Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 14, 2019

January Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  
They really go by quickly, don't they?

This photo pretty much captures the essence of our weekend.  Chili is still recuperating and is due to have another minor surgery soon.  Needless to say, the poor little thing hates wearing both of her new accessories - the donut and the cone of shame.  We are seeing the Vet today so hopefully, she will have some good news.

The Mister and I got a lot of reading done and also went to see The Upside which we loved.

I wanted something light to read during the holidays, and this one filled the bill.  It's a quick read with a sweet sentiment.

A page-turner that beats all page-turners.
When you start it, make sure that you have plenty of time because you won't want to put it down.

The Mister and I listened to this one on a road trip and really enjoyed it.  Wonderful story and intriguing three-dimensional characters.


The Mister and I adored The Silver Music Box. Dreams of Silver is the sequel and fell flat from the first page.  


You think your Mother-in-law is a witch on wheels?  
Let's talk after you read this book.
The Other Woman was a fast read with a slight twist at the end.
I'm a sucker for a plot twist that I didn't see it coming.


I just started listening to this one on Audible.  I should have read it instead because I'm having some difficulties keeping the wives and their kids straight.  It's pretty good so far, though.  Has anybody read it?


This was my choice for my book for Prime Reading.  A young girl emerges from the woods filthy and starving. A woman who appears to have everything in life finds her. 
Spoiler alert: that's not the end of the story.
Great reviews on this one.
I started this one last night.

The Mister and I listened to this play, written by and starring Billy Crystal for Audible.  I loved it.  It's got a clever premise and as you can well imagine it keeps you in stitches.

Killers of the Flower Moon takes the reader back through exhaustive research, to the time of the United States oil boom.  Exposed is the exploitation of the Osage Indian Nation, some of the primary benefactors of this windfall.  The FBI, in its infancy, played a role in uncovering one of the most despicable and corrupt periods in our time.  Hard to put down and realizing this all took place in relatively recent times is eye-opening. 

This book began rather unlike most "design" books, by talking about comfort and coziness instead of form function.  Sounds good so far.  I like my home to feel lived-in rather than staged or arranged in vignettes, as though I expect someone to come to shop my home any minute.  Then it kind of veered off in a direction that had me scratching my head. "Quieting" a room, completely furnishing, (including hanging draperies) and then repainting just doesn't make sense.  There has to be a happy medium between design that sucks all the life out of a room and wishing a home would experience a natural disaster so one could start again... without all of the old crap... 

As an avid DIYer and newly "retired," I am teetering on the edge of conquering nearly every art and craft known to woman. However, floral design eluded me.  It was an epiphany to me that one could actually learn to arrange flowers by simply buying a book!  
Featuring actual step-by-step instructions, the mysteries all came to light, and floral arranging is no longer intimidating.

A great tip about hobby books- if you check the "used" books on Amazon or other bookselling sites, you'll likely find amazing deals - like $6.00 vs. $30.00.  A great way to invest in educating yourself at a bargain basement price.  

If you enjoy theater, you'll likely decide at some point to visit Broadway to see where it all began in the United States.  This fascinating account of the district, which goes back to when Broadway was a parade route in Colonial times, is more about the history of the street and its place in NYC than the genesis of the actual theater.  It tends to get a bit caught up more in the routes and architecture than I expected.  But if you are a fan of NYC itself, you'll be intrigued as this book leads you mile by mile The Great White Way.

Thank you, Ellen, for another month of your fabulous non-fiction reviews.

A woman discovers an old picture taken of her parents and a baby.  
Spoiler alert:  she has a twin brother.
Or does she?

This novel centers around a woman seeking shelter from a blizzard with five strangers.  Did I mention that one of them is a kidnapped child?  Hopefully not a whiny one.


An antique dealer finds an old photo and a tin box filled with secrets.  I will definitely read this one because I love the cover.


This is another thriller that has gotten great reviews from my Instagrammer buds. I enjoyed The Wife Between Us, so I will definitely give this one a whirl. 

This is another book about a woman finding old photos.  Only this time they are contained in an old suitcase in Grand Central Station.  I enjoyed The Orphan's Tale, so I am definitely going to download this one.


A woman moves to a small community and uncovers many of her neighbor's secrets.  Is it just me or does it seem to you that this theme is a little overdone?
I'll probably give it a chance though.

A woman scientist leaves her husband and runs away.  
Oh yeah, by the way... she becomes a famous actress named Hedy Lamarr. 

A woman receives an anonymous letter from a person claiming that her mother committed a horrible crime.  This is another book that I received for free from Prime Reading.  I'll keep you posted.

How many books can this woman write in a day?  
Steel's latest novel centers around a divorced doctor who heads up San Francisco's busiest emergency room.

This one looks kind of cute. 

I always think that even I could make a recipe with only five ingredients. 
The Mister is not so sure. 

Little Miss Skinny Pants has another cookbook out.
I bet she's never cleaned her plate in her life!


The Mister and I are finishing up this dramedy that takes place in Australia.  It centers around a hot heart surgeon whose life goes on the skids.  He then moves back to his home town and works in a small hospital.  
It's pretty cute, and so is he.

I watched both seasons of Dr. Foster.  The wife is a doctor, and the husband has a roving eye.
I still can't figure out which one of the two is crazier.
It was like a car wreck - I couldn't stop watching.

There is lots of Oscar hype for The Favourite.  
I just thought it was okay.  
Warning:  the ending is so abrupt that I think that they may have run out of film.


