Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Hodgepodge for the Books

Hello, dear friends.  The Mister took the day off yesterday because he's fighting a miserable cold.  Maybe I should phrase that differently.  The cold is not nearly as miserable as I am taking care of him.  

Among the many special requests I received yesterday, the Mister had me running to McDonald's because he informed me that he needed something a little more substantial than a salad which I had been in the midst of making for him.  

 When I checked on him last night, the Mister was comfortably tucked in bed watching a war movie mumbling under his breath "if I don't make it through this I don't want you to marry again."

He was directing his comment to Alexa.
 She can have him.

1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what's a favorite you'd recommend to someone new to jazz listening?

My Dad used to be in the band business before he got married.  There were very few moments in our home when music was not playing on his Hi-Fi equipment, as he called it.  The first thing that popped into my mind when I read this question was Herb Alpert.

Between you and me, I have a sneaking suspicion that my Dad may have judged the album by its cover.

2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo...which would you be most interested in learning to play? Or do you already play one of the instruments listed?

Sadly, I do not play an instrument.  The closest I got to tickling the ivories was learning to type at Katie Gibbs.

3. Do you judge a book by it's cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word.

Literally, I do judge a book by its cover.  
For instance, below are two covers for the same book.

I am much more apt to buy the book with the above cover than the one below.

Get Real Post


What can I say?
I never claimed to be deep.

4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, Swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don't think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper.  

Any you've never ever tasted? 

Small Footprint Family

I have never had cherimoya.
From the looks of it, I can't say that I'd go out of my way to try it. 

Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet?
Any food with the word fat in its name has got to be good.

Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? 

Gordon Ramsey
None of the foods mentioned are a part of my regular diet.
But speaking of pork, I wouldn't mind if pork belly was a regular staple.  This recipe looks right up my alley.

Are you listening, Mister?

5. Besides a major holiday, what is the most recent thing you've celebrated with your people? Tell us how.

It's been awhile since we had a celebration in the family.  
The last thing that we celebrated was our #2's graduation.

And in a matter of days, I will be with family celebrating my Father's 100th birthday.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

gadget hacks

Have you ever been on either end of a butt dial?  This article tells us that butt dialing could be hazardous to our wealth. 
If you would like to avoid the embarrassment of being a butt dialer, you can read here about preventative measures.

I wonder if butt dialing could be considered exercise.


It's your lucky day.
I offer 2 Random Thoughts for the price of one.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a sucker for a sweet story about dogs.  And if the dog is a rescue, I turn into a sobbing mess.

Do you know what a Godwink is?  Kathie Lee and Hoda incorporated a new segment called Morning Boost.  Grab a kleenex and click on the heartwarming story here.

Until next time...

  Click here to hear this handsome guy play.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. If you think a day home on bedrest is bad, just wait till your dear one retires! Loved your Hodge Podge posts. We just never know what you'll answer!

  2. So much to love in this post! I have been butt dialed many a time before, although I can't say that I have butt dialed anyone. Congratulations on your dad's huge milestone! WOW!!

  3. My parents had that Herb Alpert album and I loved it! That brought back memories. :)

  4. A big Happy Birthday to your dad! WOW!!

  5. We had a Herb Alpert album. I totally would have picked up the book with the door and the bike rather than the one below. Covers do matter. They are often what grab our attention in a real walk in store.
    Happy Birthday to your dad. 100 is amazing.
    The magazine Garden and Gun (it is actually a Southern Living type of magazine) does a dog story with each edition. It is the first thing I go to when it arrives.

  6. Hi Katie, Yes, I do buy books by their covers AND wine by their labels too! I would definitely buy the bike and most like never even pick up the other one to flip through. We still have that whipped cream album in our ancient stash of records. As long as hubby doesn't decide to frame the cover and hang it in our room I'm ok with that. And what were you thinking, letting that woman into your bedroom??? You should have sent her out for the McDonalds. Happy Bday to your dad! I'm planning my mom's 95th now --just a spring chick compared to your dad. Linda

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet Daddy...and bless you as you deal with a MAN COLD.

  8. Happy, Happy Birthday to your dad! We recently attended the 100th birthday party of a 100-year old man who was full of vitality. He played the piano for us and sang -- much better than most of us could do.

  9. Katie...you never fail to make me laugh...men are such babies even with a cold aren't they? What a wonderful picture of your Dad....it's going to be a grand celebration!!!

