Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Reading/ Favorite Things

Hello, dear friends.  Thank you all for the lovely comments, notes, texts, cards, FB messages and calls after the passing of my dear old Dad.  I can't tell you how much it has touched my heart as well as given me tremendous comfort.

This is my last post of the Summer.  I will be back God willing with bells on September 1st with my sidekick, Miss Daisy recalling our vacation adventures.

The coming days will be filled with:






OK, you got me.
I told you 3 truths and a lie.
No way am I going to spend my Summer purging!

In the meantime, here is the rundown on my latest reads, Summer reading list, and my favorite Summer products. I would also love to hear about your faves, as well.  

I am looking forward to a Luncheon where this author will be featured.  This was an entertaining read.
I also wish I looked this good from the back.

One word: riveting.

I listen to a lot of K.L. Slater's books on my walks.
They move quickly and never let me down.

A great thriller with lots of twists and turns.

I chose this one through Kindle First.
I love getting free stuff, especially when it's good!!!

This is the story of two female doctors who are best friends.
I suggest reading it as opposed to listening to it.  I was not crazy about one of the narrators.  


Another good thriller.


Interesting topic but at times I felt that the author was more concerned with putting a pretty sentence together than telling the story.


Don't quit your day job, Jake.
Others disagree - many good reviews on this one.

  For some reason, I couldn't get into this one.

These are some of my favorite books that I have read over the years.


The best thriller that I've read this year.


You may not want to read this if small planes are on your Summer itinerary.


Pure escapism.


Loved the entire series.



If you love Southern Lit, this one is for you.


Her first and her best.


I read this book when it came out years ago, and it has stuck with me.


First up on my list, is this love story that was given to me by one of my favorite bloggers, Sandy from You May Be Wandering.  Sandy also happens to be our trusted travel agent.  She planned our last fabulous Summer vacation and has also put together every detail of our upcoming adventure.

  I have recommended Sandy to many friends, and all have been delighted with her stellar planning, sweet personality, and attention to detail.














I hope this one is as good as Something Blue which was my favorite of Giffen's.

Definitely not my life story.




Here are several of my Summertime favorite things.  The Mister even added a couple of his.

Full disclosure:  I could start my own chem lab with the number of concoctions I own to help me appear to have a natural tan.


If I don't plan on being in the sun, I use this hydrating self-tanner.


My best buddy for all those miracle creams.
Works like a charm.

I use this CC cream as my foundation as well as a sunscreen.
It is very creamy and camouflages all my skin imperfections. 
Not that I have any...


This is one of the few self-tanners that also contain sunscreen.  I bought a couple of tubes for our upcoming cruise.


I use these wipes when I need a quick fix and don't have much time.


This is on my shopping list for Target.  
The girls at Skimm'd raved about this clear, heavenly-smelling sunscreen.


I bought this bronzer/highlighter about a month ago, and I'm very pleased with it.   


My #1 gave me this eyelash primer for my birthday.  I love it.  It definitely maximizes the lashes - they look longer and fuller.
I only use it for special occasions because I don't want to be too much of a distraction to the unsuspecting victims men I come across during my daily routine.


I just started using this de-frizz spray.
It needs to be applied on dried hair, and it does the trick on mine.


My favorite go-to year round all over moisturizer never lets me down.


My man with his favorite watering device.


And his favorite hose.


As I mentioned several times, I am totally paranoid when it comes to ticks and disease-carrying mosquitoes.  I have been using these YaYa products for a couple of years and they not only have a pleasing aroma, but they are fabulous bug deterrents.



I am now the proud owner of all of the large scarves in Tuckernuck's inventory.  They are such a great fashion accessory.


They also have cute dresses.


I can't say enough about my favorite comfy Summer shoes.
I've got them in every color.

Last, but certainly not least, my # 2 told me about this free app.  
Now, when I am stuck in a never-ending line or a crowded waiting room, I take a deep breath, open my d365,  read my devotional, and in minutes I feel better.

Although I won't be posting for the next couple of months, I will be checking in on Instagram.

Don't leave me hangin'...
I want to hear about all of your favorites.

Enjoy your Summer and stay safe.

Until next time...

See you in September!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I take your reading choices to heart and you’ve never let me down. Love that lil red dress. I hope you have the most enjoyable Summer. Soak in every precious second with hubby and the pups and bon voyage for a relaxing cruise! You deserve the BEST!!

  2. Always love seeing your book picks! Happy Summer friend!

  3. So good to hear from you. You have a wonderful summer!!!!
    I am going to check out many of your books. I am hopeful to get to read some for summer soon. I really need to more of the listening to books. I love a good book, so that would certainly open more time for a good one.
    Take care.

  4. Have a wonderful summer! I've added your recommended book titles to my Amazon wish list. You have never let me down!

  5. Well, I have given serious thought to taking the summer off too. I think I need a blogging break. :o)) I do hope your time away will bring refreshment and relaxation. You've been through a lot lately and you don't just just bounce back after such a loss. Hugs to you and see you in Sept!

