Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

This & That / Sweater Weather

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  The Mister and I had a great day yesterday.  We met Sista and her Mista in a charming Connecticut town named Stonington.  It was a perfect day for a scrumptious waterside lunch and shopping.

I took plenty of pics to share with you this week.

This was our view at lunch.


Last week, my #1 and her buddies attended a Real Housewives of Dallas watch party.  She said that the ladies were lovely.

Their favorite was Mama D.


A Place To Call Home is back with Season 6 and better than ever.  It begins on a sad note, though.
No spoilers here!


I am smack dab in the middle of this novel and enjoying it very much.  It was my Prime pick this month.

One of my dear readers, Sharon, recommended this book to me and she did not steer me wrong.  The Mister and I listened to it on our trip to Connecticut and enjoyed it tremendously.


I love sweaters!  While the Mister was watching some stupid war movie, I let my fingers do the walking in search some new Fall sweaters.  

I have a lot of long sweaters.
The more the garment covers, the better.

I thought my girls would like this one.
My chunky shoulders have seen better days.

My closet is a sea of black and grey.
I think it's time for me to get out of my comfort zone and put some color into my wardrobe!

I love all of the clothes on Reece Witherspoon's site.

They call this the Jackie sweater.

The other day I wore a blouse and a cardigan.  It never looked right because the darn blouse kept bunching up.  I think that I may go this route - sweater and collar attached.

Cute for an evening out.

I love cashmere because it isn't bulky but it's nice and warm.

I adore ponchos!
They hide a multitude of sins.

Kate Spade






I have three of these in a shorter version in my closet that I have never worn because I can never make them look quite right.  I think I'll have better luck with this one because it is longer.



Or maybe I'll just order the sweatshirt that the Mister gave me in different colors.

My man is always throwing compliments my way.

Until next time...

Mia Phoy/Upsplash 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love sweater weather. The ones you have picked out are all so nice. I have a few that match those shown. I also knit sweaters to keep me in "style".
    Perfect weather to enjoy reading books too.

  2. Sweater weather is short lived here in Florida but the ones you shared with us are all very cute! We LOVE A Place To Call Home and are watching this final season. I may have to go back and start at the beginning again when it is all over. Have you watched 800 Words? We really like it too and the new 3rd season just started.

  3. Those are some lovely sweaters! It's getting pretty chilly here at night, but still warm enough in the day. Are you getting involved in wedding preparations yet? -Jenn

  4. Haven't checked in to season 6 of A Place to Call Home yet, but love the show. Stills can't believe it is time to think about sweaters. Hubster and I are watching Yellowstone on the Paramount channel...Kevin Costner, I think I like it, but only when I look up from my reading and writing. Darn graduate classes...also just finished Sam Hell...extraordinary...loved it... a winner...thanks so much for the recommendation.

  5. Small world....my daughter works for the foster care agency that Brandi adopted through. She missed the party Wednesday, she was in Lubbock working on opening an office there.

    1. That is a small world, Melinda! My daughter said she thought Brandi was very sweet. I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you for taking the time to read my blog!

  6. The last sweater takes them all! LOL I love several of the ones you show here. That Jackie sweater is pretty cute. Don't you remember when those sweaters with the collars (and cuffs) attached were THE THING to wear? I do! Think I got rid of mine a few years ago...and now they're back. LOL

    Hope you have a great upcoming week, my friend. xo Diana

  7. Great sweater selection! Even though I am always sad to see summer end, I am excited that it's been cool enough the wear sweaters again. The "stupid war movie" comment cracked me up because my husband loves to watch them and that is exactly how I refer to them! Enjoy your week!

  8. So many cute sweaters!! I love them but they have to be cardigans for me these days. You know, hot flashes.

  9. I am also looking forward to sweater weather...And after that season I want spring to arrive - I wish we could bypass winter!!

  10. They all will look great on you and your daughters.

  11. Only in the 80s here in Alabama this week...that is fall for us.lol Not sweater weather yet!!

  12. I am on the lookout for long sweaters too. I love A Place TO Call Home. I'm just sad it is coming to an end. xo Laura

  13. We will have sweater weather maybe in January...

  14. I love sweater weather, although it is short-lived here in So. California. The cashmere wrap kind of sweater is great. I've got it on my amazon list.

  15. Bha ha ha, my Mr. would so give me that SS. Your cozy sweater round up is giving me all the Fall feels and Amazon here I come. xo

  16. Finally sweater weather here too and we are loving it! Long sweaters and ponchos are also my faves! Hope you have a great week!

  17. Ah...those are some beautiful sweaters...love sweater weather! And I have a fellow "Place to Call Home" watcher I see! Oh my, I have gotten hooked on this show. I came in on season 4 or 5 but have been glued to the screen every time it's on since I started. Now what I watched last night seemed to be the end of a season...more like a cliffhanger...not sure. The show ended with Regina tied in her straight-jacket threatening to "get them all". Is that end of season 5 or beginning of 6?

  18. Hi Katie, So glad you enjoyed ANOTHER WOMAN'S HUSBAND. I have your recommended book on my list. We found A Place to Call Home a little too soapy for our liking but love 800 Words on Acorn TV. Have a wonderful day!

  19. Love all your sweater picks and fall looks! Also, love everything in Reese Witherspoon’s store! Have you purchased her new book?! If I can get my pesky chores out of the way I plan to settle in with it this afternoon. Cheers!

  20. Being only a mile from the south tip of Michigan, we are experiencing Fall this week and I love it. Therefore, I will take one of each of the sweaters.

  21. I'm with you Katie...love sweater weather and my go to is a classic cardigan and pearls....oh those Dallas women...a wild and crazy bunch...bet she loved it!

  22. You do the best weekends! I'm with you on the sweaters. I love them -- all styles and shapes. You have some cute ones here! Love the hot pink!

  23. I've heard great things about Another Woman's Husband, so thanks for the recommendation! Ah, sweater weather.....I can't wait for it here in Central Alabama! But the good news is that we probably won't have any more days in the nineties (I read that on the Alabama weather blog... yay!)... I love the dotted sweater from J. Crew!

  24. Great Post. It would be so nice to live up there in that beautiful country! Those young girls are so pretty. I think it is fun to watch a show together. I happen to be headed to Dallas today. My special interest group (art) will go in a group on the train (TRE) and spend they day at an art museum...hate that it is storming!

  25. Katie, you assembled a beautiful collection of sweaters which I could use for our trip to the Rockies. That is a gorgeous lunch view!

  26. So glad to see that you're branching out from black and gray to navy blue. LOL That poor girl from JCrew wearing the navy polka dotted sweater needs to be put in ICU immediately. Look at that poor kid! Anyway, I will never acquire the emaciated look, thank goodness, but I sure do like longer sweaters, though not the bulky ones. You've got some good choices here. Thanks!


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