Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 11, 2017

September Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I don't know about you but I have been glued to the weather coverage. My heart breaks for all of the people in Florida.  What's left of Irma is now on its way to Georgia.  My #2 is on a flight leaving Atlanta as I write this headed for Raleigh.  At what age does a Mother stop worrying about her children?  I have a feeling I know the answer. 

Over the weekend, the Mister and I took a drive to the Cape.

We stopped at the Lavender Farm in Harwich.
Note to self:  next year visit while lavender is in bloom.

We also made a quick stop at one of my favorite general stores in Brewster. 
I took lots of pics for a post.

Miss Daisy became irritable so we stopped for lunch in Chatham.

My paradise:  mouth watering fries and a water view.


Usually, I try to get my entertainment post written and published the first week of the month but I was running behind this month.  I guess it took me awhile to get into the swing of things.

Here are a handful of books being released this month.  Full disclosure:  I have not read any of them but they are on my download list.

The sole survivor of a hot air balloon witnesses a murder and runs for her life.  Sounds like a good one to download for my walks.  I don't know which one frightens me the most - the balloon or the murderer.

This one takes place in one of Cleveland's well-to-do neighborhoods.  All is well until a woman and her daughter move in with an arsenal of secrets.

Attention:  Reese Witherspoon
I smell mini series.  

A woman discovers that she has two Facebook profiles - one that she has authorized and another that she didn't.  This kind of sounds like my weight - one that is on my doctor's file and the one on my driver's license.  

Milly's Mom is a serial killer and is facing trial in a few months.  Milly turned her Mother in and is living under a new name and identity in a foster family.  What could go wrong?  

Annie is in a rut.  She meets Polly who takes her under her wing and tries to show Annie some joy in her life.  Great reviews on this one. 

An unlikely marriage comes to a crossroads.  
Can this marriage be saved?

The Mister loves Nelson DeMille.  I enjoyed The Gold Coast and The Gatehouse.  This one sounds like it's right up the Mister's alley.

A woman, her daughter, an aging nun, a man's suicide, and the Catholic community in Brooklyn weave a captivating story in the twentieth century.  I'm hooked.

A memoir chronicling the author's eclectic childhood.  
She was raised by her grandparents, who brought in the bacon by owning porn shops.  

I can't say that I've read anything like this one before.

I've read a lot of Joyce Maynard's books.  This one is different.  It is a memoir of her late-blooming romance with the man who eventually became her first true partner in life.  

This book must be pretty darn good if Channing Tatum already bought the rights to make the movie.  

I know a lot of people are wondering the same thing.

This one looks interesting to me because it is written by a speechwriter for the President.  I'm a sucker for behind-the-scenes political drama.

The Mister has this one on his gotta-read list because Alice Waters is one of his favorite chefs.

I am going to buy this one for my #2 for her birthday.  
She is a big fan of the Hungry Girl.
I can write this because she never reads my blog.  If you meet her... mums the word.

My buddy, Anne gave me Out East as a hostess gift.  This book is so beautiful that I leave it in the sunroom so I can pick it up and peruse it over and over.  The charm of these Hamptons' homes provides luscious eye candy on every page. 

Below Deck is one of my favorite shows on Bravo.  
This season is packed with newbies and mishaps. 
I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain someone will be receiving a plane ticket instead of a tip soon. 

The Good Doctor is produced by the people who put House together.  The main character is a young surgeon who is autistic.  I'm going to give this one a try.  

This one looks cute.  
I hope the kid doesn't get on my nerves.

I'm expecting big things from This Is Us this season.  I just hope it doesn't make me cry at the end of every show like the first season did.

I'm hoping that this show is as good as the trailer.  
It looks like a real nail biter. 

When the Mister told me that he wanted to watch Designated Survivor's first show last season, I didn't think that I would like it.  Boy, was I wrong.  Every episode was more exciting than the last.  
I have high hopes for this season. 


I saw this one last weekend and I reviewed it in my last post.


Of course, I had to see Reese Witherspoon's latest flick on opening weekend.  If you are looking for a movie that has beautiful people, gorgeous homes, and a darling story line Home Again is for you.  Nancy Meyers' daughter produced this feel-good flick and there's no doubt about it - she's got her mother's wit and talent.


This one looks so good.  
I hope that it shows up in a theater near me.  It usually takes awhile for small releases to get to my neck of the woods. 
I may even look for it after it premieres On Demand.


