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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Dad's 100th Birthday Celebration

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  One of the highlights of my week came Wednesday night when I spent another delightful evening with my book club buddies.  Another bright spot comes today when I meet my buddy, Mo for lunch.

It's official.  Our family's Patriarch is a Centenarian.  Here's a recap of last weekend's festivities celebrating my Father's 100th birthday.

Miss Daisy informed me weeks in advance that there was no way that she was going to miss out on this auspicious occasion.  She ended up getting the best seat in the house at the airport.

Friday night we met in the lobby of our hotel, the JW Marriott for a glass of vino to kick off the weekend.  
Remember the scarf that I mentioned in my A Few Favorite Things post?  

Sista and Nef #1 joined us with the customary 100 balloons.

Adorable Jonathon and Nef #1 - captains of the balloon platoon.
The balloons were soon attached to Dad's walker.

This is John B who grew up next door to us.  His parents and my parents were besties.  Three of his sistas from Connecticut flew in to celebrate.  He took a lot of the pics in this post.
Btw... the Mister could not make the trip because of a work obligation.  His loss and John B's gain!

We hosted a dinner for the out-of-town guests at a restaurant called Max's Wine Dive which was a few blocks away.  Our #2 was designated as the walker of the walker.  To say that it was windy that evening is an understatement.  
Note my girl's heels. 

Dad and Annie O took a pedicab to the restaurant.

We had a wonderful evening catching up with all our friends and family from near and far.

Note to self:  buy Dad some Brylcreem.

 If you've read my blog for awhile, you may remember me mentioning that my #2 is a health food nut likes to make wise food choices.  When we arrive in a new town, she researches and chooses a restaurant that she would like to try.  Between you and me she's had a few hits and plenty of misses.

Without a doubt, Picnik has been her biggest hit of all time.

I had the most delicious breakfast .. evah.  I ordered gluten free bread with smashed avocado, tomato, bacon, chili flake, toasted pine nuts, with a poached egg on top. 
And do you know what the specialty is?
Butter Coffee.
You heard me, Buttah Coffee. 

That evening, we met the B's and the O's in Dad's suite to watch an incredible video that one of the B's put together.  It was beautifully done and chronicled my Dad's life from where he was born to his career.  He was so moved by it, I thought that he was going to cry.  The B's also put together that banner above the TV with lots of old pictures.

This is Annie O who is a close family friend and Dad's partner in the pedicab.  I babysat for her children and worked for her husband.  There is no one more fun than Annie O.

Except for her son, Paulie O who is shown here with my BIL.
If you live in San Francisco and Paulie O looks familiar, I'm not surprised.
Rumor has it that he is quite the bachelor about town.

Two more of the B's.  C and M are twins and good buddies of mine.  We used to hang out quite a lot in our single days.  I can never run for President while these lovely ladies are alive.

Sista and Nef #1 enjoying the party on the rooftop of the Marriott.  Unfortunately, Nef #2 broke his ankle that week and couldn't make the party.
By the way, Sista did all the work when it came to the party planning.  It's only fair that I got to take all of the credit.

Miss Daisy was in good hands.

My cousin Louise flew in from Massachusetts.

My cousin, John and his lovely wife, Debbie made the trek from sunny California.

Sista, Aunt Betti (John's Mom), moi, and John.

#1 moving in on my date.

I'm your favorite, right Gramps?


This is Miss Norma who has been my Dad's sweetheart for many years.   

Remember Susie B?  She was a guest at the Kennedy Compound and Sista and I attended her bachelorette party a couple of years ago.  She's another one that knows all my secrets.

Annie O has appointed herself Jonathon's new life coach. 
Her goal?
To pop a certain question to his love.

Update:  Annie O still has some work to do.

My Dad called me three times this week to tell me that this was the best weekend of his life.
Who knew that it would take 100 years?

Until next time...

Lisa Jane
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I just loved this post! It is all so sweet and endearing!Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. How exciting!! Lucky you that you still have your dad! Looks like it was a fabulous and special celebration!

  3. I do not know why but I’m shedding a couple tears reading this...the pure joy of it all. Your daddy is a lucky man, so incredibly blessed. The beauty and grace of your family and friends is infectious! Isn’t it wonderful to know how happy you made him! Balloon Platoon, love it and all the coddling Miss Daisy got! Fabulous Memories Made! xo

  4. How wonderful that all those important to him were there. And, how sweet that he called you 3 times to thank you. I find my quiet, stoic father is much more sentimental as he ages (he is 84 - a child compared to yours) Happy Friday Katie!

  5. I just love this! And your Dad calling after.....the best.

  6. Congratulations for having such a loving and wonderful gathering for a special man in your life.
    Tomorrow would have been my father's90th birthday. Unfortunately I lost him in October.
    Enjoy the time you have with your family.

