Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Dog-Loving Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  All is well around here with the exception of it being unseasonably warm.  I knew we would have a hot spell, though.  I just put my summer clothes away last week and moved my Fall/ Winter clothes into my closet.  The story of my life.  

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge

1.  What pets did you have while growing up?  
Tell us a little something about them.

The first dog I ever had was an aloof dachshund by the name of Pretzel.  I don't think he was crazy about me because I stole his thunder when I was born.  

Our second dog was a rescue named Pepper.  
She was very cute but had more issues than Vogue.
I think that God was preparing me for Chili.

When I was in college, my sister and I bought our parents a Yorkie for Christmas.  
My Mother called her Holly.
Even when she closed her mouth, her mile-long tongue stuck out.  

2.  What is one thing that you must accomplish today?

You're looking at it.

3.  Where were you ten years ago?  
What were you doing there?

Ten years ago I was happily living in this house in McKinney, Texas. 

Putting up with Raising two teenagers and one husband.

And attempting to play tennis with my pals.
I learned a valuable lesson:  practice does not always make perfect.
(I'm the one that's in great shape on the left). 

4.  September 26th is National Dumpling Day.  Did you celebrate?  Apple dumpling, xiao long bao (steamed Chinese dumpling), chicken and dumplings, pierogi, matzoh balls, or gnocchi... Which dumpling on the list would be your dumpling of choice?  Have you ever made homemade dumplings of any kind?


My dumpling of choice would be the Mister's gnocchi.  I spent 40 minutes researching my blog this morning looking for a picture of it but failed.  You'll have to take my word for it.  

5.  There are two kinds of adventurers:  'those who go truly hoping to find an adventure and those who secretly hoping they don't.' William Trogdon

Which one are you?


I'll let you figure out which one I am.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I just finished listening to this juicy novel.  If you are looking for pure escapism and relish old Hollywood glamour, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is for you.  

The Ninth Hour was just released, and I'm starting it today.  It centers around a group of Nuns who aid a widow and her daughter in the Irish Catholic community in Brooklyn.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a sucker for a good tale about Nuns.

Until next time...

The best dog I ever had.
Present company included excluded.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Ten years ago I was in this same house doing pretty much the same things. Such a boring life. Just when I thought I might be becoming adventurous, my mother moved in for a few months. Life seems to want to keep me in the boring land. We had several dogs, too but I was closest to the one I got for Christmas when I was (I think) 8 years old. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Boring is so good! No cancer. No job loss. No relocation. No financial disasters.

  2. The Ninth Hour sounds like a fascinating book! I may have to pick it up soon...thanks for the recommend.

    Your home is beautiful!

  3. I only had ONE dog in my life - a siberian husky who brings back good memories of when i was little...from then on we had cats

  4. I grew up on a farm so we had lots of dogs over the years. My dad was a hunter, so most were hound dogs but sweet as the day is long unless you tried to mess with their people. I am probably the person who does not look for adventure. I would rather read about it and your book suggestions are always welcome and looked forward to each week.

  5. I so admire all the reading you do!! I want to but don't slow down long enough. Now I want to read about nuns!

  6. How I wish you still lived in McKinney Katie....even though your New England home is such a beauty....Gypsy was just so so darling....don't tell Chili and Chowdah I said that...they are pretty precious too! DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!

  7. You and I would be great companions on our "adventures"...except I'd be on the side of the pool in the shade reading one of your book recommendations. - Laurel

  8. I have had dogs since I was 9 & I have loved them all. I am a little partial to the ones I have had as an adult when they became my fur babies. Thanks for sharing the picture of sweet Gypsy. I am sure she & Teddy are running around Rainbow Bridge with my departed fur babies. Can't wait for this heat to end! xoxo, Dawn

  9. Well, with the last name of Nine, I simply must read The 'Ninth' Hour. Ahh a apple dumpling sounds so good, I had one once at a restaurant with cinnamon ice cream. So scrumptious, I still dream about it, lol! Nothing beats great gnocchi, you're lucky to have a Mr. Chef in the house!! What would our lives be without our sweet pups!! Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday!!

  10. First dog was Boston Terrier my sister found (dragged home) -- great dog, but got in a fight with a cat and end up with only 1 eye! Love your hodgepodge! My girl was just starting kindergarten 10 years ago! Yikes -- time flies!

  11. I don't know about you, but it feels like more than ten years since I've had teenagers in the house. I guess not. My daughter's pup is adjusting to life with a baby in the house. He definitely ruled the roost prior, but is getting used to losing top billing.

  12. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your answers :) You always make me smile. Your descriptions of your childhood dogs were hilarious.
    I loved the pic of your home in Texas, too. It was BIG, but isn't everything in Texas :)

    Kathy (Reflections)

  13. Lovely post. Our sweet fur babies are a joy. Through the years, I have had many dogs. Now, we have our toy Schnauzers.

  14. I'm always happy to read your book reviews and recommendations! I also enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge and chuckled at your answer to #1!

  15. My first dog was also a little black dachshund! Love those dogs!

  16. Awwww . . . what cute doggy photos! That tongue hanging out made me smile.

    So, did you do your computer work in a bathing suit? Too funny! :)

  17. My parents had the most loving dachshund for many years. My Dad would so love to have a dog at his assisted living facility, but that can't be. I wish it could, it would be such a great companion for him. Love, love the McKinny house. Impressive!

  18. I always love popping by here, Katie. I have been away from blogging for a bit-just so much going on - but hope to be back full time soon. And, of course, to add to the confusion I decided to start another blog...Lordy...which you can find on my blog today. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week-xo Diana

  19. Hodgepodge is always so much fun!! I loved "Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" - I need to add your new book rec to my list. Hope you are having a great week!! xoxo

  20. Ten years ago I lived in Florida, I like the weather better here. I have not read the 7 husbands but I have that on my list.

    Love your pups, especially the doxie as I currently have 2.

    Have a great week!

  21. PETS.............I ALWAYS HAD A CAT.THAN I got a chicken who turned out to be a ROOSTER!WE hid him from my FATHER............in the basement!When the bridge ladies would come to our house BERTRAM would be upstairs with me!DAD AT WORK........there was a lady who always had a FRENCH UP DO!BERTRAM loved to sit on her head!!!!!!
    ACCOMPLISH TODAY.........PILATES, return a chair that did not PASS THE ITALIANS APPROVAL and get HOME in time to set table for a lady for lunch who wants to BORROW SOME OF MY JEWELS for a BLACK TIE AFFAIR!!!!!!!!!THAN there is dinner....................UGH.
    Check my new blog POST for comments!AGELESS STYLE TODAY!And probably take a nap since I have been awake since 3 AM!!!!!!!!!XX

  22. Dumpling day? I have some Trader Joe dumplings in my freezer. Dinner!

  23. I currently have 5 very spoiled dogs along with 2 cats and 2 goats and 4 ducks! LOl, keeps me pretty busy :-) Great post, enjoy the rest of your week!


  24. One of my brothers 'won' a dog at our school bazaar. My mother was NOT thrilled, already having 9 kids at home. Needless to say, I didn't have a dog of my own until I was married. I have a juicy tale about nuns....my oldest sister WAS a nun, and she later married a guy who WAS a brother.....they should write a book, yes?? ;)

  25. I love that your first dog's name was Pretzel - so cute. I do love your reponse to the adventure question and I could do with a bit of that right about now.
    Have a good day.


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