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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Bittersweet Goodbye

Hello, dear friends.  I did not intend to be away from you for nearly as long as I have been.  But the Good Lord had other plans.

A few weeks ago, my Sista received a call from my Dad's nurse who told her that he was not doing well and strongly recommended that we make a visit as soon as possible. We flew down the next morning.

My Dad has lived in a lovely Assisted Living facility in Austin, TX for eight years.  For about a week, he had been spending time in the Health Center on campus due to frequent falls.  

We entered my Dad's room and found him sitting in his favorite leather recliner dressed to the nines in his customary cashmere sweater, Polo button-down, and khakis.  His beloved aide, Mozel was perched next to him holding his hand.

Sista and I gave him a kiss and asked him how he felt. He gave his usual answer which was "great!" accompanied by a thumbs-up gesture.

Clearly, my dear old Dad had failed tremendously in the few weeks since his 100th Birthday Celebration.

We were told by his Doctor that he would not be leaving the Health Center and that his days were numbered.  The assisted living facility informed us that we had 30 days to move him out of his apartment.

It would take a village to help us through the next days.

Lucky for us, my Dad had many loving friends.  Most of them were younger than Sista and me.  All were more than eager to give us a  much-needed hug and lend a helping hand.  We accepted their touching kindness with grateful hearts.

As the days wore on, our Dad's body grew weaker but his positive attitude remained steady.  Not once did we hear him complain.

Last Saturday morning, June 9th, my sweet old Dad left this world with a deep sigh, a satisfied smile, and a legacy that will never be forgotten. 

 As he slowly left this life, my Dad knew in his heart of hearts that he had lived life to its fullest.

Happy Father's Day, Dad.
I love you.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm so sorry for your family's loss, but also in awe at the long life and lasting legacy that your father had. Thinking of you! I know you must be ready for some rest at home.

  2. Awe, what a life, what a man and what precious memories you will have to carry with you. My thought and prayers will be with you during this difficult time. Hugs to you!

  3. Sweet Katie, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how hard it must be. Girls love their daddies no matter how old we get.

  4. Warm hugs and my deepest sympathy to you Katie...I am sure it was long life well lived....It is extremely hard to lose our parents....

  5. Katie, I’m truly sorry for your loss. Thankful you and sista were able to be with him.

  6. Dear Katie, you are in my thoughts & prayers. How lucky were you and your sister to have him for so long. Father’s Day for sure bittersweet.

  7. Katie, I am so very sorry for your loss. How lucky for you and your sista to have such a wonderful father. I know you must have treasured memories to bring peace and comfort to you at this time.

  8. Katie, so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a remarkable man. May you feel peace.

  9. Oh Katie, how very wonderful to have been there for his 100th birthday celebration this past year. Hold onto all those memories. You are in my thoughts and prayers, because even at a 100 it is not easy to give them up. Father's Day is hard I am sure. It has never been my favorite either. Once you lose them, it is a reminder.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, Katie. It was clear how much you loved your father. Take care. -Jenn

  11. Oh Dear Katie, I am so very sorry for your loss! I am so glad you were able to be with him in his final days. May your loving memories of your earthly father and the loving arms of your Heavenly Father comfort you in the days ahead! Cheers to a great 100 years!

  12. Katie, I saw your Instagram post before I read your blog. My heart goes out to your family but as you said, a life well lived is a blessing to you and your sister as well as to all who knew your daddy. Just from seeing his pictures I could tell that he was a true gentleman.

