Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

A Few of My Favorite Things

Hello, dear friends.  I begin this post with a small world story prompted by a phone call from my Sista.  

As I have mentioned before, Sista loves the website, Chairish, an online consignment shop.  She has sold many antiques that she inherited from her husband's family.  A nice lady, soon to be known as Pam was interested in buying two french chairs and arranged to look at them this morning.  When my Sista opened the door the lady gave a surprised smile and asked if she was "Sista."  For once in her life, my Sista owned up to being related to me.  Pam told Sista that her house looked familiar to her from my blog.  

Her Goldendoodle was riding shotgun, so Lola and Wiley had a wonderful time getting acquainted as you can see from the above pics.  Chowdah would have been in seventh heaven showing off in front of those pretty girls!

So, hello Pam and Lola!  Thanks for stopping by Sista's and making me look good.  Maybe she won't hesitate the next time somebody asks if we're related. 

The other morning, I found out that this week's Hodgepodge was canceled.  I knocked my head against the wall trying to figure out something entertaining to write about.   

Then it hit me as I walked into my closet filled with empty Amazon boxes that I hid from the Mister until trash day.  I will do a favorite things post.  

Most people shop the day after Christmas for wrapping paper and ornaments.  Not moi.  I hit the stores in search of the half-price beauty sets.  I am a cosmetic junkie, and I am always in search of that miracle concoction in a jar.

I picked up a Boots No. 7 gift set of full-size products and was so impressed that I went back the next day to pick up another one.  

This day cream absorbs quickly and is not packed with a perfumey smell.  I also appreciate the fact that it has an SPF of 30.

This night cream is rich and also absorbs quickly.  It doesn't feel like an oil slick on my face. I will definitely buy it again.

The No. 7 primer is so silky.  I found that you have to let it set awhile before applying makeup.  They also have a pore minimizing primer that I will try when I finish this one.

I like the feeling of a serum.  I usually use the Roc brand.  This one is just as good and has incredible reviews.

I like the mascara, but I don't know whether I will buy another tube.  

I'll probably go back to my old standby.

I like most products in the It Cosmetics line.  After having a couple of glasses of wine one night, I ordered the mega tube of the Bye Bye Under Eye concealer on QVC. I was really disappointed with it.  It was so dry and very difficult to spread under my wrinkling old eyes.  I decided to go back to another old standby of mine - Jane Iredale's concealer which is rich and creamy.

For my walks, I throw on some of this Beauty By Earth Tinted Sunscreen which gives me just enough coverage for my broken capillaries and age spots.

I've used many different kinds of self-tanners.  My ideal lotion has an SPF, but for some reason, they are harder to find these days.  Just when I find one I like, they discontinue it.  At the end of the Summer, I started using this Sublime Bronze a couple of days a week and was pleased with the results.

When I told my #2 that I was doing a favorite things post, she told me to mention her favorite self-tanner by Fake Bake.  You spray it on and use a mitt to spread it all over.  My #2  says that it gives a very natural tan and doesn't turn you orange.  I'm going to see her next week, so I'll keep you posted.

My #1 gave me a box of these alpha beta peel pads for Christmas.  They make my skin feel really clean and does a stellar job of exfoliating.  My foundation goes on so much smoother after using one of these. 

Do you have a friend that is paranoid about ticks?  That's me.  I live in tick country and used this all-natural tick spray all last Summer and never had a problem.  It smells delish too.

One of my blogger friends suggested this product for Chili's tear stains.  It hasn't solved the problem 100%, but it is a lot better. 


My friend, Kristy's book came out this week.  I wrote a review on it here.  If you enjoy Southern Lit, this book is for you.


I just finished this pageturner.  If you crave a fast-moving story with plenty of twists and turns this book is for you.

I just started listening to Kristen Hannah's latest book.  It follows a family whose patriarch is suffering from alcoholism as well as PTSD.  He moves his family to Alaska to live off the land.  The book is very heavy at times, and it has some cringe-worthy scenes, but it is exceptionally entertaining.  I'll keep you posted when I finish it.

I chose this book from the selection of free books offered by Kindle First.  I just started it a few days ago, and I'm really enjoying it. Although the main character is a young widow, the story is light, and I appreciate the author's quirky characters and subtle humor.

Remember I told you that I was in the market for a small camera for my vacation?  Well, I got it, and I am very pleased.  It fits in the palm of my hand and I'm impressed with the photo quality. 

PS.. it even takes selfies which is a bonus because I'm the only one in my family that takes pictures.  

I ordered this super slimming swim skirt.  
I know I will look just as good as this model.

Don't worry... I'm not going topless.  
I ordered this super slimming top too.

