Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Driving Miss Daisy/TTT/BIG News

Hi Everybody!  It's me - Miss Daisy reporting back after spending the past three months out in the world having fun.  If you are new here, I am Katie's MacKenzie-Childs tote and a proud member of the Tales of the Traveling Tote tribe. 

I am going to give you a tote's-eye view of our Summer.  Mom has a few posts planned that will go into more detail on some of the highlights of the past three months.

I admit it.  
I am not a good secret keeper.  
Thursday night, Mom and Dad got a call from #1.  
She had really BIG news.

She said YES!
#1 and Adorable Jonathon are engaged!
They are meeting Mom & Dad and hopefully me in Beantown today for a celebration!

I have a feeling that #1's going to ask me to be in the wedding.


We started the Summer with a bang.  A beautiful afternoon was spent at the picturesque Wequassett Resort feasting on a scrumptious lunch and listening to some authors talk about their books.
Mom got to meet one of her favorite authors.  
She'll fill you in later. 

We spent another day on the Cape visiting Mom's old Texas tennis buddy.  Miss Jill moved there a couple of months ago, and Mom couldn't be happier. 

Mom had Miss Jill and their friend Butler over for lunch this week.

This trio likes to laugh a lot.

#1 and Adorable Jonathon came for a weekend in July.  We spent the day in Osterville, one of Mom's favorite towns.

We had lunch at Crisp, one of Mom's favorite places.
Are you getting the gist of who the boss is around our family? 

Hope you like the hat.
She never took it off all Summer. 

Btw... this was the weekend that AJ asked my Dad for #1's hand in marriage.
I wonder if it was happening here...
Maybe Dad is filling AJ in on our no return policy!

Mom also met one of her lovely readers, Sue.  
I hate to brag, but Sue recognized me before Mom. 

You can't see me because I am sitting in #2's car.  This was our view for two straight days.  In July, Mom and I flew to Atlanta and drove #2's car while she drove this Uhaul all the way to her new home in Dallas.  #2 got a new job and a groovy pad which she loves, by the way.

Sista & Co. had a huuuge shindig in Connecticut.
Be prepared for a huuuge blog post about this fun day.

I wasn't kidding about the hat.

At the beginning of August, we took a 12-day vacation.
Our first stop was Rome.

Last time Mom and Dad were in Roma, they had a delightful lunch at Harry's Bar.  You can read about it here.
They decided to make an encore appearance, and as always, they were not disappointed.

The next day we were off on our cruise.  
Final destination - Venice.

The suite was very pretty.
I told Mom and Dad that I would bunk on the couch.

Glad I took my Dramamine.

I hung around this guy a lot.
In case of emergency women and children go first.
There is no mention of totes.

Before we knew it, we were back with these two crazies.


Thanks for stopping by. In the meantime, pop over to my fellow traveling tote buddies to find out what they have been up to these past three months.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Lea and Miss Scarlett @ Cici's Corner

And now for the really good news...

The Traveling Totes tribe is offering another giveaway. Linda P @ Life and Linda is our giveaway sponsor this time. One lucky reader who leaves a comment on Linda P's September 1 post will have their name thrown into the hat for an opportunity to win the following pair of MacKenzie-Childs Elizabethan guest towels!

See you on December 1st!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You spent the day in Osterville?!?! I didn’t see you. -Niki

  2. It's so good to see you Miss Daisy and your mom too! Y'all come back now...summer's over. :)

  3. Congratulations Katie et al. Bet you’re going to have a lot of fun and a lot of stories about wedding planning. Welcome back!

  4. Yay! Let the wedding planning begin��Congratulations to all. As a MOB who just experienced all the wedding things the the past year, it is so. much. fun.

  5. Well you had a great summer....Can't wait to hear about your cruise (the Med was my fav cruise, eva!!) Looking forward to hearing your fav thoughts on Venice! Congrats on the engagement. Our #2 is getting married a week from today - wait til you start that planning!! My BFF spends a long weekend at Waquosett every summer and I love hearing every detail! Happy to hear you had a busy summer and look forward to you upcoming posts!!

  6. Ohhh what exciting news Katie!!! You are going to have sooo much fun and no doubt will plan the most beautiful wedding!! Congrats to you all on such very, happy wonderful news!! Your little couple is ADORABLE!!! Let the planning begin!!��

  7. Exciting news for #1, Adorable Jonathan, you, and dad's wallet. You are in for an exciting year. Loved checking in on your travels and can't wait to hear more.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. It's so good to hear from you and what an exciting summer you enjoyed and now, a wedding to plan. As always, such fun to read about your comings and goings and glad to see Chili and Chowdah are doing well. Happy Labor Day weekend!

  9. What an amazing summer you have had and I can’t wait to read about it in more detail. Congratulations to your soon-to-be son-in-law and blessings to your beautiful soon-to-be bride daughter. Happy Labor Day weekend.

  10. Well you certainly had a fantastic summer with your cruise and the fantastic news about your sweet daughter!!! Lots of happy in this post! I love Rome, and I've never been on a cruise in Europe, so I'd love to hear more!!! Happy Labor Day Weekend!

  11. So great to hear back from you after what looks like a fabulous summer!! An engagement, Rome, Dallas, parties...so exciting! "Women and children first...no mention of totes" - too funny! And so great to see those two hooligans again. I am looking forward to more of their usual antics! Happy Labor Day Weekend!
    xo Shelley

  12. Welcome back, Miss Daisy and that lady who carries you! What a summer you've had! Can't wait to see how #1's new landing pad works out (back to TX one way or another, ey? or, in the case of your friend moving to the Cape, bringing TX to you, right??) and #2's wonderful news (MOB, my advice is go get lots of Monopoly money now!). Love the hat, love, love, love those hydrangeas in New England, and can't wait to hear all the lowdown on that CT outing in July and that seafaring cruise!