  13. Dear Katie, I’m so very sad to hear about your sweet and vivacious dad. It feels like just a moment ago I was reading about his 100th birthday and marveling at his longevity and zest for life. It’s been a joy to read your posts about him over the past years. What a loss for you and Sista. And, for his many friends and family members ... extended blog family included. Please accept my deepest condolences and prayers that you will find comfort in your lifetime of happy memories. How fortunate you were to be his daughter. xo Juliet

  14. Dear Katie, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Clearly he was an incredible person and will be missed greatly. Wishing you and your family God's peace and comfort during this difficult time. Shirley

  15. Katie,

    I am so sorry for your loss, your dad sounds like an incredible man. How blessed that you were able to be there with him and to share his wonderful life and legacy just a few weeks ago celebrating 100 years! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  16. So very sorry to hear of your Father's passing friend. He was one of a great generation, and most certainly left a beautiful legacy for his family he loved dearly. Wow...100 years! He had see it all, I imagine. You and the family will be in our prayers.

  17. What a remarkable man. I hope to emulate his attitude. I’d better up my game! I wish you peace.

  18. What a life! As I sat listening to all about the amazing life your dad led, I could visualize him in all his glory. He obviously was a unique guy who left his daughters and grandchildren an incredible legacy for living life with gusto. I suspect your quick wit and humor come from your dad! His service was indeed memorable for me, Katie. Not many who live to be 100 have a "send off" full of love and respect of such a youthful generation. And the music!!! Sending big hugs to you and all the family. I know this loss has left a void.

  19. So sorry for your family's loss Katie .what a wonderful legacy your Father left .

  20. So many blessings, even in this time of sadness. Family and friends were able to celebrate your sweet father's life with him at his birthday. Angels in the form of (younger) friends swooped in to help you and Sista when you needed them. And, you and Sista were able to be together with your father at the end. May these blessings and the love we are all sending bring you comfort. God bless you!

  21. Cherish the sweet memories - how grand to have lived to be 100 and see the world change in so many ways!

  22. I am so sorry for your loss.
    A daughter losing her father is not easy.
    You have beautiful memories of a father who loved you so much and you were able to love a man who you will miss.
    This is my first Father's Day without my father too. My siblings and I know that our dad was a wonderful man just as yours was and that is what makes them all the more special.
    Blessings to you and your family at this time.

  23. I am so sorry, Katie, your father was a lovely, gentle man and will live in your memories forever.

  24. Aw, Sis. It ain't easy I know. Sending you a jumbo hug and much love.

  25. A beautiful tribute for a man that was loved. My heartfelt condolences.

  26. Many hugs for you. May the memories of happy days help you through this hard time

  27. Oh Katie,

    I understand and empathize with your loss. I recently read "Grief is just love without a place to send it." He must have been an amazing "gentleman"..

    Thinking of you....Bobbie Allgood

  28. Katie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've enjoyed getting to know your remarkable dad through your posts. What a wonderful man! How lucky you are to have had him for so long. My thoughts are with you on this Father's Day.

  29. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  30. I am so sad your dad has left this world, but knowing his life was full and well lived brings you great joy I am sure. How wonderful to live to be 100 years old. Truly a heartfelt Father's day sweet friend. Treasure his memories. Hugs, Linda P.

  31. I am so sorry for the passing of your Dad. I pray you will feel peace in knowing he had a
    life well lived. May God surround you and your family with His loving and healing arms.

  32. Oh Kate, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure it makes this Father's Day quite painful. What a blessing that you share so much time recently with him and that you were there at the end.
    Sending my deepest condolences to you and many hugs!

  33. I am so sorry for your loss! What wonderful memories you must hold in your heart. Sending thoughts and prayers for you and your family!

  34. Ah... so many blessings written in this post. I'm so sorry for your loss, Katie. He left behind a wonderful legacy.

  35. Sending big hugs and lots of love. Thank you for sharing your wonderful father with us.

  36. Oh gosh, a wave just came crashing over me. That hits so hard, especially on each and every first. Hugs to you, and much love.

  37. Oh.
    Hugs and love and prayers.
    I am sorry for your loss.
    What a beautiful life.

  38. Oh sweet sweet Katie, I am so sorry but happy your daddy is flying with the angels and that he graced this world with style. I’ve been wondering if something was wrong. I bet he was so very proud of all of you. My thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you.