Is it because I am Catholic that I am drawn to movies about priests and nuns?  I think it all started with The Thornbirds...

I'll have to ask Father about it next time I go to confession.

One of my lovely readers, Ellen, asked me for recommendations for non-fiction books.  If you have any, please leave a comment.

My prayers are with you, Florida. 

Until next time...

Cute story about this dynamic duo right here.

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You always such great books on your blog! I am going to have to start downloading and listening to them for my walks and drives to the beach. I am such a slow book reader - I fall asleep two or three pages in when I ready at night so it would be nice to start listening too. Hubs and I saw Home Again over the weekend. It was nice to see a movie without an alien or gunfight for a change! I was a little disappointed in it though.

  2. I'm pinning like a crazy woman! So many great recommendations.

    I wish my book club would listen to you. They seem to really like dark, brooding books...over and over. I need some fun and happy books.

  3. Sis! Two things I simply must tell you about when we next meet up. One) That time my pal celebrated my impending wedding with a hot air balloon trip for the two of us ... and she was 5 months pregnant at the time and Two) The overseas trip I'm taking soon with the wife of the fellow who directed The Thornbirds. Oh, she has stories ...

  4. Hi Katie,
    Thank you for your great list. I always enjoy seeing what you are reading and watching.

    I love the book Year By The Sea and didn't realize that it was a movie. Reading the website, it looks like they are showing the movie for several day runs in independent theaters around the country. Not sure if the two MA ones are near you. The big event with Karen Allen and the author is in Boston next week.

  5. The ride down the neighborhood street to the Lavender Farm really threw me off - thought I was lost!! It is beautiful in season, so put it on your list! I agree, someone is flying home on Below Deck! And I want to see a Year by the Sea - have you read her books? I enjoyed a few of them, but really wanted more depth...her last one made me cry a few times. It was playing on the Cape in the early spring and she was at the theater house to chat after the film! Enjoy the beautiful Sept weather!

  6. I always love your book and movie posts. I am definitely planning on seeing Home Again. I love everything Reese does. If you don't already read the blog, Cote de Texas, check it out. She has done several posts about the making of that movie including tons of before and afters of the house they filmed in. So much fun to read! Have a great week!

  7. You are always so "up" on everything. I've never heard of any of these books except, of course, the Hillary book and don't know much about the TV shows or movies. Guess I don't get out enough.

    Thanks so much for your kind words about our house. We sure do enjoy it and did try to think of everything since we knew this would be IT!

    Happy week!

  8. You always offer a great reading list. I've made note, but I need more reading time. ;-)
    Enjoy the fall season on the Cape and surrounding area. I'm totally jealous of Miss Daisy and her seaside view. Perfection!

  9. Great movie list. The book list looks great but the scary ones are not my style. As for TV, I will have to look up a few of these shows. I do not normally watch tv but some of these look interesting.

  10. Don't you just love Capt Lee on Below Deck? Its my guilty pleasure along with Making the Team( Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders). I did not like the captains on Below Deck Mediterranean. They put up with things that Capt Lee would never stand for!! As usual I am putting some of those books on my TBR list. In light of 9-11 I remember reading a good non fiction book about Gander, Newfoundland and how this town reached out to displaced travelers that day. The Day the World Came to Town is the name of the book. Here in No Alabama, my heart has been touched by all the churches and businesses reaching out to evacuees. Several churches were serving food at Rest Stations for people fleeing Irma. Despite what we see on the news and in the media, I think Americans are a caring people and Harvey and Irma has shown that to the world.

    1. Looking for The Day The World Came To Town right now! Thank you so much!

  11. Tell the MISTER If he knows about ME that I live 12 minutes from ALICE!!!!!!!My BEST friend hangs out with her on occasion at dinners and parties etc........MAYBE this will entice the two of YOU to come WEST!!!!!!!!!!Worse case scenario the ITALIAN makes us PIZZA!!!!!XX

  12. I didn't get a notice from Bloglovin' that you were back until today! I've been missing you! Looks like you've been having fun, which I figured you would be. And if it's non-ficiton you want, stay tuned, my book will be out in October! hahaha!

  13. Yes to The Thornbirds! One of the reasons my daughters name is Megan. I planned to call her Meggie, but it just never fit and she became Meg instead.

  14. Thanks for the reviews info and french fries by the sea Katie! So many books, so little time! I've pinned several to my Library~


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