Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Friday, January 13, 2023

A Kitchen Facelift

I hope that you had a good week.  Ours was a busy one and flew by. We are off to lunch today and to see A Man Called OttoI have been dying to see it.  

Today, as promised, I will give you a glance at our kitchen reno.  Unlike the one at our last home, this transition was a smooth one. The contractors actually showed up on time, did a stellar job, and cleaned up after themselves. 

When we looked at the house for the first time, there were so many things that I loved about the kitchen.  One was the cabinetry - the style and color.  An added bonus was they looked brand new inside.  There was absolutely no wear and tear on the inside of the cabinets, drawers, or shelves in the pantry.

I also loved the second dining area in the kitchen.  The previous owner sold us the gently-used new table chairs and rug. We moved in at the beginning of 2021.  The owners of our Mass. home bought almost all of our furniture.  In hindsight, I'm glad they did because this house has a whole new feel to it.

I also loved the bar chairs, which, incidentally, were spotless.
The owner was kind enough to sell us them as well.  We had to wait at least six to eight months for our new furniture.

After 30+ years of marriage and six homes, I pretty much had the Mister figured out.  I learned to gently introduce the renovations to the Mister a step at a time.  

For instance, I wasn't crazy about this fixture. So I would casually look around the kitchen with a big smile and say how much I loved the kitchen and then settle my eyes on the next object that will be voted off the island.  I would squint a little, cock my head, and ask him if he thought the fixture was a bit dated. He gave me a hard "no" before I finished the question. 

This ain't my first rodeo.  I've got nothing but time.  For the next few weeks, I would continue to squint at the fixture.  Casually, I would add a shake of the head, and last but not least, I delicately throw in the dynamic duo of a frown and an eye-roll.

Eventually, the Mister threw in the towel, no pun intended.

The funny thing about ordering online is no matter how much the Mister and I measure, we really couldn't tell how it would look.  Between you and me, I almost passed out when the two guys and one Mister were hanging the fixture.  
First of all, it was really heavy. 
Second of all, it was as big as a planet. 
No worries, Mister, I love it now.

I gave the Mister a few weeks off from my design critique, otherwise known as nagging.  I used those weeks to compliment "his" taste on the new planet light fixture. 

Next up in my target range ... the dining chairs.  The tribe has spoken... it's time for them to get reupholstered. Now all I need was approval.

I tried a different approach for this task.  Dirt and stains are the Mister's kryptonite.  So every chance I got, I would dab an imaginary spot.  Immediately, the Mister's ears would perk up he would be on high alert.  He would approach and supervise my mission.  I would then comment that between the dogs and (hopefully) grandchildren, these white chairs would look like they went through the wringer.

He finally came around and said that I had a point and said we should start looking for new chairs.  I said that I loved the chairs and that reupholstering them would be much more economical, one of the Mister's favorite words.  He agreed, and I told him he has the best ideas.

I waited about two minutes to tell him the good news.  I had found a performance fabric that would be perfect, and it was on sale!    

He had no words.
I just assume that he was thinking...
How did I get so lucky to find this magnificent woman?!

When the chairs arrived, I congratulated the Mister on his forethought and good taste.

We lived in marital bliss for weeks until I glanced over at the countertops and thought
  it's not you; it's me. 

The problem with the counters, I thought, was that they were too dark for the room.  We have very little natural light in the room. There are windows, but they are covered by the roof on the patio.  
I had to start my new mission:  Operation Countertops.

I knew his Achilles heel.  Every time the Mister was in the kitchen, I would make a concerted effort to walk through and pretend to spot splotch on the counter.  I would sigh and grab a sponge and murmur loudly that I could never tell if the counters were really clean.  His ears perked up, and he pretended to ignore me. 
I thought... am I losing my touch?

So  I began to tweak my strategy.  When he would get frustrated doing a fix-it job around the house, I would put a concerned look on my face.  And then I would ask if the reason he was short-tempered is that he hates our countertops.  

I repeated myself, and he did another head shake. 

The seed had been planted.
Let the nagging begin.

I mentioned countertops to the Mister 
at least once a day for about a month.  
My comments were met with deaf ears.
I then went a whole week with no mention of them.
I suggested we go out to dinner.  We enjoyed a bottle of wine, and before I knew it, he said it was probably a good idea to switch out the countertops.  I complimented his good judgment and keen eye for design.  

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

Within ten minutes of getting home, I called my friend/designer Lori of Lori Lynn Designs. We made an appointment for Monday morning.  

Later that week, we met Lori to look at tile for the backsplash, sinks, faucets, and hardware.  

Lori employs only the best subs - they are prompt and so professional.  

Who's making all that racket?

After everything came in, the entire process took one week. 

The mastermind behind this operation.

We went with a quartzite named Taj Mahal, which was perfect for this space. 

The gentleman who owned the company that cut and installed the countertops made the decision to make the thicker ledge around the island and the bar.  I love it.

We also changed the backsplash.
I got that Quimper oyster platter from France through Etsy.
It was super heavy, so the Mister used one of his super-duper hangers.

We went with a stainless sink which we are happy with.