I can just feel those eyes at the pool ogling me now.

I have quite a few pairs of white jeans in my closet.  I have been searching for the perfect fit.  I finally found it at Talbots.  I love high-waisted jeans. I haven't worn a top tucked into my pants or a belt since Bush was President.  The old one, not the young one.
I also prefer the boot cut because they look better on someone height and weight challenged such as myself.  For you cooler ladies, they also come in a straight leg.

One last thing ... the curvy fit is a gift from the heavens to my hourglass figure!

Mark & Graham

I bought this cute little crossover bag.  It's the perfect size to hold my camera, phone, passport, credit cards, flask, and lipstick, otherwise known as life's necessities.   


I ordered this scarf as an early birthday gift for myself a couple of weeks ago and just received it.  I absolutely love it!

You know what I love even more?  I get butterflies when I get a package, and I know I ordered something from that particular store, but can't remember what it is.  

Here's to online shopping and failing memories!

What are a few of your favorite things?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This was a great read. I never thought to pick up those gift sets. They could be great gifts all during the year, too.

    I'm with you on loving beauty products. I love trying out new makeup and skin care lotions and potions. I belong to Birchbox, and I'm like a junkie waiting for my box to arrive each month. The samples are generous, and I usually find some keepers. I'm loving the 'new to me' method of layering our skin care products from light to heavier. I'm also into using primer and makeup setting spray. If I can recommend an under eye concealer to you, Nars Simply Radiant is awesome. I have dark circles and this makes me look like a nee person. I've been using it for over two years and just recently decided to try their foundation. It's rate #1.

    I thought about doing a post about the products I like. I did one years ago and I found that about 80% of my readers rarely bothered with makeup. A lot of ladies these days feel very liberated by going gray and not wearing makeup. I applaud them. I find the younger bloggers get just as excited about products as they do a score on toilet paper at Target. In any case, I post about all sorts of stuff and this is just me.

    Your book recommendations look great. The Wife Between Us looks really good--I'll look it up.

    I really love that swimsuit. I usually live in one at the lake as long as it is flattering!

    Take care, Katie!


  2. Katie, I just added the Witch Hazel you mentioned in a previous post to my amazon order I placed. Cant wait to try it. I also want to try the self tanners. Seems I have tried them all and not happy with any of them. Rodan and Fields is the best but I cannot take the smell. Ugh! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Katie, I just discovered Lands End for bathing suits! And they can be returned to Sears, which carries the Lands End line. I was on vacation with a friend who had several and I admired them- when she told me about the tankini sets, and showed me the quality, I ordered a few. They are great!! I have not purchased a bathing suit for about 10 years, but these are great and cover up a lot of my body- also bought the Talbots white jeans in straight leg.
    BTW- was at my home away from home today, TJMAXX, and noticed they are carrying a few Talbots items- bought a nice summer top from the athletic line of Talbots for $15.00! Enjoy your weekend! Sherri

    1. I am headed to TJMAXX today to do my weekly inventory. I'll keep my eyes open for the Talbots tag. I live near a wonderful Talbots outlet which usually has great buys. Small petite dept., tho. Have a wonderful weekend, Sherri

  4. I love Lands End swimsuits! Now I haven't bought one in a few years but they used to come in long torso which is something I need. Love those two pieces that you can customize for your own body.

  5. Great suggestions here. Looking forward to reading a couple of those books. I would think your sista would be happy to claim you..but I understand..I have four!

  6. Will be buying that roller lashes. I'm not very good at curling with eyelash curlers.

  7. I had just ordered that scarf a few days ago and can't wait to get it. I had seen it on the blogger Lonestar Southern. While it is the only thing she has modeled that I could wear (she is in her early 20's), it popped out at me as being a harbinger of spring. Will have to try some of your other recommendations as well.

    1. Hi Ellen... I think that you will be pleased with the scarf when it arrives. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and have a great weekend.

  8. All my tabs are open right now with all these fun links. I'm tucking away your after Christmas shopping trick for next year. I'm about 75% done with the Wife Between Us audio book...so good, can't stop listening! Your line about not tucking tops in made me LOL...same here! I agree that it would be genius to put an spf into the self tanner. I've been using banana boat self tanner for years, but like that the sublime bronze has a pump dispenser. And I just bought some tinted sunscreen by Australian Gold. I'll report on it after I try it. Thanks for all the links!

  9. Always fun!! Thanks for all the reviews!

  10. I always bought my swimsuits from Lands End, but my swimsuit days are now a thing of the past. I always enjoy your favorite things posts. I take good notes. 😋
    I'm going to make a trip to Talbots tomorrow and try their white jeans.

