Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 24, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Happy National Tortilla Chip Day!  Bet you didn't know that this was such an important day.  I'll look for any excuse to inhale a bowl of chips.

I am hosting a luncheon this weekend and a special guest will be joining us.  Don't worry, I will take lots of pictures.

Here is a list of things that have been on my radar this week.

Looking to buy a fabulous house in Tuscany?  It's one link away.
I hope that you invite me for a visit.


I have a feeling I know why Heather is not returning to RHOC.  She can't find the front door in her gargantuan home.


Think you're a pretty good cook?  Tweet a picture of your piece de resistance to this guy and he'll tell you the truth.  
And he will not sugarcoat it, either.


There's good news for all you cat owners.


ATTENTION: #1 & #2


If you enjoy a combination of handsome and humor, you're going to love this video.


It took me less than six minutes into This Is Us this week to reach for the kleenex box.  This show just keeps getting better.  

This is a video of a fascinating conversation between the stars discussing this particular episode. 


The Mister and I just finished watching Sneaky Pete.  This series has gotten rave reviews.  I don't get it.  The acting is great but the plot gets so convoluted that I lost interest in the last episodes.


We are watching Suits and savoring it like an ice cream sundae.  This show is so well written and the acting is phenomenal.

In my next life, I want to come back as Donna.
If you don't know who Donna is, you'll have to watch the show!


I am a huge fan of Hoda's and couldn't be happier to hear her baby news.


Sunday night is the big night.  The following is a glimpse of who will win versus who I think should win in two categories.  I have not seen all of the movies so take this with a grain of salt.  And for heaven's sakes, don't put any money down on my predictions.

Best Picture

Who will win

Who should win


Best Actor

Who will win

Who should win

These are the only two categories I care about so hopefully, they will announce them in the beginning of the show so that I can catch up on my beauty sleep.


I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.  
If you're looking for me, I'll be working on my beach body.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I would totally vote for Hidden Figures for the Oscars....I am so behind the times that I do not even know which movies are up for the Oscars. I know none of the younger actors...I guess I am getting old.:) I need to watch This is US....I have heard so many good things about it. I may just purchase the first season and binge watch it.

  2. Have a wonderful weekend! I'll have to give This is Us another shot. Creepy obstetrician in one of the first episodes was a channel changer for me.

  3. So anxious for the Oscars - what are you wearing? :-)
    I can't seem to get the TV off the Bravo channel to watch anything else!

  4. I love visiting your blog- it makes me laugh!

  5. I need to see both your picks for Best Picture and Best Actor. I hear good things about them. Hoe you have a great weekend! Hugs to the furkids.

  6. There have been so many television shows that I have loved, but rarely did I get attached to the characters the way I have with This is Us. I have cried after the last two episodes and the thought of Jack aka Jess aka Milo dying is really upsetting. I love his character and I cannot imagine the show without him. Okay, I may need an intervention! I didn't know Heather was leaving the RHOC but then again I really only watch the RHBH and Ladies of London now. I always enjoy your posts! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. We are also hooked on This is Us. I haven't loved a network show this much since Friday Night Lights. I need to give Suits a try. have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hello from the Treasure Coast of Florida! Your clip on the Tuscan home drew my attention. Could not be in a more lovely area. My niece and her family live in a villa overlooking Lake Teresimino. ? my spelling... A great vacation destinstion. Bev Martin

  9. PBS did a smart thing only doing reruns of the whole Victoria series this week. I think they knew people would drop off for Oscars. I'll be one of them!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Hi, what a fun post. Excited about the Oscars..I know you are too. I have not seen most but some, which is a good thing as I am not rooting for one over the other. We watch Suits and Billions, have seen This Is Us and agree its a great show, a slice of real life....wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    PS Your comment about me speaking in code with the Latin was hilarious:

  11. Hello dearest Katie,
    I hope your weekend is a lot of fun looking forward to the Oscars I will watch with interest and hope my inner glampuss gets some evening gown inspiration.
    Donna is fabulous in suits! I love herf style, and Jessica's it is my favourite at the moment.Ill try this is us again.
    If it is on over there, You must watch a show called Cold Feet.
    It was originally on around 15 years ago, and has been revived it is filmed near here, a brilliant comedy.
    Also, a fantastic drama called Dr Foster.

    I can highly recommend Tuscany, so beautiful and full of happy memories of holidays there
    much love to you, I hope your weather is better now
    Sally xxx

  12. Have we discussed Heather's departure from RHOC?!?! I'm counting on you to break the story about her next Bravo project! See you soon!!

  13. Good news: Hoda adopted a baby.
    Extra good news: Heather left RHOC!

  14. What a great way to start the weekend...we loved Sneaky Pete, if you haven't seen it yet try The Collection...we are enjoying it. Also, the Handsome club was hysterical, thank you for sharing that. Setting up my own red carpet at home, unfortunately it will lead straight to my bedroom at 9 pm on Sunday night because these long full weeks of teaching without a snow day have me utterly exhausted. Will tune into the morning news shows for a change on Monday morning to capture the highlights.


  16. I'm so with you on the kleenex box for This Is Us, Katie. Just saw Hacksaw Ridge last night and it was so powerful. I have the same religious background as Desmond Doss and found it fascinating--and another tearjerker.
    As for any villas in Italy-I'll be sure to pick out some amazing ones now that I'm booking travel for clients. Just posted on our lakeside villa at Lake Como from last summer. Magical place--oh--AND I shared a pic of George's place on the lake, Mrs. Clooney. LOL! Happy Weekend!
    xx, Heather

  17. That fat little baby on the beach is the cutest thing I have seen this week! I watch the Oscars for the clothes, because I never see the movies anyway till they come on TV after the Oscars. Hubs is a germaphobe to some degree, and he will NOT go to a theatre for fear of catching something dire....

  18. Oh man I am glad I didn't start Sneaky Pete! I was hoping you would buy that home and invite me! Darn!!

  19. Hi dear Katie, When I buy the house in Tuscany you will be on my invitation list to my first party! I think I'm a good cook when I cook but NOT sending anything to that guy, I need everything "sugarcoated!" Not sure who Donna is but she's very pretty. Probably won't watch the Oscar's simply because it's to long and I never agree with who they choose for winners. I do love the fashions but I can get all of that first thing tomorrow morning on line. Look forward to seeing you next week when we post with our totes!


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