Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Bucket Full of Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  How was your weekend?  I spent mine in the great town of Austin, Texas celebrating my Father's birthday.  My Dad is now officially a centenarian.  We all had a great time, but nobody had a better time than my dear old Dad.  I took lots of pics that I look forward to sharing with you soon.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. Three things on your spring bucket list? 
If you don't have an actual list that's fine, pretend you do.

I don't have a bucket list but I will tell you some things that I am looking forward to in the not-too-distant future.

I look forward to spending my birthday with my Sista in Beantown.
Who can I depend on for bail money?

Friday, I am meeting my good buddy, Mo, from Mocadeaux for lunch.  

I also look forward to a nice lunch on the Cape with the Mister.
Now, all we need is a warm day.

2. Where do you find rest? What restores your soul? When was the last time you did whatever it was you answered here?

I know I sound like a broken record.  I get my rest when the clock hits 5PM and I head directly to the sunroom.  My soul is restored by a juicy novel, a glass of vino, and my two hooligans.  
The last time that I indulged in some quiet time?
Last night.

3. April is National Celery Month. Who knew? Do you like celery? What's your favorite dish made with celery? 

the healthy foodie

Celery is okay provided it is accompanied by some fresh bread, tuna, and a dab of mayo.

I also enjoy a small stalk of celery with my large jar of peanut butter.

On a veggie and dip platter, which would you reach for first-carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes? 


I wouldn't cut in line for any of the veggies mentioned.  However, wave a cheese tray with some crusty bread, crackers, and salty nuts in my face, and that's a whole different story.

4. I read here eight things to do before 8 am to make your day less hectic-Start one load of laundry, drink water, empty the dishwasher, read your Bible, know what you're having for dinner, get dressed, brain dump (two lists-one what you're thankful for and one what's weighing on your mind), and after the brain dump make your to-list for the day

How many of these are you currently doing? 

Which one do you think would help the most if you added it to your early morning routine?

bu today

The only thing that I do before 8AM is make an empty promise to myself that I will go to bed an hour earlier that night so that I can get an extra hour of sleep.

5. Describe the view from your window.

Better yet, let me show you.

6. Insert your own random thought here.


This is an addendum to my A Few of My Favorite Things post. I bought these shoes mid-Summer last year.  I strutted them all over Austin last weekend and I was delighted with how comfortable they are.  When I got home, I ordered a couple of more pairs.  
Don't tell the Mister. 
 If you're an espadrille gal and appreciate a small heel, this shoe is for you.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great post, Katie! Celery month, huh? I don't think it is a key player for me. That is quite the spread in your picture, however. That's great that you are getting together with another blogger. Confession: I have never owned a pair of espadrilles. Now you have me thinking... -Jenn

  2. Congrats to your Daddy on making it to 100! I know that was Some Party!! Cant wait to see the pictures. Well spring has finally arrived in NoAla...78 is the high today!! I even broke out my sandals! Love those espadrilles...I just ordered a new pair of Bernie Mev's for the summer. And I am officially an old lady as I found a cute and comfortable pair of Clark's Sandals...Lexi Marigold. At least they sound hip and happening. Have a blessed day Katie.

  3. I love celery....with pimento cheese.
    I love the espadrilles....especially the heel size. May have to order me a pair.

  4. I wondered how dad’s birthday went, so awesome! I am indeed an espadrille gal, especially comfy ones....these are super cute. Yeah, not really any fav veggies there, if I had to choose, cucumbers if hummus is around...just gimmie all the cheese and a good salami! Have a wonderful day you gorgeous gal!

  5. Cute shoes! I know your weekend celebrating with your dad was wonderful. There is longevity in my family as well...Mom almost made it to 100, she was nearly 98 and my dad was 91. What a blessing for your family! Your red checked sun room makes me what to come hang out. :D

  6. That last photo looks just like my Rosie with the peanut butter! So glad you had a nice time celebrating your dad! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. Why can't it be national chocolate lava cake month?

  8. I'm so glad your dad enjoyed his celebration! I'm all about a great cheese tray too : ) Have a happy Wednesday!

  9. Happy birthday to your Dad! Wow! 100. I can't imagine. I like my celery in tuna, too, but I might consider it in peanut butter. My dog would be happy about that, too. Now that sunroom is absolutely a beautiful place to be. I love it!

  10. Hello Katie,
    Happy Birthday to your Dad! My Dad is turning 83 next week and I hope he will be with us for many more years! The view out my window looks a lot like yours. I am anxiously waiting for everything to bloom. This weekend the weather is looking more spring-like. And Newport is having their Daffodil Festival! Enjoy whatever your plans...Annemarie

  11. First of all, Happy Birthday to your dad! How blessed he is. Next, I love your sun room, and could definitely rest and relax in there :) Last, if I find a comfortable shoe, I always buy multiple pairs, too!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  12. I share in your empty promises! LOL

  13. I was truly sad to miss your dad's celebration! The photos and videos tell a wonderful story of fun had by all. Wish the timing had worked for us to connect. As for celery, it is one of my go to snacks in the fridg. We keep a container of washed and cut celery and carrots for healthy snacking. When available, I'll often add a bit of egg salad or pimento cheese. Lunch on the Cape sounds good to me. Where and when? Sending early birthday wishes. Have fun with your sista!