  13. Well, no wonder Katie has been MIA this summer! She's been on the road! Welcome back -- I've missed you and the fun and joy I get when I visit. Three cheers on Adorable Jonathan (he is) and the Famous Author (do tell) and so much more! You said you'd return and you did. Yay!

  14. Girl......you better pull your bootstraps up cuz your life is getting ready to take a whole new turn!!!! So much happiness for y’all and of course we want every juicy detail....how’d he ask her, was it a surprise for her, where were they, did u know exactly when he was doing it, how’d he ask the mr......you get it. ALL the scoop your happy readers need!!!
    Glad you’re back and had such a cool summer....missed mr chowdah and ms chili! And you too!!!

  15. No return policy! Cracks me up. Congratulations!

  16. Hi Katie, welcome back after your summer break. And boy does Miss Daisy do a wonderful job reporting, except for the secrets she can't keep:) Congratulations on your daughter's engagement. I know you will enjoy planning that event. Looks like you enjoyed a lot of fun with friends and you and the mister enjoyed lunching a lot. I can't wait to hear all the details of the wonderful Roma trip and Venice. We traveled to Rome in May and went back to favorite places too. If you do ever get down south I hope you will visit me. Enjoy this wonderful Labor Day weekend.................Hugs dear Katie.

  17. Welcome back to blog world and congratulations for #1 daughter. Let the wedding planning begin!

  18. I am so glad you and Miss Daisy are back. I know the pups are very excited. Can’t wait to hear all about the summer. Congratulations on #1’s news!!!

  19. Welcome back!! Sounds like an amazing summer and that engagement thrown it... WOW!! Looking forward to more details!

  20. You are so lucky to get invited along on the cruise! I hope you didn't gain too much weight - along with Mom of course!! Rome to Venice - wow, lucky girl!! I can't wait to see you in #1's wedding - hope you match the colors, if not, just try and blend in. What happy happy news for everyone in the family! Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

  21. Sounds like you had a very busy, yet enjoyable summer. Welcome back. And, congrats to #1 on her engagement and #2 on her new job.

  22. What an amazingly eventful summer. I had seen the happy couple showing off the ring on an IG post. I'm excited and happy for these two! Have they set a date? I didn't realize #2 had moved to Dallas. That's big news too. Now with both girls back in TX, mom and dad are sure to follow. Right? I would love that!
    I look forward to seeing more details about the cruise. Sounds wonderful!

  23. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    MAKE TIME FOR ME!!!!!!!

  24. Wow, what an amazing adventure. Miss Daisy travels first class. Rome and Venice sound absolutely delightful. We hope to visit one day.Congrats on #1 being engaged. How exciting. Let the fun and preparation begin for this very cute couple. #2 deserves some kudos on the new job. Hope your holiday weekend is fabulous!

  25. Welcome back, Katie. Sounds like you had a busy and exciting summer! Can't wait for your new posts. Congratulations to you and #1. You will have such a fun year of planning. I have to say though, it's about time Adorable Jonathon! My daughter dated her husband for nine years (knew him since 1st grade) so there was a lot of "it's about time" speeches at the wedding.

  26. I have missed you! Welcome back!!

  27. Hello .. what a fun post. So excited to read about your adventures.
    Welcome back,

  28. What a lovely post! Congratulations to #1 ;-) Looks like a lot of exciting things going on over your summer. Looking forward to future posts :-) Have a great evening!


  29. Miss Daisy thanks for reporting the wherabouts of Mom as she was missing all summer long. Congrats to #1, how fun an upcoming wedding. I love Rome and Venice, I can’t wait to read all about them. Welcome back, Katie!

  30. Wow Miss Daisy, you certainly have had a busy summer, and now that you will have to help mom plan #1's wedding, you will be even busier! I can't wait to hear more about Rome and Venice! I've been stuck at the beach all summer, my mom never goes anywhere exciting...
    Miss Coquille

  31. Congratulations on your daughter's engagement..they are the ADORABLES : ) In my next life I want to come back as Miss Daisy! DA Squires

  32. Loved this post! You've been on many adventures lately!!

  33. Miss Daisy, you have certainly had a wonderful summer! Keep up the adventures, and I can't wait to hear more about the trip to Italy! Wish you the best helping mom plan the wedding.

  34. What a wonderful treat to be able to spend the afternoon laughing and catching up. We didn't even get to scratch the surface of the topics we wanted to cover. You are an amazing hostess and exquisite decorator. So happy for number one and can't wait to do hear about all the excitement that's about to unfold for you and the family. Blessings, Butler❣

  35. Nice to see you back. Thrilled for all of you about Number 1's news. Where did they get engaged? The beach looks beautiful. Impressed that Number 2 drove a U-Haul back to Dallas. I don't think I could ever handle one. Look forward to reading about the wedding plans.

  36. Welcome Back - You've been missed. Congratulations to #1 - so many fun days ahead planning a wedding - Need book recommendations!

  37. I am over the moon for #1 and her handsome beau! They make a darling pair. Oh dear, what will the Miss Daisy of the bride wear to the wedding? Lol. Soooo refreshing to have you back gorgeous! xo

  38. Oh your BACK! Fabulous! Now there are so many new and exciting things that are going on apparently! Congrats to your daughter and her cutie pie...I look forward to reading about all the wedding plans! Would love to hear about your Rome adventure and Sista's soiree over the summer....MARVELOUS!!!

  39. Congrats.

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