We changed the hardware, as well.

And I got the chairs reupholstered too!
The Mister has the best ideas!

Thanks for stopping by.
Leave some treats in the bowl on your way out.

Love me some winter white & pearls.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wow!!! Just wow!! All of it is perfect!! Specially love the barstools! Hugs…jmac

  2. The kitchen was pretty before, but now it has so much personality and life! I love the countertops and the fabrics you used, so pretty!

  3. I love all your choices!! It looks beautiful and I especially love the counter stools fabric…💙

  4. Love, love, love the kitchen, especially the countertops. I use a similar tactic - plant the seed and then wait til it's his idea. ;) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Absolutely Gorgeous!

  6. Katie! I love the changes. Especially those thick countertops. Well done to you (and Mister).

  7. Katie great job,as always! Love the countertops and the bars stools are perfect!

  8. Absolutely, love all of your additions to your kitchen! Dallas friend, Debbie

    1. Hey Miss Deb... I owe you a bday lunch. I'll text you.

  9. I laughed out loud reading this post. We just bought a new home and I use the same tactics to get my sweet husband to have great ideas. (This ain't my first rodeo, either!) Your kitchen looks lovely!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! My favorite has to be the bar stools!
    I know your new kitchen is a joy to cook in! You need to write a book on how to “encourage” the Mister, we could all use the help! LOL! Candace

    1. Great idea, Candace. It will have to be a training manual. Have a wonderful week!

  11. I would love to hear the Mister's version of all this!!

  12. Love it! Isn't the Mister brilliant?

  13. I LOVE the new kitchen! I was hoping you'd post it soon. Does the Mister NOT read your blog? You have given away all of your highly classified SECRET tactics!!

    1. He just looks at the pictures, like the rest of my family. Have a great week, jjf!

  14. I love your "tricks of the trade" dealing with the Mister....I use some of them too! As the old saying goes "happy wife happy life"! Your kitchen is beautiful by the way, tell the Mister I said so!

    1. Thank you. I will pass on your words. Have a great week!

  15. Katie you are so hilarious. I laughed out loud so many times reading this. So, giggling aside: very nice changes. I am so happy for you and The Mister. Great changes.
    Happy new year to you both!

  16. 😍 Fabulous! Delicious! Magnificent! 🤩 THIS looks like Katie's home. Brava!🎉

  17. Dear Katie, My husband missed the memo of “happy wife etc.” Our house flooded in Harvey. I knew it was my chance to finally move back to Boston. I’m still here in Houston in a brand new house In the wilds of Magnolia… but, he has a three car garage..so he’s happy! Love your kitchen!!! And I am taking notes!!

    1. So sorry about your flood. I hope you love your new house. My Mister would sell me for a 3 car garage. Have a great week!

  18. The kitchen is fabulous and you know how to work a deal! My goodness your powers of persuasion are top notch!

  19. Beautiful kitchen - I especially like the fabrics you chose for the chairs and also the coordinating prints on the stools. My husband isnt very observant, so if I changed a chandelier in my home it could possibly take a week for him to notice (There's an upside to that!) - Your home is lovely - enjoy it!

  20. Totally gorgeous kitchen! Love, love, love the countertops!

  21. I really love all your decisions and the final look!

  22. Love love love your blog! Kitchen looks fabulous and thanks for the heavy hanger thingy link. But I want to hear how you liked the movie??? I read A Man Called Ove when it first came out. Saw the Swedish film version in 2015. Both fantastic. Interested to see what Tom Hanks does with “Otto”?

  23. Hahahah! Are your sure the Mister doesn't have a long-lost brother in Portland?! Our strategies are the same, my decorating sister! 🤣 LOVE the new look, and congratultions!

  24. All of your choices really made a good kitchen great. Lighter and brighter and the chairs (table and bar) really put the wow factor in there.

  25. Wow... I really LOVE the counter tops! Good choice! The "new" blue and white chairs are fun and lovely. Your Mister has such good taste, indeed! (wink) xo

  26. It’s GORGEOUS!!!! Love everything! Dying to do my kitchen…hope it turns out as beautiful as yours when we finally do it. The CAPT is cranky about doing it but it’s got to be done. xoxo

  27. It turned out lovely! Two questions: Why did you leave the two level bar intact? And did you find reupholstery to be cheaper than replacing the chairs and barstools? In my area its cheaper to buy new and that is so discouraging!

  28. WOW! Really, just all of it! You picked my absolute favorite quartzite! We walked around so many showrooms and at every one that one drew me like a moth to a flame. Regrettably we ended up going with a quartz by Cambria but Taj will always have my heart! All of your choices are gorgeous! Btw just wondering is your house a townhome? Asking because we are looking at a few.Your kitchen is so big! Love it all Katie!!!