  7. Oh my goodness Katie, such a sweet post. I adore that picture about halfway down of your girls with their gramps. That one is a framer.

  8. What a lovely celebration! You really have a beautiful family. So incredibly endearing that your dad called three times!

  9. Thanks, Sis. You've set the bar higher than high for Mom's 100th. Still, 4 years is plenty of time to book a pedicab ...


  10. Beautiful!
    May God continue his blessings!

  11. What a blessing to make it to 100!! He looks great and what a fabulous party you had for him.

  12. What a wonderful occasion! You and your girls look SO BEAUTIFUL and I love that photo with your dad, even without the brylcream! It looks like a terrific event -- so many special people surrounding someone it is clear is loved.

  13. What an incredible celebration. All of your faces just say pure "joy!"

  14. What a wonderful celebration! Here's to 100 more!!!

  15. What a celebration! Your Dad looks amazing for 100. He must have felt so loved and honored to have so many of his family and friends fly from all over the country to help him observe his birthday. Curious as to how he ended up in Austin. You grew up in Ct., correct?
    Do you think Adorable J. and your number 1 are going to be annoyed with you?
    You have such a beautiful family. Enjoyed your post!

  16. Thank you for this wonderful post and sharing your dad's birthday with us. Give him a huge kiss from me. How wonderful to enjoy his company for so many years. I'm sure he was delighted with all the family and friends in attendance. You brought a tear to my eye with that outpouring of love!

  17. This all looks like it was a stellar hit! I'm so sad I missed the fun and meeting your dad and more of your famiy. Loved seeing all the photos and reading the details. Your dad looks fantastic. Can't believe he is 100!

  18. Katie, I just love this post! What a beautiful celebration for your handsome dad! He does not look 100!

  19. What a wonderful celebration! It's obvious a good time was had by all!

  20. What a grand celebration! Your dad looks so sweet. I'm curious, did he always look after his health, eat well, exercise, etc., or is it just darn good genes? He looks remarkable! -Jenn

  21. Congrats to your dear dad on being 100. Looks like a great celebration with family and friends. Your dad looks amazing! Have a wonderful weekend.

  22. Congratulations to your dad on his 100th birthday! This looks like a fabulous party, no wonder he called you three times. What a tribute to your dad to have all of these people come from near and far to celebrate his big day. He is blessed as are you and your family. Have a fabulous weekend.

  23. What a wonderful evening of celebration for your Dad! No, for all and especially you. To have you Dad reach this milestone in such beautiful health is such a blessing. He looks wonderful Katie and that smile says it all. I enjoyed seeing all the pics and hearing about all the fun. I think that phone call to tell you to tell you it was his best weekend is priceless. What a wonderful way to say Happy Birthday to your Dad than with this celebration.

  24. What a great celebration of your dad's life. He looks amazing by the way. I want to come to one of your parties Katie!!

  25. What beautiful pictures of a landmark celebration. It's obvious your dad was thrilled. Your family's love came through in every shot.

  26. Congratulations!! He looks wonderful. We have a five generation family with my Gran who is 99. Woohoo for longevity :-)

  27. Katie girl, I have so looked forward to this grand affair! What a doll your Dad is! I know everyone must have enjoyed this so much! Happy Birthday to him and hugs to your and your family!

  28. What a wonderful blessing!! I sure loved seeing these photos and reading about this great celebration.

  29. Oh My!!!! what a happy happy memory for you all!!!! Your girls are just beautiful and I can just imagine what a fun time this was for you. Your dad is precious!!!

  30. Oh goodness Katie, I am all teared up!! What a fabulous celebration for your sweet Dad!! You are so lucky he is so healthy and vibrant! What a grand family time you all must have had!

  31. I was out of town, so just reading this now Katie. What a lovely tribute to your dapper Daddy! He looks great and I know he felt all the love and esteem of family and friends.

  32. What a blessing for all to celebrate a 100th birthday. What could be better than turning 100, being in good health, and surrounded by family and friends?! You and Sista hosted a beautiful party and captured the essence in terrific photos. Thank you for sharing the special day with us.

  33. This looks like a wonderful weekend celebrating your dad! You can tell he enjoyed himself!

  34. The party looked amazing...honestly it brought tears to my eyes to see all the lives he touched...he was a couple of months younger than my mother (if April is his birth month). She would have been 100 in January. Family and friends are so important and often time is taken for granted...the arrival of so many from near and far made for a wonderful time for him and his remarkable family... so many great memories made and celebrated.

  35. Looks like a wonderful time. I'm glad your dad is healthy and happy. Seeing him in that pedicab was a hoot!

  36. Love, love, love seeing all of these pictures! What a great celebration!

  37. Awe, you’re sweet dad! I’ve loved all your dad posts through the blogging years but this was my favorite. He may not have cried but I did. And, he gives me hope that the best weekend of my life is yet to come! Cheers to your dad!


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