Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back in the Saddle with Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  It is time for me to confess one of my deepest, darkest secrets.  I realized over the Summer that if I don't write a Hodgepodge post, I lose track of what day it is.  I haven't shared this with my family, but I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be surprised.

So, without further ado, I present my take on this week's Hodgepodge.

  When do you think about your future and what do you fear most?  Hope for the most?

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I spend a good amount of my valuable time worrying.  My angst always revolves around my family. I fear everything from terminal disease to national disaster.  

What I hope for is that the Mister and I have many more happy, healthy years together and that he finally comes to the realization that yes, I am always right.

I also hope that my girls are always happy, healthy, and safe and they quit bickering about who their Mom loves more.

2.  September is National Chicken Month.  How often is chicken on the menu at your house?  What's  a favorite dish made with chicken?  What's something that you're a chicken about doing?

Foodie in the Making

This is not my salad - mine is not nearly as pretty.  
But you catch my drift.

My favorite dish made with chicken would have to be the Mister's grilled breast of chicken on creamed corn from the cob, with pancetta ricotta salata, fresh mint, and English peas.

I would be too chicken to try any activity that requires physical exertion and heights.  Skydiving has never made it on my bucket list. 

3.  What are three things that you don't own but wish you did?

A hot bod

lots of moolah


a young boyfriend

Ok, I put the last one in just to make sure you were listening and keep the Mister on his toes.

4.  Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one?  Elaborate.  If you answered one, which one?

I would like to be the master of technology, even if it were only for one day.

The one that would be the happiest with my new-found skills would be the Mister because he is my go-to hunk who solves all my technical difficulties.

5.  Ketchup or mustard?  On what?

According to the Mister, I use waaaaay too much ketchup.

I don't want to give you the impression that I discriminate against mustard.  I like to accompany my ketchup with a burger and a dab of mustard. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Do you have a Home Sense in your area?  We just got one in Framingham.  I am meeting two of my Sudbury Sweetheart buddies there today.  One of the ladies texted me after her first visit and described it as Homegoods on steroids.  Excuse me while I take a break from my typing while I get my heart palpitations under control.  

Okay, I'm back.

Not to worry, my cameras are charged so that I can fill you in on all the juicy details in living color. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I can't tell you how glad i am to see you back at the Hodgepodge! We've missed you. Always fun reading, but i hope you didn't trade in Chow and Chili for whatever those are in the shopping cart.

  2. Welcome back! We do not have a Home Sense but I've heard great things about it. Are you going to share your remodel pics? Hope everything turned out the way you hoped!

  3. So happy to see you in my inbox! I can always count on you for a great morning laugh! Happy Wednesday ~

  4. I didn't know how much I missed your hodgepodges. I will take that hot bod. Not sure my tummy will ever go back in a two piece.

  5. Great to see you back - your posts always start my day off with a chuckle!

  6. I was thrilled when I saw your name in the Hodgepodge lineup. I missed you! Oh gracious, we just got a Home Goods and now you're telling me there's something better? Welcome Back!!

  7. I wonder if Home Sense is like At Home? Can't wait to hear about it. And Framingham jumped out at me-I spent quite a few years there at the college - excuse me while I reminisce.....

  8. "Breathe, Mom, just breaaaaathe ..." might be the comment I hear most often from my two darlings whenever I go to them with my tech issues, Sis ... Have you tried that?

  9. Can't wait to read the review of Home Sense!!!

  10. Love it that Hodgepodge w/ Katie is back!!!! It's one of my favorites for the week, and I've missed it! Missed YOU! I had to take the car in for inspection yesterday. Guess what is just around the corner and across the street? Home Goods!!!!! Of course I had to bring a few goodies home. Now I want to stop in a few other locations and see if I can't add to the what I found. They always seem to just have one or two of something I want. '-(

  11. I've never seen a Home Sense store, but there is (or was?) bound to be one in Houston. I say "was" because, as you know, Houston spent a (un)fair amount of time underwater last week, as did we. It looks like it would be a fun store to visit!

    Wow, to have all that camera gear would be great!

    Have a blessed week. :)

  12. Welcome back! I also have two girls (24 & 26) and have similar stories with them. I live in Dublin, Ohio and we have a store "At Home". The sign and description are very similar to your "Home Sense". I wonder if they are sister stores? Have a great week and so glad you are back!

  13. Yay!!!!! Krazy Katie is back!!!!
    You made my heart stop. In your first answer, you said you hoped your girls were healthy, happy and safe.....I've never told this to a soul but every time I wish on a star, I wish that my boys stay healthy happy and safe!! And now I wish that for their families too! And I've been making that wish for over 30 yrs!!!
    You hit me smack in the heart when I read your words.....wow!
    Welcome back.....now go make some sense out of your new Home Sense!!!
    Love Ya!!

  14. we don't have Homesense - can't wait to hear about it!! I love your posts - they always make me laugh at least once! If you are ever in the Birmingham, Alabama area (which I know would be entirely random!), let me know - we could meet for lunch! I feel like we would be friends!!

  15. As always, I almost spit out my coffee while reading.
    Thank goodness!
    You are missed when you aren't here:)


  16. 🤣 Home Goods on steriods!!!! I wanna go!!!

    AS for chicken recipes and eating at least once a week!Thin breasts in flour dumped in a frying pan with Butter and Olive oil, add a LEMON SQUEEZED and let it brown up on both sides!
    Don't OVER COOK IT Or the ITALIAN will SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I was so happy to ready your latest Hodgepodge post! You always make me laugh so! You've been missed.

  19. Really enjoyed your post. We don't have Homesense here but we recently got a branch of Dunelm open locally which sounds similar. I've already checked it out!

  20. I'm happy you had a relaxing summer (apart from those bathroom remodels!) but I'm thrilled you are back and that Hodgepodge will make Wednesday (hump day) start with a giggle again. (speaking of tech challenges---I receive your hodgepodge email in my mail box a full day later. I've got to figure out what day my computer thinks it is. :-)

  21. We have Home Goods. My friend in Canada has a Home Sense and I never went but now it's on my list!

    I'm so glad you're back, Katie! I've missed you, the dogs, the fun and the hodgepodge!


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