  39. So very sorry for your loss Katie. Thinking of you as you grieve, and so glad you had sweet time together recently. Take care

  40. You've done a wonderful tribute to your dear father. My mother-in-law passed here in Texas 2 days before your father. Perhaps they will met up on the other side. We chose to celebrate her life too. She was 92, and like your father, lived a good long life. I loved the story of his birthday celebration recently, he sure did look like he enjoyed it tremendously.

  41. What a legacy he built for you and his loved ones....100 yrs worth! You’re very lucky to have had him in your life for so long.
    Sending you strength...

  42. My heart is heavy for you and your family. A person can have a significant impact in a century on Earth, and it sounds like your dad did. It must be comforting that you, Sista and all the family, friends, and former neighbors gathered recently to celebrate your dad's centennial birthday. From your recap and photos, we all could see what a grand time he had. My condolences and hugs to you.
    "To live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die." ~Thomas Campbell

  43. Dear Katie, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter the age our hearts are always heavy but how blessed your dad was to live such an amazing life and reach that milestone of 100 years to celebrate with a grand party. You, your sister and family were indeed blessed to have such a wonderful roll model in your dad. Now your wonderful memories will sustain you for always. God Bless you Katie, sending you love and hugs.......

  44. A beautiful tribute to your father, Katie. May your memories comfort you and Sista and your families.

  45. Katie, This is such a beautiful tribute to your dad. I am sorry for your loss but yes, it does sound like he lived a wonderful life and did a fine job of launching you and your sister into adulthood. May the Lord comfort you in the coming days.

  46. I'm so sorry, Katie. Your dad sounds like he was treasured by all. He's also fortunate to have you and your sister, as well as his friends by his side as he left this world.

    Sending many prayers to you and your family as you grieve your loss. Thanks for such a loving tribute.


  47. I have always admired how vital he looked for his age and it is just the most wonderful thing that you were able to have the party for him and celebrate his 100 years. I am about to get on a plane to help out with my parents. A broken hip and advancing into late stage Alzheimer's for my Mom is not a good combination, so we will see how this plays out. As my father in law always said "Keep the faith"❤️

  48. that sweet face. smiling and holding a book. a life well lived. humor. and style.
    thinking of you Katie and the loss of your daddy. the treasures he left in your hearts you will have forever. bless you. xo

  49. Sending you so much love and prayers during this difficult time. While your sweet dad had a very full life, it doesn't make your loss any less difficult. I am thinking of you, Sista and both of your families. xoxo

  50. Dear Katie,
    So sorry to read about the loss of your Dad. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. xo

  51. What a wonderful life he lived and how special that family and friends were able to share his 100th birthday with him. I'm sure you feel blessed to have been with him during the last days. No matter how well a life has been lived, it's difficult to experience this loss. Sending prayers.

  52. Oh, Katie, its so hard to lose a beloved parent. He sounds like a wonderful man, with grace and dignity, charm and a wonderful smile. I'm grateful that he could be celebrated at his wonderful party and surrounded by family then and that you and Sistah could spend time with him before he passed. And, that he had friends who could help you all along the way. I send loads of love and wishes for peace and healing. His loss will leave a bit of a hole in your heart to be filled by memories of his love.

  53. My deepest condolences for your loss. Reaching that milestone was the final check off on his lifelong todo list. Well done, sir!

  54. So very sorry for your loss Katie! What a wonderful long life your Dad had. Sending prayers and hugs your way to you and your family.

  55. So sorry for the loss of your very special father. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  56. A FABULOUS LIFE...............
    I think I had less than a month to clear out my MOTHERS BELONGINGS!!!!!
    It is a VERY SHOCKING announcement and the way it comes across..........Never mind the room was PAID FOR!!!!!YOU were lucky with MOZEL was it........I had people from HOSPICE leave my MOTHER on the FLOOR for over 5 hours...........the young woman who gets paid minimum wage decided at 2 AM ENOUGH was ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

  57. My condolences. What a sweet wedding picture!

  58. Katie, so sorry to read this sad news. My heart goes out to you. It is wonderful though that so many of you were there to share your Dad's 100th b'day celebration & you have those special memories, and many more, to cherish. Sending you a big hug & lots of love,

    Kathy Bunge

  59. Katie, when I saw your IG post my heart was so saddened for you. What a life your father lived and it was full. I am so glad he enjoyed his 100th birthday party. Sending you love, hugs, and prayers.