  14. Well, that gorgeous sunroom and those two precious hooligans would restore my soul too. So cozy! And, those shoes, going to check them out as I'm looking for good cute walking shoes for my NYC trip in May. I just cannot bring myself to wear tennis shoes. Ugh!

  15. Happy Birthday to your dad. That is amazing! I would hang out in that sunroom too. And agree, celery by itself is just ehh.

  16. Katie,

    Happy, Happy Birthday to your pops! He's joined an elite party of individuals blessed to make to 100. I can't wait to see the photos! My doctor that I'm the poster child for good health and I might live to see 100, too. Of course, provided the world stands that long or no meteors fall out of the sky or any other anomalies crossing my path. That basket of french fries look fabulous and that view of the cape is beautiful. I reckon ya'll are more than ready for spring to finally show itself, huh? Thanks for dropping in for a visit today. Have a good week!

  17. YOU are so cute, so funny. It's a joy to read your posts. Yep, I do NADA too. I'm gonna start though because these are all good ideas. Love my dog, Bono, the rock-star Maltese, whom I could not live without. Everytime I see a dog I smile. That's why we love them so much ! The Lord knew.

  18. And your hubby can sure make a yummy looking cheese/veggie board! Have a wonderful day!

  19. Can't wait to see the pics from the party and your happy Dad. Give me anything with peanut butter and I'm a happy gal.

  20. I like peanut butter with celery but I like it with pimento cheese even better. The celery not the peanut butter. LOVE your sun-room! Red is my favorite color. :)

  21. Your sunroom is beautiful! You've got mad decorating skills! I would definitely head here at the end of the day as well!

  22. I love your sunroom. Beautiful. I can imagine sitting in there and reading for hours. Have a great rest of your week.

  23. I just bought those shoes, because tomorrow, I am going to Austin for the very first time! Any recommendations? It's the annual girls trip, seven of us from all over the country, friends since grade school. We're all looking forward to having a great time!

    And a big happy birthday to your Dad. How lucky you are to still have him!

  24. I can’t believe “they” give an entire month to celery! I like it in chicken salad and potato salad, that is about all. The shoes are really cute and I am always looking for comfort and cute. I am so glad your Dad’s party went so well, can’t wait to see the pictures.

  25. I also would like to sit in your sun room looks so cosy ! I never heard of dipping celery in peanut butter !

  26. I'm one of those weirdos who do those things on that list early in the morning, gets in line for those veggies, and doesn't like to wear shoes with canvas insoles with bare feet for any length of time that the feet might get dirty inside. I know, I called it - weirdo.
    Your birthday weekend for your father looked fabulous from the few photos I've seen, and I'm looking forward to seeing more and reading all about it. In the meantime, enjoy your own special day with your sista!

  27. Loved your post today Katie. Oh I know your daddy enjoyed his birthday weekend. Speaking of celery. I used to dislike it! Now I love it. I cook with it, eat it raw, and well, I actually have some today to munch on. However, I LIKE ranch dressing on it too! LOL! Have a great day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  28. Cute shoes! Love celery and peanut butter and good ole Campbell's Cream of Celery soup! So glad your celebration in Austin was a big hit! Have fun with your sista and I will send bail money! Cheers Katie! 🍷

  29. Hi Miss Katie, oh I love sista time, mine is coming for the weekend. Have fun and you know you can count on me for bail moolah, just wish I were in for the fun! If I had your sunroom I would have a hard time leaving, it’s gorgeous. No wonder you go there to relax and wind down, and wow, love the view. Celery is not my favorite but I do eat it, but yum, that cheese board would make me really happy. I know your daddy’s birthday celebration was so much fun, you are a lucky girl to still have him with you. Love the shoes, I know you looked fabulous wearing them in Austin. Wishing you a wonderful weekend......hugs.

  30. Love your sense of humor! You were in Texas and I was in Florida hiding my wrinkles under an umbrella. I refuse to eat celery in honor of celery month, but I will eat one of those fries and play like it is celery. I know your Dad was thrilled to have you there. Have fun with Sista! Jane

  31. One word. Wine. Enjoy your time with Mo, Sis.

  32. Congratulations to your Dad! What could be better than celebrating a 100th birthday in good health!
    Lunch with Mo will be enjoyable.
    I love all raw veggies - and hummus or a dip is the "icing" on the cake - although celery is not a favorite. And nobody does a cheese or appetizer tray like The Mister!

  33. Your hooligans look like great pals for stress release and restoration of the soul. What cuties.

  34. Cute shoes! And if I had your sun room I would never, ever leave it. (Dogs, too!)

  35. How wonderful your father has reached such an age that few others do! Hope you got your fill of sun down in Austin, you might need it a while more on the East coast.

  36. Happy Birthday to your Dad! I love those shoes! I just ordered a rug and my guess my (current) husband will think it's always be in the living room if I tell him it has always been in the living room! We have a dusting a snow today! laura

  37. I'm very late in commenting on this post but catching up a little now that I have some down time... As always, it was a blast seeing you in Boston! I always look forward to our "blog meetings"! Can't wait for the next one! On the subject of cheese plates, in my opinion, your Mister makes the most lovely and delicious cheese plates I've ever seen. You are a lucky gal!!!


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