I'm sure a lot of people will have their own spin on Cheney's public life.  
The movie presents the story with such creativity, you can't help but be entertained.
I think Christian Bale is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood.
You can quote me.


I never expected to like this one as much as I did.  Clint Eastwood gave a stellar performance, and he also directed it.  
Added bonus:  Bradley Cooper is in it!

Both stars were phenomenal in this one.
The costumes and makeup were phenomenal.


If you are down in the dumps, don't walk but run to this uplifting movie based on a true story.
Btw... Bryan Cranston stole the show.

Until next time...

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Over The Moon
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Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Always love these recommendations. Thank you for being such a savvy reader, television and movie viewer! Yes I loved The Mule more than I thought I would too. Several of these books especially an anonymous girl just went on my list. Poor Chili, a doughnut AND a cone. Boo. Xo

  2. I had ordered the e-book copy of "Every Breath" from the library and during the hub-bub of the holidays missed the notice it was finally available. So, I'm now back to 19 out of 19. Hope its worth it. I started listening to the audiobook of Liane Moriarty's "Truly Madly Guilty" while on a weekend road trip and was still wondering why after the 20th chapter. By that time, it's too late to not finish, but I'm wondering if its going to be worth the hours. I'll let you know. Have a great week and thanks for the recommendations. I think Hubby and I need to make a matinee movie date this week.

  3. Great and interesting books. I think I'm more interested in " The Other Woman" book. Thanks for recommending these books.
    Wonder Cottage
    The Glossychic

  4. Thanks for a terrific list (as always) Katie! I agree about the Favourite. When you hit the fact check pages, you get a different spin on things (as Rick says, "It's a movie, not a documentary!" And then end was just weird. And whomever designed the credits should be strung up by their computer cords. Need to check out the Lost Girls of Paris and some of the others. Too many books, too little time!

  5. I might need to look into the floral arranging book. I want to get better at it, and I even took a workshop at our local library.

    Christian Bale might be talented, but he can keep his leftist comments to himself. As a person, he is misguided in his communist doctrine, Bless His Heart! And HOW DARE HE call ANY human being Satan? If an actor made that statement about any democratic politician his or her career in Hollywood would be over.

    I think I'll skip Vice.

  6. Oh how I love your book recommendations Katie....I so hope your darling fur-baby is feeling in the pink very soon! Stay warm and cozy up there in the East!

  7. Just finished Watching You by Lisa Jewell. I enjoyed it and there was a twist at the end that I liked. Started the new season of Victoria on PBS...great as usual. I really want to see Mary Queen of Scots but it is not playing in our area. POOH!

  8. Oh my... something for everyone here!! I made note of a couple of the books that sound good to me! I always appreciate your reviews! Love that first photo of the furbabies and hubby. Sure hope Chili gets good news and some of that stuff off her neck! Poor baby!! Keep us posted, please!!

  9. Loved No Exit...it's a good one! Thank you for your recommendations!

  10. Looks like sonw awesome reads . I want to see that movie upside so bad . Hoping too as well . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Your list of books has some intriguing ones that I must add. I just finished a trilogy, so I am on to the next book. Poor Chili, hopefully a good report!

  12. aww poor doggy!
    So many of these books are already on my TBR list.. can't wait to get my hands on them!


  13. I also picked True Places as my Prime book but have yet to start it. I have a couple other Danielle Steel books I'm currently reading and have been thinking the same thing lately-- wow is she writing up a storm! Most of these others are "new" books to me and I can't wait to dig into lots of them. Pinned.

  14. The Heart Guy and Doctor Foster are two of my favorites. I agree with your assessment of both of them. xo Laura

  15. This post is packed with so many great recommendations! Verity is popping up as a must read all over the place. I can't believe my library doesn't have it. Hopefully soon! Did you know the Prime First Reads is giving us TWO books free this month? I have my "New Books" post coming out tomorrow and we have lots of similar recommendations. I laughed out loud with the Miss SKinny Pants comment. I am so behind on movie going. I was disappointed to see that Mary Queen of Scots is rated R. Grace and I loved the previews, but I hesitate to take her to an R movie. Thanks for all the new ideas!

  16. Was happy to hear Upside is good! I've been waiting for it to come out. Your poor baby...a cone and a donut.

  17. I always enjoy these posts Katie. You take the work out of searching! Now I just need to find the time to read...

  18. Bravo. You have been a very busy girl. Your list included some very good books. I’m glad you liked Verity.

    I will have to add “True Place” to my TBR list. I Really liked the Dr. Foster show until she went off the deep end. It is hard to like her now. I’m currently watching The Split on Hulu which is also a BBC show. I think you would like it about a mother and her daughters who are family trial lawyers.

    I was a floral designer for our Anglican church for many years. We always had a motto that “a bee should be able to fly through our arrangements.”

    Finally, your subtle shade on Gwynneth made my day. LOL

    Cheers, Linda Parvin Hutchinson
    IG: @bookbimbo

  19. I am really hoping that Vice is shown in cinemas here - I couldn't believe it was Christian Bale when I saw the trailer -that has to be Oscar territory surely? I love Bale as an actor too - I grew up in Dorset and so did he and went to school with people I knew - so have followed him since Empire of the Sun days. Great Actor - he commits so much. MQOS - gosh we covered that topic until it was inside out at school - it has to be seen. Would you have executed her if you were EI?

  20. Oh I forgot to tick the notify me box - let me know your thoughts! J :)

  21. Doctor Foster, I keep passing it up on Netflix...I'll be sure to watch it next.

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