Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Relaxing Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Oh, how I wish I was sitting next to this glass of vino while gazing at the water.  We are in the home stretch towards Spring and as far as I'm concerned, it can't come soon enough.   

It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for Joyce to pose the thoughtful questions to willing fellow bloggers.  I always love to hear your answers to the questions as well.   

1.  Have you ever been fishing?  Did you catch a fish?  If so, did you keep it or throw it back?  If you haven't been fishing is that something you'd like to try?

When we lived in McKinney, our home was steps away from this pond.  It had only been a week that we had moved into our new home and the girls were begging their Dad to buy them some fishing rods.  The Mister was excited, as well. It didn't turn out quite the way the Mister had hoped.  

They arrived at the pond, and as the Mister was baiting the hooks, the girls spotted some neighborhood girls riding their bikes.  As the Mister handed their brand spanking new fishing rods to them, they informed their Dad that they didn't feel like going fishing anymore and wanted to go home to ride their bikes.

The girls never mentioned fishing again, and we gave away those fishing rods with our blessings to the new neighbors who moved in down the street.  

Fish out of water, big fish in a small pond, living in a fishbowl, packed in like sardines, this is a fine kettle of fish or cut bait... which fishy phrase most recently applies to some area of your life?

None of those sayings describe my life right now.  However, one of my departed little Grandma Margaret's favorite sayings was that's a fine kettle of fish! 

2.  What's something you're always fishing for in your purse, wallet, desk or kitchen junk drawer?

The Mister refers to my purse as the Bermuda Triangle.  If I'm not fishing for my keys, I have my nose in my bag hunting for my Dollar Store readers. 

I swear some things go in my purse and are never seen again.
By the way... whatever happened to the term pocketbook?

3.  Your favorite fish tale or movie?

The first movie that popped into my head is one of my all-time favorites, On Golden Pond, which features some memorable fishing scenes.   

4.  Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night?  Explain why you chose your answer.

Twilight is my favorite time of day because that means two things: Chardonnay and a good book.

I also partake in some cross-examination exercises.

5.  What's the oldest piece of clothing you own and still wear?

I can't wear any of my old clothes because unfortunately, the humidity in my closet causes everything to shrink.  And when I buy the replacements, I have to go up a size.  Evidently, Massachusetts has a different size scale than Texas.

It's not easy being me. 

6.  We've got one more month of (officially) winter here in the Northern hemisphere.  Are you feeling the need for a getaway?  What's been the best and worst part of your winter so far?

The best part of the winter this year was that we had very little snow.

The worst part of this and every winter are the long, gray, dreary days. 

7.The Wednesday Hodgepodge lands on National Margarita Day... will you be celebrating?  Frozen or on the Rocks.  Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan?  If so, what's your favorite JB tune.

I like my Margaritas on a nice warm day on the rocks with salt, please.  And keep 'em coming. 

To be totally candid, I can't name another one of JB's songs.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

How do I get an appointment at this spa?

Until next time...

This cute pup would never be seen again if he popped into my purse!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It sure makes a difference not to have to deal with a lot of snow, doesn't it? Makes life a lot easier.

  2. OK...I want to be that monkey! That cracked me up! We haven't had any snow here and you will not hear me complain one bit! I am so ready for spring to arrive...minus the pollen, of course!

  3. Yes, Margaritaville was the one JB song I knew as well!

  4. The pond in your picture looks much like the one here in our townhouse community. Lots of grandparents take their grands fishing. As for me, slippery fish, worms...no thanks. It is definitely spring here and I am loving it!! I remind myself that I will not be loving the 100 degree temps this summer.

  5. I am sure I had other profound things to say about your post, but that last video massaged them all out of my brain. How cute is that!! Have a great Wednesday.

  6. Darling post! I simply love the sweet picture of you and your grandmother! I cannot fish...I feel sorry for them if they're hooked..however my boys do love deep sea fishing! The spring is coming for you Katie..beautiful weather here in Texas! Hope you have a great weekend coming up!

  7. I think every now and then the northeast needs and deserves a break from the crazy amounts of snowfall. We've had an almost spring like winter here, and apparently the pollen is on it's way. We've been warned. That monkey massage-ha!

  8. One of the nicest things about the Pacific Northwest is the absence of snow in the winter....usually.
    We have never used the term pocketbook in Canada. I remember being confused, when we moved to the Mainline, when my friend referred to hers. A pocket book is - well - a book small enough to go into your pocket. My purse is related to your pocketbook, however.....straight from the Bermuda Triangle. Glasses, keys and THAT credit card, the only one I use. It has a tendency to nestle into a corner of its special little zipped compartment, never to be found when needed. Of course this is sometimes a good thing!

  9. That little monkey!!!! So cute! As are your pups who always make me smile. Love the photo of you and your grandmother. I miss mine very much, she was where I got my love of baking from.

    We have had a pretty mild winter this year, but those ugly, long grey days are what we usually have and I do not miss them at all!

