J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Friday, September 9, 2022

I'm Back/Take 2


I hope that you had a good week.  First up, I want to thank everyone who left me a sweet comment, dropped me an email, and left me a message welcoming me back to Blogland.  I appreciate all of your kind words.

I don't know about you, but I had a busy week.  Not fun busy, just stuff I don't want to do busy.  

I began the week with my annual physical.  It was my first Medicare physical. I thought to myself, how different can they be?  The answer? Very different.

A few of last year's questions:

How many sexual partners do you have?
Do you do recreational drugs?

A few of this year's questions:

Can you stand from a sitting position without assistance?
Can you dress yourself?

Oh please...

With a touch of arrogance and an almighty eye-roll, I answered the questions delivered by the bored nurse. When she finished the intensive geriatric grilling, she handed me a dressing gown and proceeded out the door. It was when I was getting undressed that I realized that I had worn my white t-shirt inside out. Maybe I do need help getting dressed.

After the exam, I  threw on my clothes right side up, grabbed my purse, and flew out of the office with what little dignity I had left.

On with the recap of my Scintillating Summer Sabbatical.


They only made a solo appearance, but I did get hydrangeas in my garden.  For all of you Texans that said that hydrangeas don't do well in Texas ~ mea culpa - you were right.

 Millie started smoking again.

She has also developed expensive taste.

Every year, for eight years when I leave you in May, I tell you that I am going to finally sort and toss my photos and divvy them up between the girls.  Every September, I hang my head in shame and admit to you that I didn't cross that off my to-do list along with the other 499 items.
Not this year!  
I actually completed my task! 

We have been meeting our parents-in-law, The Adorables, for lunch about once a month, which is always a guaranteed good time.  As a matter of a fact, we are meeting them in Dallas tomorrow for lunch.

I met one of my favorite bloggers for lunch.  For a couple of years, I have been chatting it up with Laura from Everyday Edits
As many of you know, Laura lives in Denver.  She was visiting her son in Big D while he was doing an internship.  We met at my favorite restaurant, Honor Bar, and noshed on our Macho Salads and laughed like school girls throughout the entire lunch.

As if meeting Laura wasn't exciting enough, we then walked around the shops and ran into this guy.  We said hello, I told him I was a big fan, and he couldn't have been nicer.
A few days later I told a friend about my star sighting, and she said I didn't know you followed sports.
I politely corrected her by telling her that she must be thinking of someone else.  Mark Cuban is on Shark Tank.

I also met one of my favorite bookstagrammers, Jude, of @heyjudereads.  I followed her for a few years and didn't realize that she lived in the Dallas area.  We met for a fabulous Mexican lunch and talked all about books, one of my favorite topics.

We've gone to a couple of great movies and found some good TV shows that I can't wait to tell you about. 
By the way... if you haven't seen Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris I highly recommend that you treat yourself.  Even the Mister loved it.

I promised you a sneak peek of our Master Bedroom.
I have a full post in the works.

Michael, drumroll, please.

And now for our big news.

Our New Yorkers, Adorable Jonathon and our #1 are moving back to Dallas this weekend!  I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have all my chickadees back in Texas.

Here is a list of the last of my Amazon purchases. Stop over to Tanya's party, Prime Purchases, to see what other bloggers are buying. 

I can't get enough of these skorts.  I find them so much more comfortable than shorts.
Sorry I look bloated in this picture.

I put these inexpensive workout tops on Instagram and I heard so many positive comments from people.
Good fit and a great price.

Make a fashion statement and wear it inside out.

I've worn New Balance forever.  It seems that every time I find a shoe I like, it gets discontinued.  These are my current fave.

These insoles are a lot comfier than the brand that I used to wear which were much pricier.


I bought this for a couple that recently have become engaged.

I bought this for the Mister because he seems to be aging much quicker than me.  

I bought this cover-up because one of my Insta Idols had it on and she looked so cute in it.
When I put it on, I realized that the 40-year age difference may have been the reason my Insta Idol looked so great.  But I still liked it so I kept it.

I love this duvet cover!  
It's soft, and well-made, with zippers, and corner ties.
I got the oversized king.

Our girl has turned into quite the chewer.
Both of these bones have survived so far.

These are Millie's favorite treats.

I also bought the audio.
This should give you an idea of how well training is going around here.

The Mister bought these for my office.
I love this curved screen which cuts out the glare. 


The Mister attached this under my desk to avoid messy wires.


The Mister ordered a new supply of these so he can clean up all the little messes I leave behind.

If you missed the first part of this post, you can find it here.

Last, but certainly not least, my condolences go out to my British friends.

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well, this post is just brimming with goodness! First of all so happy your girlie is moving back to Texas! Secondly, I would love to meet Laura and you for that matter, both of you in the same room, lol! Always love your finds, your photos and your fabulous sharing of life!