  29. Katie~ The kitchen- fabulous remake ! I love the counter tops- great choice. End result in all choices A++++++. Hugs Mary

  30. Jealous….ohhh sooo jealous!

  31. Would you ask Mister what floral fabric he picked for the bar stool? He has incredible taste!

  32. Your kitchen is gorgeous Katie! I love the fabrics you chose to recover your chairs, and the lighter counter tops look so bright and fresh...tell Mister he has great taste :)

  33. I love it! OMG we really our soul sisters! I do the exact same thing. Scan the room stare at the future project and seriously I do the same thing. Head tilt? Love the new light fixture. I think fixtures are the easiest way to update a space! Love the counters! Great job and agree on subs make or break a projects! xo laura in Colorado

  34. I know someone who would love that Quimper oyster platter. I am glad the Mister has confidence in those stick-on hooks. Love the new upholstery. You can never go wrong with a check. Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

  35. It looks beautiful! I was laughing outlaid at how you and the Mister work out design issues! It is exactly the same way at my house.

  36. I haven't stopped by here in quite a while due to all the activity in my own life but had time today and enjoyed every minute and photo. You are still so humorous and a delight. The insertion of your dog photos is always perfect. Your kitchen renovations are great, so tasteful and beautiful.

  37. The Mister just keeps getting smarter and smarter thanks you! LOVE how you covered your barstools, pretty blues always liven up a room. Love everything you've done and your planet chandelier is the star!!! KTG

  38. Your love of blue has not faded - love it!

  39. Just as I would expect, your taste is impreccable. Absolutely lovely! Love all your choices!

  40. I agree that the counter stools are to die for and if I were in a position to change my green granite I would definitely go for those Taj countertops! The overall effect is superb! I am also looking forward to seeing Tom Hanks as Ove, I mean Otto. Still don’t get why they needed to change the name. Oh well, thanks for the humorous tour and keep those laughs coming!

    1. Hi Hildred... I hope you enjoy Otto/Ove as much as me. Thank you for your sweet words.

  41. Upholstery is crazy amazing. Love it all! Mimi

    1. Miss you!! I'll text you this week. I need an update on the 'hood!

  42. Tan majal, my FAVORITE countertops…a picture doesn’t do them justice, have to see in person!
    Compliment the pendant beautifully…all is lovely!

    1. thanks so much. It does compliment the planet perfectly!! Have a great week.

  43. Well, how interesting it is to see you chose Taj Mahal. In truth, after all the floods and hurricanes we have had in Houston, it seemed that EVERYONE found Taj and installed it in their kitchens! I remember the day I took my husband to select counter top materials, and showed him some quartz samples. He asked the owner of the stone place what an alternative would be....and like a smart salesman, he took us both to look at a slab of Taj (an all natural material, i.e., REAL ROCK) as opposed to a man-made material. When the light shone through it, I could see my husband swoon, NO joke! We now have an entire kitchen of Taj Mahal, including a 4 foot tall back splash around the entire kitchen. I am grateful that we made this choice, but I will warn you that over time, cracks develop, and may have to be filled. It's worth it!

    1. We'll keep that last bit of advice a secret between us. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Enjoy your week.

  44. Oh my, it's fabulous! That Mister of yours is quite something ... he sees what needs to be done, obviously, and doesn't waste time getting on it. Or deputizing his supermodel, trophy wife to take charge. I'm sure the meals he prepares are all the more delicious in these state of the art surroundings. Well done, Mister. Well done. xo

  45. A gorgeous new look. We have the very same Taj Mahal in our pool house.
    The chairs look fabulous. Everything looks amazing. How special the mister was on board with the changes.

  46. This was hilarious! You should write a book on 'How to Communicate With Your Husband." LOVE your kitchen upgrades! Sorry, Love HIS kitchen upgrades! :)

    1. Hi Cindy... I am long on marriage advice and short on diplomacy. Have a great week.

  47. Your renovation, I mean the Mister's reno, looks fabulous and he made such wonderful choices! Your comments about the dining chairs reminded me of a situation long ago in which I positively loathed the kitchen table chairs we had early on in our marriage (46 years at last count). Hubby said there was nothing wrong with them, and physically there wasn't. So I decided to move the process along and brought out my trusty pair of scissors, a little snip there, a little snip here and the pulling out of stuffing suddenly made the chairs looks horrible and shabby. Needless to say I got my way with those chairs, they were gone and much better ones were in their place. Great minds think alike. Kudos all around!!

    1. Lisa... love that story. Been there (a few times) done that. Have a wonderful week!

  48. The kitchen is absolutely gorgeous! I so love those barstools, They are spectacular. I would never leave that room. Annie G.

  49. Wow! Love your kitchen facelift. We’re planning on a face lift also and we’re trying to decide if we should keep a bar height counter or lower it?? Did you have thoughts on lowering yours?

  50. Beautiful kitchen renovation Katie! Love the new countertops and backsplash. Gorgeous counter chairs! Your home is stunning........

  51. Katie, it looks FABULOUS! I love the backsplash, hardware, sink(we have the same one), and the counters. You are so very lucky that the Mister is so talented at design work. Hopefully this comment will actually show up as all of my others have disappeared.

  52. What a beautiful kitchen- thank you for sharing and thank you for the inspiration!

  53. Amazing blog. Thanks for sharing with us! If you are looking for home bars for sale then you should visit the given link and shop now!


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