  10. Happy birthday to your dad.

    I remember that album,my parents had it, too. Now I'm hearing "a Taste of HOney" in my head.

  11. I remember my supreme shock at learning I was wrong about Herb's last name. I was certain it was AlBert. Come to think of it though, Sis, maybe that explains my attraction to Bert Large... The Happiest of Birthdays to your father! Mom and I wish him good health and memory for years to come.

  12. I wouldn't even look at the version of the book with the face on it. Only the top one and that one I would definitely look at. WOW -- Very cool about your dad's birthday! Oh, I hope you have a wonderful celebration!

  13. Guess what, every time Mr. Nine is sick his meal request is 2 cheeseburgers and fries from McDonalds. Here I cook all this good food and he wants Mickey Dees, I do hope your Mr. is feeling better! Happy Birthday to your daddy!

  14. Oh Katie, what an entertaining Hodgepodge! Girl, are we sure we have not married the same man?? My hubby is the biggest baby when he is sick and it sometimes takes everything in me to tell him to just SUCK IT UP! And amazingly, pork fat is way healthier than most people think and I sure am glad about that! Love the first photo about "judging"...so very true and finally Happy Birthday to your dad! That is just amazing!

  15. Funny expression "butt dialed" usually it's one of our cats who dials numbers !

  16. Yes, men can be babies in so many ways and the older they get the more like them they become, I'm afraid. So, love your Beloved to health because it will get worse. LOL!

  17. Is that the butt dialing story about the guy who was fired because he had butt dialed his boss while complaining about said boss in a private convo to his wife? I can't listen to anything with Kathy Lee she just gets on my last nerve. Your dad is going to be 100?! What a tremendously special birthday! I was dying at the first part of this post! Men and illness. UGH. :)

  18. I love your blog, but miss the links being in the sidebar.

    1. Yes, I found the list. Since I am lazy, I preferred checking to see if ther was a new post. Not a big deal, just me not handling change.🙄

  19. Hi,
    You are right about a book cover when it comes to purchasing a book. I am picky about that.

    I am not a fan of when they change the cover of a book if it is made into a movie and then it becomes the movie poster.
    Hope your Mister gets well and you stay well.
    Have a great week,


  20. Is Katie gibes still around? Haven't heard of the school in years? And Herb Albert played in out house all the time - that very album!! I would have chosen the same book cover as you, too! Happy birthday to your Dad - enjoy the party you have planned!!

  21. Well, my Mister has been dealing with a dry socket from a tooth he had pulled last week. Have mercy, child birth must have nothing on a dry socket. Bless him! And, I use to listen to Herb Albert and Tijuana Brass all the time. Another good one!

  22. I had that album by Herb Alpert! He was my favorite for a few years (I played trumpet too!). Thanks for the giggles! I always enjoy your posts!

  23. We had that same album growing up!!
    I would choose the same book, looks more interesting.
    Happy Happy Birthday to your Dad!!! That is quite a celebration!!!

  24. Love jazz and love Godwinks! Ruby's story is terrific.
    I hope you have the most wonderful time with your dad! Have Alexa play some Herb Alpert for your dad's party!

  25. Love the jazz and have a new Home Pod that I use every day! Such a fun time to celebrate 100 years! Happy wishes to your Dad!

  26. I had never heard of Katie Gibbs so followed your link. Did you really go there? Would love to hear more about that in a blog post!
    I think it is so wonderful that your dad is celebrating his 100th!!
    We ate at Cru in Charleston a couple of years ago and I had fried green tomatoes with PORK BELLY CROUTONS and some sort of aioli - you would have loved the pork belly croutons. The chef actually sent out more because my hubby ate all of mine!

  27. Loved the Ruby video. Tears here for sure! But happy tears. Books with great covers can sell the books. What I find interesting is that European writers and publishers change their covers for the "American Audience" and in almost every instance I like the European covers much better. So just what do they base their cover analysis on?

    So sorry I never met you. I lived in Dallas when you were there and now live in Austin where your Dad is I believe. You are the wittiest gal I have ever known! And a very Happy Birthday to your dad!

  28. Sorry your husband is sick but I did enjoy your conversations with him. I would also buy the first book cover. People always used bacon fat to cook in so I would think pork fat would be similar. They is a place we go to that sells burnt ends that are delicious. Your father's 100th is amazing! Have a wonderful party. My dad is turning 95 this year.