  2. Katie-M! I adore you! Our lunch was the highlight of my summer! Sending you a proper email shortly! I am so happy for you that M and AJ are back in Dallas! With three kids in three states .... Evan ended up at a pool party around near Honor Bar (over where we kept seeing his car) I told him to say hi to Mark if he ran into him at the CC. That kid!

  3. So happy everyone is back in Dallas! Anna left Boston last year kicking and screaming but has adjusted to what she calls “hillbilly life”🤣🤣. Source for topiary’s around fireplace?.

  4. I love that they are moving back home. Now, if we can just get #2 settled in Dallas all will be well with Mama Katie. I didn't think I could love your new home as much as the one in northeast, but it is a winner for sure. Millie is just precious too.

  5. I never order what bloggers post…never…I finally have…the disposal cleaner and dishwasher cleaner…first has arrived and works! Thank you…the second on the way…I live in a small condo so don’t need items for it…I also live in Florida and any new clothes not needed…however, ideas like these are fantastic…keep it up…

  6. I'll say it again--I'm so glad you're back! Your description of the medicare physical is spot on. It's a rude awakening for sure.

  7. So happy you’re back! Congratulations on getting the massive picture project done!! Hip hip hooray that your girl and AJ are moving closer to you & his parents.
    Have a great weekend. - mimi

  8. HAHA - can't wait for my first Medicare physical! 🤣 Congrats on the photo project. I'm inspired! So happy for all your other fun news, and hope you have a lovely weekend to bask in it. Thanks as always for the useful and entertaining interlude!

  9. I had a few laughs with the first part of your post. I just had my annual physical (required by hubby's corporation) so I could relate to the delights of a doctor visit. And earlier this week I answered the door and then realized I had my shirt on inside out. Hopefully the ATT repair man didn't notice! I'm so happy about your upcoming reunited family!! Great news.

  10. Congrats on the photo sort Katie, that has been on my list for YEARS 😂 So happy your daughter is moving back, best news ever!

  11. Yay that your daughter is moving back! I bet they're just as thrilled as you are.

  12. Dearest Katie,
    That dreaded Medicare checkup. Did they ask you to draw a clock and indicate the time? I told the nurse they were going to have to come up with a new test when the younger generation (my grandson) becomes eligible because he probably has never seen a clock! I am thrilled your family will all be together in the same state again. I think that is a good excuse for the Mister to cook and a family celebration. So glad you are back.

  13. So glad #1 and AJ are moving back! Everyone all together again!

  14. The first question I always get from the doctor is have you fallen in the last six months? Seriously, do these orthopedic shoes look like they would allow me to fall? LOL. Glad that your family will all be together again. xo Laura

  15. Katie, congratulations that your daughter is moving back to Texas!!!! How wonderful! Love hearing about your summer holiday. Sorting photos is no joke! You probably needed the last few summers to build up the fortitude to handle that. Cannot wait to see your new bedroom! Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. That Medicare questionnaire is ridiculous. It's a grade card they have to complete in order to get reimbursed. I learned from my husband's experience how to avoid them repeatedly following up by how he answered vs how I answered. How exciting to have the kids all back together in TX. Great shopping list, and I especially like the curved monitor. My mister just ordered a new computer like the one I got last November, but neither of us replaced our monitors. It's time, as I found out mine is now obsolete in updating the video camera with Windows 11.

  17. Your T-Shirt at the doctor story - hilarious -

  18. Yeah, you are back. I am impressed that you have increased your walking to 5 miles. As if 5 miles wasn't impressive enough, you did it in the heat of summer. Now that the Mister is retired again, perhaps he would like to do a cookbook of all of his favorite recipes. So happy you have the young Adorables moving near by,

  19. Just when I had the comment thing figured out I'm back to square one ... Anonymous Juliet from Make Mine A Spritzer! Ok ... well, congratulations on the return of the newlyweds. You and the Adorables must have been toasting up a storm ... your two, sweet chickadees back in (or near) the nest! Anxiously awaiting your bedroom reveal! xo

  20. I realized I was getting older when I went for my annual exam and they did not ask me to pee in a cup! You crack me up Katie, and I have to say thank you for sharing your bloated picture in the skort - your faithful followers will grant you grace and we can look beyond the belly to see how cute it is! Ha!!!

  21. I really am so glad you are back! I know you are over the moon that your other daughter will be in Texas, too! Also, I receive notice of your posts via email so I'm sitting at my desk (remember I work in a church) and I should really wait until I'm home to read your posts because they ALWAYS make me laugh out loud! The doctor visit story is priceless!

  22. I'm thrilled that you're back! I always enjoy so much goodness from your posts and they give me ideas as well as make me chuckle.
    Karen B.

  23. Oh my gosh. Just. So. Funny. Thanks for this delight! And thanks to Cindy Hattersley for leading me to you. :-)


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