  60. Sending my condolences and prayers to you and your family.

  61. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family... so very sorry for your loss, I will keep you all in my prayers. It sounds like your dad lived an amazing and full life and what a gift that is! Big hugs!


  62. SO sorry to hear about your daddy. It hits me hard to hear of a parent passing. I still have mine but they are up in age and I know one day I will have to face the pain of loosing them unless God takes me first. I can only imagine the pain. They teach us a lot but never how to live without them.

  63. I'm sorry for your loss. Father's Day and every day are times to remember how much you loved him. Next month, will be five years for me.

  64. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Father Katie, it sounds as if he experienced a long and full life.

  65. Hi katie,
    Thinking of you and your family! Sounds like he had an amazing life and my guess is he never caved to the "cargo shorts" or dad jeans. God Bless. Thank you for sharing! laura

  66. Katie,
    I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. Your dad sounds like he had such a great attitude about life and left with the satisfaction of living life to the fullest.

  67. Katie,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and love your way...


  68. So sorry for your loss. May your Dad rest in peace. God Bless.

  69. I am so glad you and your sister were able to be there...thank you for sharing his last days with us. You are truly blessed to have had him in your life for so long. My prayers are with you,

  70. Katie, so sorry for your loss; how wonderful you & Sista were able to be there for him and each other. I, too, lost someone on Saturday, June 9th. My sweet mom, who was 91 years old, and just down the road a bit here in San Antonio. Texas lost two treasures that day!

    Blessings to you, my friend!

  71. I am so sorry to hear about your dads passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. ((Hugs))

  72. I am so very sorry at the loss of your dear daddy. My prayers are with you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  73. Cherish your memories and your smiles will overpower your tears. God bless your Dad .

  74. Karen @figandscallionJune 20, 2018 at 2:37 PM

    Katie, my condolences to you and family on the loss of your dear dad. What a most wonderful tribute to him in this post. Hugs and Love your way, friend.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Katie, I am just now seeing this post and know personally that the days since your dear, sweet dad's death have not been easy. I spoke of my own dad's death by saying "I may be prepared for this but I'm not ready." You have so many precious memories and what a blessing it is to you and your sister that he lived such a long and happy life. Know my thoughts and prays are with you.

  77. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great man who went on to see God and heard Him say “Well done, my good and faithful servant”

  78. I'm very sorry to be reading this.
    It is comforting to know he had a good life. And you had him for 100+ years!
    May he rest in peace.
    Take care, Monica

  79. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. What a wonderful legacy he gave you! How blessed to have him as a father for such a long time.

  80. SO sorry to hear this, am late and apologize. I haven't been in the "visiting blog world" much lately. What a good looking 100 year old. No doubt he left feeling very loved and cared for. I hope the memories will comfort you during this most difficult time. Sending a virtual hug (sent you an email).

  81. Oh my dear! I am just now reading this because of all things, I've been sitting at the bedside of my own father, so my heart doubly breaks for you knowing how stressful this is. You had a wonderful father, who remained handsome till the end and I know he knew you and your sister loved him very much. It was clear he felt the same towards you. Rest up, and know we are all keeping you and your family in our prayers!

  82. It is not easy saying goodbye to a parents.Your Dad lived a long life indeed.
    So sorry for your loss.

  83. I'm so sorry for your loss. I so enjoyed reading about your Dad's 100th birthday celebration and it sounds like your Dad lived a wonderful life filled with love and adventures. Best wishes to you and your family. P.S. We have mutual friends, your old neighbors, the B's.

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