  29. Well, I need to compose myself after LOL for so long while reading this. I love your answers. The last celebration was a baby reveal party. I’ve never been to one, I’m still trying ti figure it out! Please give your sweet daddy a hug from your friend in AL. He deserves a blast of a party. We need to start planning one for my MIL who is will be 97 on her birthday. It will be special indeed.......Happy weekend dear Katie.

  30. Yes, I do judge a book by its cover. I remember Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, am I old? I can’t wait to hear about your Dad’s 100th birthday celebration, that is incredible. I play piano and I have always wanted to play the harp! Love your answers, so much fun!

  31. I had to pipe in because I've tried cherimoya! It's ah-mayzing and after having had it a few times, I can vouch that it is my favorite fruit. Unfortunately as a tropical fruit, it's hard to find and expensive. It's about $7 a pound here in California. And yes, I would say it's a cross between a pear, pineapple and banana. The one in the picture is unripe however. When it's ripe, the skin is an ugly brown color, like an over ripe banana. And it's soft inside. It's so soft, you scoop out the white flesh with a spoon and spit out the smooth black seeds that are about the size of a small almond. Some countries call it a "custard apple" which gives you another interesting description.

  32. I agree on the book covers! I try to add chia seeds to everything, you can't taste them and they are supposed to do all kind of amazing things for you. Congrats to your Daddy, I can't wait to hear all about your trip and your party!

  33. Well, I can't even talk about that Herb Alpert album cover as I sit here in the dark on my back porch listening to my neighbor's playlist behind the trees. "Gimme love, love, love, crazy love..." for starters.
    Men are all wimps when they are ill. End of story, period.
    Happy Birthday to Daddy -- wish I had had mine that long. You are lucky!

  34. My dad had that Herb Albert album. I spent a fair amount of time looking at the provocative cover - and I imagine that my dad did too.
    Try a cherimoya and report back to us.
    I attribute my good health to all the swiss chard and beet greens that my dad grew in his garden and we ate.

  35. Wow...great post. Happy Bday to you dad. That is amazing. Sorry hubby is sick, men are such big babes when they are sick. I am empty nesting it also but its just me and furbabes!! I love it. Enjoyed the blog.

  36. Herb Alpert was often playing on my parents stereo when I was young.
    Good memories!
    A wonderful post as always!

  37. I feel your pain. My hubs had a sinus infection week before last and I wasn't sure I'd survive it. A trip out of town last week helped : ) Happy 100th to your dad!

  38. I am late to the party here but smiled all the way through. I, too, (sadly) often judge a book by its cover and will bypass something that has a nondescript image on the front.

    Hope you and the Mister have a great Sunday and that he is feeling well enough to cook you up some pork fat! lol xo Diana

  39. Can always count on you to give me a daily laugh! I did not it was jazz appreciation month and we are huge jazz lovers so thank you...it will be a great excuse to seek out a venue with a great jazz concert lined up. Look like you have some major celebrations, 100?? Your dad looks amazing. Hope the mister is over being sick and you can get back to being the trophy wife you are instead of a nursemaid:)

  40. I ADORE Swiss chard And make it as a pasta sauce!YOU CAN DO THIS!Get a small tub of RICOTTA cheese and ONE EGG..........slice some cherry tomatoes up........IN a bowl mix ricotta with an egg.Cook CHARD until it is DEAD.DRAIN CHARD.Put with ricotta bowl......MIX.Save some of the pasta water to ADD like 1/2 cup water to bowl................cook pasta drain and add to bowl...........TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!ADD tomatoes on TOP!ADD 1/2 cup after you put the pasta in the BOWL if it seems to DRY!Should be CREAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. I don't play an instrument either which is why I "force" my kids to play piano. I am hoping they will thank me one day. Or they will just have another thing to complain about in therapy... Happy Birthday to your dad!

  42. I hope that you had a fabulous birthday celebration for your dad! 100! That is so great, you are blessed to have him.

    I do not think you are shallow at all, I judge books, wine, etc by their covers. Your book example was perfect, I would never have picked up the second one.

    I read a book about Godwinks years ago, that might have been the name of the book as well, so I cannot wait to check your links.

    Safe travels home, hope the Mr. is better.


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