  11. It's fun to have a package arrive and you can't remember what you ordered.
    My last three swim suits were from Land's End.
    I also like mascara that has a curved plastic brush.
    I like Jergen's self-tanning body lotion because it's moisturizing and the tanning is natural. However, my dermatologist asked me to stop using it because the active ingredient is most likely carcinogenic.
    Have an enjoyable weekend.

    1. Wow. Thanks for the tip on Jergens!! I never heard that. Hope you have a great weekend.

  12. That is the same Boots#7 serum I use and the eye cream and I love it!! That scarf brings the Spring big time and oh how we need it!! I always adore your Favorites. Wishing you a fantastic weekend full of joys!! xo

  13. Lol, that butterfly feeling from a package!
    We are hitting the beach in a couple weeks...as pale as the snow predicted here this weekend. I should either plan to get myself some self-tanner or spend more time scuba diving. I love when others can recommend good beauty products. Thank you (and daughters) for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  14. Yesterday, returning home with my husband, he spots an amazon box next to the garage door. He jokingly asks me - why doesn't the UPS man just move in with us! Well, we are expecting our first grandchild - need I say more!

    Have a great day and weekend, Katie!

    1. Everytime the Mr. asks what I got from Amazon I tell him vitamins. Have a wonderful weekend, Annemarie.

  15. I can't believe Hodgepodge is no more Katie, I loved your answers! But, I love how you are replacing it with your favorite things, which become my favorite things. I think you get around the shopping world and I appreciate you sharing your great finds. I'm taking notes! I see ideal reads for the beach trips this year. Thanks for the links, I'm off to visit them! Happy weekend sweet girl........

  16. Oooh - -always love your favorite things posts!! I see a number of items that must jump into my shopping cart! Have a fabulous weekend! Snow in Nebraska -- oh yay! :(

  17. "Vitamins!" I'll have to remember that one. Of course when the box is nearly as big a the porch, that might take some clarification. The Wife Between Us was pretty creepy -- in a good way. I got my copy of the beach book but haven't started it yet. It is rainy off and on in Alabama, but that is normal. The weather is going from very warm one day to a freeze warning the next night. I think the plants are confused although everything is getting very green. I like your recommendations re cosmetics, too, as a sister junkie of same. Never tried Boots. You should look into Skinceuticals line of skincare. I am really happy with it, and while pricey, it delivers. The fine lines and dark spots are definitely getting better.

  18. READING YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Katie you crack me up! I agree with bootleg cut. I love the post holiday makeup finds. I am going to get the book you just finished and so on and so on. I forget where you going on your trip, but I remember the camera suggestion request. I am 2/3's done reading The First Mrs. Parrish" Or something with "Mrs. Parrish. I don't love it as much as I wanted to, so I am excited to start the Wife Between Us. xo laura

  20. PS Just shared your favorites link on my Weekending post. I just love it! Happy Weekending! laura

  21. youre going to love the camera. It's my "dash" travel camera....meaning when I don't wanna haul the big professional Canon around, I dash to find this small one!!
    Now, I'm off to find that cute bag to carry it around with me!!!

  22. p.s. just ordered the window pane purse with gold monogram!!! thanks...love it!

  23. Love the crossbody. Just got one very similar from Tory Burch. More $$ but strap detaches, making it a perfect clutch for evenings. Taking as my only bag on vacation. Now for the shoes..........

  24. Well, might have to give that self tanner a try and I did just get those Talbots white jeans in the slim leg. I love them! I'm going to have to check out Chairish, might be something I'm interested in. Happy weekend!

  25. So many makeup goodies! I always need help with this area! I am not that adventurous, so I appreciate recommendations!
    I just love those packages arriving at the door - it is like Christmas year round, and the truth is, I forget what I ordered so it is usually a surprise!

  26. Just finished Digging In when we went on vacation two weeks ago(to the not so warm beaches of Delaware) anyway loved it...very sad about the authors husband.

  27. Katie, so many goodies in this post! I love white jeans, and since Talbots carries petites that will work for me!

  28. I'm the only one in the family who takes pictures, too. When I die they're going to have one hell of a time doing a picture board or video. They'll all either be ones my parents took or selfies. Glad to hear about your camera. I'v been pleased with my pocket canon but I've dropped it on its head a lot of times and sooner or later it will pout and say "enough's enough." I love your dogs. Just sayin'...

  29. I love Talbot's Curvy Fit pants too! My closet is full of them! I bought an awesome pair of cords there this year too! Love the look of the Labradoodles! Although my big love are my Wire-haired Dachshunds!


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