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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good weekend?  I am happy to report that our weather has been beautiful for the past few days.    

On Friday, Miss Daisy and I met my good buddy Mo from Mocadeaux for lunch.  It had been a couple of years since I have seen her.  We had lots to catch up on.

Without further adieu, here are the Books, TV, and Movies that have been on my radar.

I really enjoyed The Wife Between Us.  There is an unexpected plot twist midway through the book that is a game changer.  

This thriller was one of the Audible Daily Deals.  It's about a woman who is divorced from an abusive man who is released from prison after killing a woman in a drunk driving accident.  Never Let You Go is fast reading and keeps you guessing.

The Mister and I listened to this novel on our trip to Connecticut.  This is the story of a woman who is a famous author with a terminal illness.  She hires another author to help her write her final book which entails her confession to murder.

I loved the writing as well as the narration of this twisted tale.

I just finished this page-turner.  A single woman fighting cancer is in love with another woman's husband.  She decides to kill the woman but instead ends up saving her life.  This thriller is captivating.  I couldn't put it down. 

I chose this book from Kindle First.  This is a cute story about a widow who buries her grief while digging up her yard and planting a garden.  There are lots of lovable, quirky characters in this one as well as a sweet romance.  If you are looking for something light, this one is for you.

A former POW who fights his demons with alcohol and daily beatings of his wife moves his family to Alaska to live off the grid.  This sounds like my worst nightmare, and yet I enjoyed the book.  
I even cried at the end. 
... while sitting in the nail salon.
As my girls would say... awkward.

I am presently listening to this beautifully written novel on Audible.  The narration is delightful - lovely British and Italian accents.  This is the story of a woman putting together the pieces of her father's past after he passes away.  I never want this one to end.

I just started this novel.  It was my choice on Kindle First.  It's about a woman who is married to a famous author who is woken during the night to a knock on the door.  It is the police telling her that her handsome hubby was killed in a car accident.  One more thing... he had a topless blond riding shotgun.  

Good teachable moments for husbands.

Lexie's sister, Annie is a drug addict.  She is also pregnant.  Lexie steps in and cares for her newborn niece which throws her life into a tailspin.

This book has been described as a clever tale of obsession, revenge, and cold-blooded murder.  Sounds right up my alley.

David Baldacci is one of the Mister's favorite authors.  This one revolves around bizarre murders and a detective that is capable of remembering everything.  

Ten years ago, a woman's daughter disappeared.  Many years later, she meets a handsome man in a cafe, and they begin a romance.  He introduces her to his three daughters, and one is a dead ringer for her lost daughter.

This book centers around three best friends.  One is a psychiatrist and begins working with a new patient.  Somehow, the patient knows way too much about the three besties.  Enter:  the creep factor.


Noah is a doctor and a widower with a young son.  He falls in love with Maggie.  After a few calm months, Maggie's wild child 17-year-old daughter, Anna moves in with them.  Anna ends up murdered, and the Doc is accused of the crime.


A 19-year-old young man strikes up an affair with his 48-year-old tennis partner.  It sounds like my old club in Texas.


This is the story of a shy college freshman who meets an accomplished woman who lectures in her class.  The woman eventually becomes her mentor and friend.  There are some great reviews on this one.

An idea for Father's Day?

What's not to love?
A wedding and Nantucket.

I always thought that Eunice was the most interesting of the Kennedy sisters.

For all the Chip and Joanna fans that are experiencing withdrawal, this new cookbook may soften the blow.

If pizza can help me lose weight, I'll buy this cookbook for the Mister so he can make me all the dishes and I can get skinny.


Love the cover!
It's got to be good.


Killing Eve is about a woman assassin and the agent that is trying to capture her.  The characters are quirky but mesmerizing.  

Speaking of quirky and assassins, I have also been spending time with Barry who is another hired hitman but really wants to be an actor.  Bill Hader and Henry Winkler are so great on this show.  If you liked Dexter, you're going to love this one.

The Mister is getting a little worried about me watching shows about assassins.  I told him that he should begin worrying when I start to take notes.

Guess who chose this movie.  
I must admit that it was pretty good.
It did help that handsome Jon Hamm was in it.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your book posts are some of my favorite Katie....I always add several to my to be read list on Good Reads.

  2. We really have such similar taste in books. I just added After Anna to my Amazon list, but will take a look at adding a few more of your picks. P.S. So jealous you and Mo got together. I feel someday it will happen that I'll get to meet you two!

  3. About 5 books in, I started to get a little worried about the theme of death and murder in all these books. Your hubby is probably sleeping with one eye open no doubt! I do think The Ghost Writer sounds good so I'll put that on my to do list. Thanks for the great review post.

  4. Great recommendations! I want to read Tuscan Child and the Great Alone. I read the first Memory Man book and liked it. I need to check out the rest.

  5. I laughed at your comment about Eunice...I have 2 friends that worked for her - she was not very nice to her help!!

  6. Yes! As you know I adore your book recommendations and this one has led me to put a few in my Amazon cart! So happy you had some beautiful weather! Enjoy your week pretty lady!

  7. Always love seeing what others are reading. And I especially enjoy new cookbooks.

  8. I loved Digging In. I am off to check out the others you have suggested that I have yet to read. I hope that you have a fabulous week and some beautiful weather.

  9. Seriously, Sis, seriously? You actually ended up loving this gem in which "A former POW who fights his demons with alcohol and daily beatings of his wife moves his family to Alaska to live off the grid ..." I'm left wondering if you wrote this post after a liquid lunch with Mo ... just sayin' ...

  10. We share an interest in the types of books we read!
    I loved the first one you listed!

  11. You have given us quite a list this week!!

  12. Please, oh please, tell me how you have time to read so many wonderful books! I have finally started listening to audible books in the past few months. That's definitely a game changer! I've pinned a few of your suggestions for the future. Right now I'm reading or listening to The Last Mrs. Parrish. Hoping it's a good one. :)

  13. Thanks for all the great recommendations. I am imagining you crying at the nail salon! -Jenn

  14. Every time I read through your book reviews, I vow to make more time to read, but alas . . . I guess I need a long stay at a beach house and unlimited coffee to stay awake and read 'round the clock! You make each one sounds so good!

  15. I've followed your book recommendations many times and have never been disappointed. Thanks for the list.

  16. Sounds like lots of interesting things to read and listen too. I love to read but no time. My little escape of reading comes when I get to the beach. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. So many books, so little time! I've got to try audio books! You are so lucky you and the Mister like to watch and listen together...My husband and I have totally different taste in shows and books, the only thing we can watch together is news and sports! Thanks for the info,

  18. I'm going to have to institute the 5pm glass of wine and a book regimen around here.


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