Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, September 22, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Happy First Day of Fall!  As much as I miss the Summer, I do love all the color, aromas, and tastes of Autumn.   About ninety percent of the candles that I own are pumpkin scented. 

Do you have a big weekend planned?  The Mister and I are taking Chowdah to the beauty parlor, running errands, and of course, going to the movies.  It's the Mister's turn to pick the flick.  (Insert eye roll).  You know what that means.  I'll give you a hint: it will involve shooting, stabbing, chasing, and blowing things up.  It is during the Mister's choices that I wish that I could take my Kindle into the theater.

Sunday is supposed to be beautiful, so we will probably take a field trip.  


Both properties are in the beautiful state of Maine and good news -  they are both for sale.

I could get so organized if I had this island.

I would wake up in a good mood every day if I had breakfast here every day.

To see more photos of the gorgeous home, click here.


Our second house can be found in Rockport, Maine.

I love how light and airy this house is. 

More photos of this waterfront home can be found here.


In honor of the first day of Fall, this article has plenty of stunning rooms with a punch of orange.

This wallpaper makes me happy.
More photos can be found here.


Are you seeking inspiration for sprucing up your home for Fall?

Some great ideas can be found here.


Are you looking for some unique kitchen ideas?  
You can find plenty of inspiration right here.


Are you planting bulbs this season?
Here is your ultimate guide.


I begged asked the Mister to make this for me this weekend.
I'm starting my diet next week.


I gave you good news about ice cream in my last post.
I found even better news right here.
You're welcome.


I fed my #1 so much squash when she was a baby that she actually turned yellow.  Butternut squash is my favorite vegetable. 

Twenty amazing ways to cook butternut squash.


Here are 50, count 'em 50 recipes for Fall Appetizers.


Have you reached your peak?
Find out the age that people peak at almost everything.


Are you planning a wedding?  
Here are 7 apps that you cannot live without.


And if your wedding planning is for the Spring, the experts spill the trends here.


Here's a list of 26 cool websites that will change your life for the better.
I downloaded three of them.
I'm constantly working on my cool factor.


Are you or someone you know expecting a second baby?
Here's a cute article that is written by an expectant Dad.

When we brought my #2 home from the hospital, my #1 kept waving at her repeating "Bye, Bye Baby!" for weeks.  It took her awhile to adjust to the fact that #2 was sticking around for awhile.


I just added this adventure to my bucket list.
Who's in?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your photos always give me such Inspo! Ahhh would love to hop on the wine train! Hope your Mister picks a delightful flick! Have fun!

  2. I have to head back to the wedding apps info...I need some ideas! Have you taken the train ride on the cape from Hyannis? It's a fun little trip! Enjoy your weekend - hope it's a good movie!!

  3. Where do you find all this neat stuff? I do need inspiration for my porch. My son would be insane about the cheeseburger pop tart! Can't wait to hear what you have to say about the movies. We haven't been in ages!

  4. I just want that library... I dont think I'd ever use another room in my entire house except that. GORGEOUS!!!!!

  5. You're not gonna believe this..but...at the end of my galpal trips, we always plan the next one. Just got back from Santa Fe on tues and guess what our next trip is??? We're gonna road trip Route 66 from Chicago to cali ending on this wine train!!!!!!
    So funny that you just mentioned it...wanna come with us??!!!!!

  6. Love the Friday Files as usual. I saw an article that said Hollywood is making a movie version of a Man Called Ove and Tom Hanks is the lead. I cannot wait.

  7. Great Friday files! Love the links and the food photos make me SOOO hungry! Have a great weekend!

  8. While you and the Mister are out enjoying the day, I will still be here opening all the fascinating links you shared. LOL!

  9. I love the Friday Files! Those houses are both incredible!

    I so happy its fall! I'm ready for it!

    Have a great weekend, Katie!

  10. Wow to all of your picks for us today! Those two houses are amazing. Oh my goodness!

  11. Oh my, girlfriend, you just posted a pair of green sofa's...we think you like green better than you protest! Our sweetie is getting married in Dec and I need to cook this weekend to welcome fall in Fl (it's the only way we see a season change!) so I am going to savor every bit of your post over the next few days. - Laurel

  12. Loved this and about to go check out those websites. I'm always game for a few more. Enjoy your first weekend of Fall!

  13. Happy Autumn! I'm ready to move on into a cooler season. ;-)
    Thanks for all the links. The wine train sounds fun! Love the kitchen of copper!
    Enjoy your weekend with the mister.

  14. Those houses!! That library made me emotional! It's absolutely stunning! I would like one of those, along with the wrap around porch from the second house. Thank you very much. :)

  15. As always, a terrific lineup. The peak article was just a little depressing, but that dog with the pacifier made everything all right. I could live in that house at Rockport...in the summer. Have a great weekend.

  16. Yes, I am sure I could wake up cheerful every morning in any one of those houses, as long as I knew capable people would clean and keep the place up for me. Such fun eye candy!!!

  17. YOUR MISTER and MY ITALIAN would get on at the movies just FINE!

  18. I am in love with both of those houses. The library is magical. I mean what is there not to love about a two story library!

    I love butternut squash an cannot wait to to try a few of these recipes.

    Have a great weekend.

  19. I know I tell you this every week, but I always spend way to much time perusing all the Friday File links! Thanks Katie!

  20. Great post! I always enjoy everything on your blog. The Napa Valley Wine Train is fabulous. The food and drink match the great scenery. I could definitely do that trip again!

  21. We have been on the road since Thursday, I love long weekend getaways. Sounds like your weekend is full, hmmm, about that movie! Bet you needed the kindle since the Mister choose the movie:) The wine trip sounds like something I would love, thanks for the links and I do love all house tours. Happy Sunday........

  22. Love your Fri. files even if I don't get to them til Sunday:) I sure wish I could get in there and decorate that first house:):):)

  23. Why am I reading Friday files on Monday? Ooops! Beautiful links and rooms and I really loved the wheat in the white pitcher.


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