Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Driving Miss Daisy/TTT

Hi Everybody!  It's me - Miss Daisy reporting back after spending the past three months out in the world having fun.  If you are new here, I am Katie's MacKenzie-Childs tote. 

First stop was Grandpa's 100th birthday party.  I met lots of people, and many were curious about me.  My Mom told them that I was like Flat Stanley for post-menopausal women.

I'm not sure what that means, but as Mom says... when in doubt take it as a compliment.

A week later, Mom met one of her favorite blogger friends for lunch, Mo from Mocadeaux.  

Mom and Mo like to gab a lot.

Speaking of gabbing, Mom's Sista came to Boston for her birthday celebration.  I asked Mom if I could tell you how old she is and she told me that I could say 40ish.

Is "ish" equivalent to 21 years?
Aunt Sista bought Mom some birthday balloons which she kept switching around.
No offense Mom, but nobody is going to believe that you are 16.
18 - maybe.

The next week, Mom and I met Annie, Mary, and Teri for the Beacon Hill Garden Tour.

Mom oohed and aahed the whole time. Between you and me, I think Mom loves this tour more than she loves me. 

Mom and I went to the first Breakfast with the Authors of the season.

Mom got to spend time with her buddy, Anne, rub elbows with some authors, and made two new friends.

A perfect day in Mom's book.
No pun intended. 

Mom was back with her buddies Annie and Mary for the Wellesley Kitchen and Home TourMom said it was the best house tour that she has ever taken.

I think that she liked it because every house served snacks. 

We did lots of shopping together.
Sometimes the shopkeepers give Mom a funny look when she walks into a store with a huuuuge bag like me.
Not to worry folks.
No ten-finger discount for my Mom!
She enjoys spending Dad's money too much.

Mom couldn't wait for Kate the Great's visit.
We took her to the Cape for a day.

You know how Mom's Grandma told her that it is a good day if you make a new friend?  Well, let me introduce you to Poppy, Kate's tote.  I got to hang out with her all weekend.
What a relief.
I can only take so much of Mom.

I've got great news for you.
The Tales of the Traveling Totes is sponsoring a give away right here.
If you would like to win this cute flower vase leave a comment here and you will be eligible.  

* I will be picking the name of the winner so feel free to flatter me.

After that, pop over to my fellow traveling tote buddies to find out what they have been up to these past three months.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Katie with Miss Daisy @ Preppy Empty Nester
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Lea and Miss Scarlett @ Cici's Corner

I'll see you back here in a few months.
Rumor has it that I am going out of the country this Summer.

Mom will be back next week with book reviews and Summer recommendations.

Until we meet again...

It never fails.
These two steal my thunder any chance they get.
Chowdah & Chili's middle name is Photobomber.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This is so fun! Miss Daisy has certainly been busy. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Dear Katie, you have me laughing out loud this morning! it's good no one is here except Jim (he needs to get up anyway) or everyone would tell me keep it down! You and Miss Daisy have been having loads of fun and staying in the road. I love house tours too but Jim doesn't like for me to go, says I get to many ideas, like build a new house maybe! A late happy birthday wish and hope you and Miss Daisy have a great weekend.

  3. Miss Daisy, you are a hoot! You have too much fun everywhere you go! And what a great sense of humor! Loved all of your adventures - and it's always nice to come home to your adorable photobombers! See you next time!

  4. Enjoyed your post! Love house tours also and drag my husband whenever I can! Thanks for the early morning chuckles.

  5. God bless you with those enormous totes. I used to carry one, but after spine surgery had to go light. I now carry a mid-size Vera Bradley. Actually have many patterns...Looks like a fun time!

  6. Love your Miss Daisy! Love your blog! I can count on it for an entertaining quick read! Thanks for providing it! Ps. The tours looked amazing!!!! I would love to win the vase!��

  7. Good Morning Katie and Miss Daisy! You two are busy bees and in the words of my Granny - a "riot". I giggled all through your post. Beautiful vase that I promise I would give a good home! Happy Weekend (wondering what you two will be up to).

  8. Miss Daisy is one lucky tote! Love reading about all your adventures.

  9. Miss Daisy is one traveling phenom alright! Miss Daisy looks mighty good front and center with the pups! Regal and Sweet!

  10. Katie ir makes me kind of sad that your Miss Daisy does more traveling than I do!lol Maybe she should write a book!!

  11. I so look forward to your regular posts. Can't wait to see what you have in store for your readers next!!

  12. Whew, you and Miss Daisy have been two busy girls and I believe I traveled with you to all of those places. I might have missed one, so I will go back and catch up! What a fun giveaway! Happy Weekend!

  13. My first visit here and I enjoyed every word and every photo! I’ll be back!

  14. Katie, I loved this post, that traveling tote has the best adventures!! I will be back to visit this post again, there is so much to see and love. Happy June!!

  15. The traveling tote has been more places than I have lately. Adventures are always exciting and with such a lovely tote who would not want to go on an adventure.

    The globe vase would add beauty to all sorts of locations.

  16. Miss Daisy certainly is a social butterfly. Looks like you have had a busy spring full of fun times and lots of friends. Hope you and MIss Daisy are headed by to Austin soon. We need a lunch date!

  17. I have a Mackenzie-Childs tote that would be very jealous of Miss Daisy's adventures except she just got back from visiting my first grandbaby (and that kindof tops everything :)

  18. I love hearing about your travels, Miss Daisy, and that little vase is very cute - though not as beautiful as YOU!! :)

  19. I think that bag has done everything except sneak snacks into a movie! Always fun and legal, you are.

  20. Shew....Ms Daisy, you have certainly been busy. Loved reading and seeing your pictures!

  21. Love this series. So fun to see all the travels and adventures.

  22. Katie, I love reading your blog. I don't know how I discovered it but love it!!!!

  23. I was referred to your sight by another blogger. Needless to say was quite surprised, charmed and envious if I must be honest. What a life you lead. You had my admiration at restoring an old home. Hopeful to visit again. Best wishes on all your endeavors! Give those two photo bombers hugs and kisses as they are precious. Phyllis

  24. Flat Stanley for post menopausal women is priceless!!! I will be remembering this one for a long time..

    Love your posts and look forward to the next one.