  6. You will be missed here but I look forward to your vacation stories when you return!! Safe travels!!

  7. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family. I haven't been online much in the past few weeks due to all the end of the school year festivities, graduation preparation for my son and planning our summer vacation. I hope you get to relax a lot this summer. As always, I love to see what books you recommend!
    Take care, Shelley

  8. I will miss your posts so much! Hope your around the world cruise is as amazing as I can imagine! Just kidding but really...where are you going for so long?

  9. First---thanks for the great reads...I trust your recommendations and we share the same taste in books. I'll be jotting down a lot of titles.

    I think we have the same sort of hair. I just recently bought the Living Proof de-frizzer product after watching a video of how to use it and how it works. My hair is super thick and even after blow drying and straightening, this stuff did little to smooth my ends. I get a better result with running a bit of oil through the ends. But my search will always go on. The Living Proof products have a great scent, I love the dry shampoo. Also love the tick remedy for dogs...at the lake we can never be too lax.

    Enjoy your cruise and down time. We'll miss you!!!

    Jane x

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  11. Katie try Tan Physics it is absolutely the best sunless tanner ever. I constantly receive compliments on my beautiful tan. My hairdresser can't keep it in stock. I believe you can order it on Amazon. So sorry about your father's passing. I love your blog and adore your sense of humor.

  12. Will miss your witty blog posts and look forward to your return in the fall. Have a fabulous summer and enjoy your vacation! Love all your recommendations, I use the it CC cream too and really like it. Will have to check out Target sunscreen...spent 1.5 hours there last night loading up on "essentials" for my youngest who we are sending off to college in the fall.

  13. I hope the summer is restful and healing after the past few sad weeks. Evidently Chow and Chili have become your new assistants in your gardens. Hard working diggers, those two. That Month in Tuscany is on my list, thank you for the recommendation. Enjoy the vacation, take lots of photo's and see you in September.

  14. Love reading about your favorites and am adding many to my list of items that I really need! :) Have a wonderful summer and cruise! You will be missed!

  15. I will certainly miss your blog posts but follow you on Instagram, so will keep up with you there. You left us with tons of book reading suggestions, so thanks for that. Go and enjoy and will see you in September.

    YOU will be MISSED!
    Enjoy your time away..........and where might you and the MISTER be headed on that BIG BIG BOAT?
    So, exciting..............BUT where will the PUPS BE?!!!!!!!!

  17. Have a wonderful summer!!!
    We have the same taste in books. : )

  18. Enjoy your summer... BEST line in the entire post was "Don't quit your day job, jake." I cannot heart this even close to enough...

  19. Have a wonderful summer. I'll miss your wit and shared books and suggestions for making life better (beauty and other products), that I immediately try!

  20. Katie, I'm so sorry to hear about your Father. How special it was for all of you to have recently helped him celebrate his 100th birthday. L lost my Dad two and a half years ago and think of him every day.
    Will miss your blog over the summer. Going to check out some of your book and product recommendations.
    See you in Sept.

  21. I'm not a reader but I must admit, some of these titles look like something Id enjoy. especially "Cottage by the sea" and "Beach Music". Enjoyed your blog. Ill be back.

  22. I really dont think I can bear the whole summer without you, Katie, but I'll try. I 💚💚💚 your blog -- it's funny, fun, charming, newsy, informative, and beautiful. Before you run off on your summer adventure, I must tell you how much I, and my mister, enjoyed "A Place to Call Home."

  23. The story line, of course, but also its beauty. The colors, music, flowers, sounds, elegance -- and I loved Elizabeth. Thank you for recommending it. Travel safely. xo xo xo

  24. have a great summer! I am purchasing that hair de-frizz product. I also wrote down about eight of your book suggestions. Let's see how far I get. I'm rereading The Shining. I never watched the entire movie.I heard they are doing a follow up with the son. xo laura

  25. Happy Summer to you! I have that heavenly-smelling sunscreen. xo

  26. Thanks for the reviews and recommendations Katie, I can't wait to read Campaign Widows! Sounds like a great summer, have a ball!

  27. I was just wondering if anyone we know had used You May Be Wandering for their travel planning. Her Instagram pics are divine...may have to call her about upcoming adventure!
    Have a fun summer!

  28. Hi Katie - Have a wonderful summer! I will miss you!
    Anne Marie

  29. Thinking of you dear katie. Hope you have a wonderful summer. Look forward to seeing you in September with all your summer travels............

  30. Oh Katie, both our summer reading list and recommendations sound wonderful. Enjoy your summer. I will miss you horribly till your return. You are my weekly double dose of smiles!

  31. Can't wait to check out the book suggestions! Have a great summer

  32. I come back and you leave. Was that planned, or what? Did you think I might say something outrageous on your blog? You know us trophy wives have to stick together. Well-then---you just go on and enjoy your cruise and your time away while I am stuck here in the Midwest back to working full time with my son (which may be more fun than I let on)........enjoy every day you are away- life is short----xo Diana

  33. Katie, thinking of you and have a wonderful summer. You will be missed! I loved “1000 Days in Venice”, but I love Venice.. I will be checking out “ A Month in Tuscany”.

  34. Great reading suggestions...have a great summer. Cheers!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

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  36. I am so sorry about your dad's passing. Enjoy your time away. Sometimes a break is in order. I was thoroughly busy helping my mom through her surgery and recovery.


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