contender.

Very reasonable and a great gift.

Pet portrait, anyone.  
Rumor has it that Chowdah has a side hustle.

Excellent source for frames.
They make them by hand and are very pleasant to work with.

Even doggies need a happy hour!

Millie loves her new jewelry.
Btw... it has her digits too.

I get all of Millie's t-shirts at this shop.

The monogram pillow came from this site.

I've gotten a few pillows from this site.

I've used this shop and was pleased.

The navy pillow came from this site.

I have ordered outdoor pillow covers from here.

Also, from here.

Excellent source for designer pillows.

Another good source.

I get my outdoor pillow inserts from here.

As soon as I get my act together and measure my cushions, I will have new outdoor cushions for patio furniture made here.

A great source for cute, fun fabrics.

This is a great place for cute removable wallpaper.
Spoonflower has a significant presence on Instagram.

My #2 had her drapes made here, and they look fab!

An excellent printing source.

A gardener buddy of mine likes this site.

This one too.

Need a Spring wreath?
Lots of choices here.

This is a live wreath.
Isn't it pretty?

Is someone you know getting married?
This site has everything from paper products to bridesmaid gifts.

Do you like to give monogrammed gifts?
This site is for you!

Embroidered bath products are sold here.

Pretty napkins

Everything from invites to paper products

Gender reveal party?
Baby shower?
This place has got you covered.

A good source for hostess gifts.

I have used this shop for my MBR.

I have yet to use any of these shops for costume jewelry, but they have good reviews and great stuff. 

Fun toys for overactive toddlers at this site.

So reasonable!

I could have used one of these when my girls were babies.
I was the world's worst swaddler.
The Mister, however, was a champ.

These sites have darling things for babies.

I'm getting this for the Mister.
He's one lucky guy.

Linked up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well, there goes my January resolution not to shop for myself. Loving the sites! Annie G.

  2. So much goodness, I want one of everything! Honestly, thank you for these recs - I have always been so pleased with my Etsy purchases!

  3. What a great source of great products. Love your blog!

  4. Just purchased my first thing ever on Etsy this December; my son wanted some rings and they just came in last week. They are beautiful!

  5. I loved the book man called Ove! um what’s with the baby finds? i just order two pillow covers from the casa anita site! Snow on way here! laura

  6. These are such fun ideas. I love ordering from Etsy and need to remember to look there when I'm hunting for a gift idea.

  7. Lots of great info, thanks Katie! I love your idea of hanging prints from each state you've lived in!

  8. Always fun, Katie! Going to check out (and bookmark) a few of these!! Thanks!! xo

  9. We saw A Man Called Otto, SO good! I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Such great products, thank you for the sights!

  10. I love Etsy - I've always had good luck with my purchases - so many items of which I am not aware - thanks for some new ideas.

  11. Love the pillow talk and references, thanks!

  12. I too enjoy shopping on Etsy. Thank you for introducing me to some new shops. Here are a few of mine: GeorgiannaLane, GooddogJack, Nantucketprintshop, Lightning bugs, playhousekid. m in hi

  13. I love all of the pretty pillows! Etsy is such a wealth of beautiful things. I'm all about monograms too. Thankfully my MIL has a sewing machine that can do it for me!

  14. There are some adorable gifts here. I always love your posts. Good luck selecting art from the great sources you've shared.
    Karen B.

  15. Ohhhhhhh thank you for reminding me again that the world doesn't begin and end with amazon! I love Etsy and I really love personal recommendations like yours, so thank you. Plus being married to a small business owner for 30some years ~ it's vital to support small businesses so thank you for all of your support Katie! Is it too soon to start shopping for 'me' after the many Christmas presents I treated myself to in the spirit of supporting small business? I think not! BTW your taste in shopping AND decor is timeless! KTG

  16. I love Etsy! Thank you for sharing all of your shops, it is nice to have recommendations from someone who has purchased or had something made. Off to check out a few of your pillow suggestions.


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