  10. I dearly love fishing, almost as much as I love reading! I grew up doing it, and I am planning to get my fishing license so I can do more of it this year since I am playing chauffeur less and less these days. "Fish or cut bait" is my life right now. People are holding up progress and just need to get out of my way and do as I say, mainly the high school! Love the photo of you and your grandma. I have one with me and my Grammie who is holding my son when he was 6 days old, and it is one of my favorites.

  11. You know I get so excited for your hodgepodge girl! I had to laugh with the fishing theme, because my thing I was reminiscing about on my what's up Wednesday post was fishing with the family. Girl, I always bait my own hook with worms even, ha ha. My purse is for sure a bottomless pit. And lady, I'm totally going to drink a margarita for you tomorrow on the beaches of Florida.

  12. We live just above a stocked trout creek, so fishing is a regular part of our summers; although, I mostly watch...and make sure no one gets a fish hook caught in their scalp. I agree that the worst part of winters here in the northeastern region of the US has got to be the months of everything being gray or brown, or white when there's snow. Our daffodils have sprouted though, so spring colors are on their way!

  13. Monkey massage :) My clothes keep shrinking also and I tell hub they don't make sizes like they use to!

  14. Gray, dreary days are my favorites. I don't know why, exactly, but I love them. Sadly, we get very few down this way. Winter itself has avoided visiting us for two years now and I'm over it. I might need to move to Alaska. Ha! No salt on my margarita but you can sure keep 'em coming. LOL Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  15. Very little snow here and currently record-breaking warmth. But because it's Chicago, I'm sure we'll pay the price next week! I agree, Katie, the gray days are by far the worst!

  16. I have never been fishing and have no desire:) I would, however, LOVE to live on the water....ANY water. My favorite time of day is mid morning. I get fueled and ready to tackle whatever I need to do. I am a night owl so early morning is hard for me. We have had a mild winter here in Pa. too. Almost no snow which is FINE with me. Now we are having Spring like temps! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. What a sweet pic of you and your grandma. I liked The Who Went Tinkles, too. I am the "tinkle monitor" at our house. Margaritaville is the only JB song I knew of, too.

  18. A great Hodgepodge because any hodgepodge that includes wine is a favorite of mine. (Did you catch my wine post a couple of days ago -- there was a really good white and tons of good reds!).

    Haven't been fishing since I was a little one but my dad used to be king of the lake in the fish department. Miss those days. Gee, now I want to get a glass of wine and finish my book!

  19. Excellent hodgepodge...I too am a salt gal on my Margarita and I can drink it with or without a broken flip flop. As far as fishing I have a few tales, but we don't have all day. Have a great week.

  20. That pooch is adorable...I have a new grand-puppy...my daughter just got a Yorky, so I am anxious to meet her! Our winter has also been grey and dreary, but only 100" snow so far and this week the weather has been perfect!

  21. I'm with your girls on fishing and we have a pond outside our backdoor. I'm more than ready for spring as well. We've had our share of dreary days as well. Always fun to read your answers.

  22. The monkey massage cracked me up. I played it twice more for my husband! Happy mid-week t you!

  23. You are the same cutie you were however many years ago, Katie, just put on a stretcher over the years. Love the parochial uniform. Best part of winter? When it's over. One of JB's more obscure tunes I like is Come Monday.
    Cheers to Thursday. Quartz is supposedly coming today! I'm gonna miss having my coffee in the laundry room near the commode - not.

  24. I haven't fished since I was a child but this brought up memories of family fish fries and days on the lake! I wish my dog was as attentive as your sweet dogs. I think he has doggy A.D.D.

  25. Great HodgePodge! Love that snap of you and your Grand Mother.

    Our #1 loves to fish! My favorite fish saying, I like to think I'm the big fish in the small pond but I'm just a little minnow in the bait bucket.

  26. Monkey massage?!?! Where do you find these things?? I don't think there has ever been a performer who was able to match Jimmy Buffet for creating an entire empire over ONE song.

  27. I just love you! I think we must be related.I relate to everything that comes out of your mouth!I love the night.It's quiet and I'm pretty sure nobody will bother me late at night.But twilight is when I uncork the wine!


  28. TINKLE.............thats what we called it TOO!

  29. I love the blogs new look, very sleek. I love a margarita any time of the year. Any video of C and C makes my day. Annie G.

  30. A monkey reclining in a spa robe and enjoying a massage. This has taken pet pampering to a new level.

    We went fishing as a family (on a dock). I saw a snake's head rippling through the lake water. My first and last day of fishing.

  31. Some thoughts: Jimmy Buffett had a lot of songs apparently because he has a whole Sirius Radio channel all to himself (I saw him a few times and there were definitely more songs); my Daddy used to take us fishing at Guntersville Dam and I hated it because I was always covered up in hot weather in a big straw hat and one his old flannel shirt because my mother did not want me and my fair complexion to get burned (it was before the days of sunscreen, so therefore in Paleolithic times); we have had no winter thus far in Alabama this year -- so I can't relate to snow and stuff; margaritas are great when they are made correctly -- 1 part each of silver tequila, lime juice and Grand Marnier shaken and poured into a cocktail glass, no stupid salt rim (a Gringo invention); and last -- I did not watch the video.


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