  25. I so need a Miss Daisy in my life. If I did, maybe I'd have more post menopausal adventures too. Katie, I really look forward to each of your new posts. You always keep me laughing. Can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

  26. Well that Miss Daisy is quite a sassy one isn't she?!!! Looks like you both had a lot of fun and went on a lot of adventures. Sounds like a fun birthday celebration - I am 16 reversed too! Congratulations to Grandpa on his 100th - that is just amazing. You certainly are an entertaining writer - I enjoyed it all!

  27. What a fun post! Miss Daisy is a sassy gal, and made me smile. Winning that cute vase would also make me smile! Thanks for the opportunity.

  28. Enjoyed this post. You had me cracking up. Your mom is a hoot! Fun read! Now let me check out this giveaway!!

  29. Well Miss Daisy you and your Mom have had a very good time traveling from the looks of it! I’m also (shh) 61 now too so tell your Mom it’s not a bad age at all but if she wants to knock off a few years when she tells people how old she is- it’s ok. Women have been doing that for years! Love the MC flower glove vase giveaway! It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Daisy (and your mom)!

  30. Miss Daisy is having so much fun! Great adventures to be seen. Poppy is adorable. The pups are so darling. I can't blame them for being photo bombers...LOL Shopping is a favorite hobby. I bet the kitchen and home tour was fabulous! So glad to see Miss Daisy's and Poppy's adventures.

  31. I'd love to win that vase! Miss MacHoneyChile, my tote, is pretty envious of Miss Daisy. She complains that all she usually sees is the inside of my study. That of course is not fair. She's seen underneath a few airplane seats, and she was fortunate enough to have been with me when a rat ran across the floor at LaGuardia airport. I haven't told her yet that she's going to the beach in July.

  32. Busy girl, just like her mom. She goes more places than I do!

  33. I so look forward to reading your blog. You keep us entertained with your activities along with Ms. Daisy and Chowdah and Chili!

  34. Miss Daisy, tell your mom she brightens my day! Love traveling with your family to lovely and interesting spots! Love the book, movie and television suggestions and antics of Chowdah and Chili too!

  35. Oh, what a fun post!! Miss Daisy, you did good! Love all your travels!! And nyntge way you are beautiful!!! LOL Have a blessed day..until you post again!


  36. Miss Daisy, I will look forward to seeing you and your mom again very soon! Maybe I'll even get to meet Poppy some day! Enjoy your summer!

  37. Love your posts, Katie! Miss Daisy sure is a very well traveled lady! Have a wonderful weekend.

  38. Well, Miss Daisy has certainly kept you busy these past 3 months and it all looked like so much fun! Enjoyable post and you and Miss Daisy just keep having fun!

  39. You gave me a real chuckle Miss Daisy with the "like Flat Stanley for post-menopausal women" comparison. Continue having fun...I can't wait to see where you are off to next.

  40. Flat Stanley for post-menopausal women - that's hilarious! Miss Daisy really made the rounds this quarter. She's got friends in lots of high places, not low, as the song goes. The birthday party was absolutely the best!

  41. So much fun Miss Daisy, I love your sense of humor! Good times with friends, food, and family are always the best! It is so nice you got to meet a new friend too! Your secret summer plans sound intriguing! Have fun and try not to carry too much stuff :)

  42. Hi Katie,
    I'm new to your blog. I have come viaLind's blog. This traveling tote i concept is so much fun. Hope you lovely ladies are enjoying very much with Miss Lola.

  43. I love your post! I am a “non blogging traveling toter” and always can’t wait to see where all the totes have been to! Keep up the great travels🏁

  44. Love traveling along with you - you keep busy taking in the Boston and Cape areas!! Miss Daisy is very photogenic and I can tell loves that you tag along to record her fun times. Enjoy the summer!

  45. Your posts are always so much dang fun. I would enjoy tours that featured snacks at every house. How much fun is that!?!?! Our daughter will be presenting some of her research in Boston in the fall. You need to give Shanley Belle a short list of the fun things to do in Boston. She almost attended Emerson for graduate school, but changed her mind at the last minute.

    Happy birthday to all your family members! How wonderful to be able to celebrate with family and friends.

    Ricki Jill

  46. Good morning! I'm a little late to the party. Can't wait to hear about your summer plans. Enjoyed your post! Love house tours. Have a great week.

  47. Great post, made me chuckle as always. Must remember that trick to switch the birthday balloons around!

  48. Miss Daisy has an awesome personality! You certainly look 29!!!

  49. Is the fact that I am just now reading your post and just happen to be comment #49 any indication of how far behind I am in keeping up with the blogging world? But, as usual, you and Miss Daisy brought a smile and happy heart to my day. Thank you!

  50. You and Miss Daisy are just too fun! How much fun can one tote have! Love these traveling tote adventures.

  51. Miss Daisy and her carrier have way more fun than anyone! At least Miss Daisy doesn't get tired feet from all that running around!

  52. Katie! This is so funny! And, Chili and Chowdah... too much cuteness on the porch. Handbags.. on my mind this week with the news of Kate Spade. I saw a woman yesterday with a vintage Kate Spade in hand.KInd of like my girlfriend who wore her pearls in honor of Barbara Bush. Happy almost thursday! Are you watching any shows? We are binge watching billions! laura


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