Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, April 2, 2018

TBB Asks April ~ Spring

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  We took care of lots of errands and we joined some friends for an Easter brunch.

It's that time again.  Andrea from The Blended Blog asks the questions and bloggers answer them.

What 3 colors remind you most of Spring? 


I would have to say pinks, greens, and yellows.

What's the first thing you add to your wardrobe in the Spring?


Goodbye, bulky sweaters... hello Spanx.

What is the first wardrobe item that you ditch in Spring?


My big fat puffy coat.  It will be such a joy to get behind the wheel without assistance.

Who mows the lawn where you live? 

sportbikes net.

We've got a landscape/plowing gentleman.
And yes, I did choose him for his good looks.
It keeps the Mister on his toes.

What's Spring like where you live?

I took these photos on yesterday's walk.

What's your favorite thing about Spring?

I don't have to do my walking on the treadmill anymore.

Are you a Spring cleaner?

Are you a baseball fan?

The only sport that I have any interest in are the fights on Real Housewives.

Tulips or daffodils?



Favorite outdoor activity?


Flowers in the ground or pots?


Favorite bird?

Car wash or wash cars at home?


I prefer car washes that can also supply some eye candy.

When do you pull out your sandals?

I prefer espadrilles to sandals.
They're already out and ready to go.
Not today though, because we're expecting 2 inches of snow.

Until next time...

The Fluffington Post

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh, I love that we both chose the cardinal for our favorite bird! Happy Spring!

  2. Your posts never cease to crack me up! Happy spring - dust bunny decor, walking off of the treadmill, and all!

  3. I just love your photos with the answers. You always make me laugh. The car washers got me.
    I love the cardinal poem and I love slip on shoes like espadrilles much better than sandals.
    Hoping for some sunny and warmer days for you.

  4. You always find such great images! Now I want a pair of espadrilles. -Jenn

  5. Amen sista about the treadmill, so ready for a fresh air stroll but ole man Winter just won’t leave dang it. Come on car wash candy, scrub a dub dub, lol!

  6. SPRING is HERE on THE WEST COAST but rain on THURSDAY which will be GREAT for the ROSES!
    I have a NEW BED in the GARDEN!SEE INSTAGRAM............I may never GO back in the HOUSE TO CLEAN!!!

  7. Your posts and commentary are so funny! I hope you don’t get snow today!

  8. Thanks for the giggles!! I prefer espadrilles to sandals too. I have ugly feet though.

  9. bahahahahahahahahahahah. Best post in the link up so far. I'm still smiling.

  10. Oh, my, almost had to close my eyes over that "eye candy." Can't believe you are still enduring snow. Wishing spring to come your way SOON!

  11. I with you about ditching the winter coat! Oh I hate driving with a coat on. I cannot believe that it's snowing here, it's like a cruel late April Fools joke!!

  12. Oh Katie - I can't believe you are getting more snow! For me cardinals are a god wink and I really miss seeing them here in Florida.

  13. I love your post and all the pictures you put with, hehe! Your dog is adorable, and what a beautiful home you have. We have snow falling outside today... so ready for spring here in Montana!!!

  14. I am loving all the memes that go with your answers. Especially the spanx one. So true!

  15. I hope you get some spring weather soon! The closest I've had to that kind of weather was in England, but at least things stayed green in the winter there. Your car wash pictures had me laughing!

  16. Spring is struggling to arrive everywhere, it was 70 yesterday and currently it is 42. I hope that you do not get any snow!

    I love your window boxes, they are always stunning.

  17. The Mid-Atlantic is struggling to reach spring...I can't wait. Love your responses. Have a great week.

  18. I love coming here. I always smile. (And we're predicting snow for tomorrow. Sigh...)

  19. All your pics of car washing cracked me up! Eye candy for sure.

  20. More snow?!?!?! Well, comfort yourself with the thought that RHONY will return in 2 days.

  21. Oh Happy Day! Your posts make me smile, laugh, and hold my sides, Katie. We truly are alike!

    Thank you so much, my dear friend, for your kind thoughts and prayers for my upcoming surgery. I'll be around a bit more before I'm under the influence Bayer Children's Aspirin, hopefully the orange chewable, and not the bitter ones melted on a spoon. My terrible attempt at being funny. ;-)

    Jane x

  22. Oh, you are wickedly funny, woman! I just love these posts. I laugh all the way through. Thank you.

  23. Cardinals always remind me of my late grandmother. Neat.

  24. Oh Katie!!!!! That little graphic about cardinals!! May I print it out? It MUST go into my journal. Dontcha know? Its YaYa's favorite bird...I had a little experience with a cardinal on the day I came home from my mom's funeral. I will never forget it and of course, my husband, thought I'd lost my mind. But I truly believe!!!
    I had 12 at my feeder this morning!!!

  25. Ha Ha ... I did get a good laugh from your pictures and answers...What fun .. and thank you for brightening up my day ...Hugs

  26. The eye candy had me laughing so hard!! The dust bunnies, playing fetch... such a great post!

  27. Flowers in the window boxes sure are gorgeous! Enjoy your day sweet lady! Hugs!

  28. Hey you! I've been a bad blogging friend but I'm back and oh how I've missed reading your posts! You crack me up as always.


  29. I'll just say that I hope and pray your snow goes away! I can't even imagine!!

    Can I also just say that those car wash men are gross! :)

  30. I thought I had left a comment several days ago, but when re-reading your post, I couldn't find what I thought I had left. Oh well, just know I was here not once but twice and enjoyed it both times.


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