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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Weekend in Texas & Signing Off

Hello, dear friends.  Just arrived back from a weekend in Austin, Texas.  I was only there for three days but had a week's worth of fun.  Sista, her hubby, and their boys joined #1, Adorable Jonathon and the Mister and me on our annual trip to celebrate the holidays with my father. 

The Mister and I enjoyed breakfast with one of my favorite bloggers Sarah from Hyacinths for the Soul and her darling husband. 

My handsome nefs psyched to begin their vacation in Austin with Gramps.

Double eye candy in the house.

My Dad who will be 99 in April is still going strong.

My girl and Adorable Jonathon 

The Mister was delighted to have a bro to hang out with while the ladies shopped.

A good time had by all.


Dear Readers and fellow Bloggers...

I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and/or Hannukah and a happy, healthy new year.  I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this silly little blog.  I have been so privileged to meet many of you in person as well as virtually, and for that, I am truly blessed.

Have fun, be safe, and I'll see you next year.



Our Christmas wish list includes better behavior in 2017!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sounds like you all had a wonderful trip. Wow...99! My sweet MIL is 98. Always great to see that generation still strong.
    Merry Christmas sweet friend. Enjoy your time with the family!!

  2. Beautiful family! Beautiful memories. To you as well sweetness - a healthy, happy holiday - a the same and prosperity in 2017! Merry Merry Christmas! xo Amanda

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your sweet family, Dear Katie! Looking forward to seeing you next year!

  4. Beautiful weekend with family! (Just my opinion - I think your wreath is hanging too low on your door!)

    1. I also am wishing you the Merriest Christmas filled with love!

    2. I'll pass your comment on to the Mister. He is in charge of wreath hanging. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

    3. Mister does a super job with the decorating! Please forget what I wrote! I am regretting it now!

  5. Thank you for your lovely blog and the joyful comments you always post! You have made me smile many times and I have laughed out loud too, since I started reading your blog. Have the Merriest of Christmases with your family and may 2017 bring you continued health and prosperity.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. They made my day. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

  6. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday! Sheila

  7. Doggonit! Here you were in Texas again. Next time you have to let some of us know. :)

    The doggy mess is a hoot!

  8. Such wonderful pictures and how do you manage to get your dogs to pose so perfectly? :-) Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!


  9. I enjoy your blog very much. it always makes me laugh! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of family, friends and fun!

    1. Debbie thank you for taking the time to write such a nice comment. I hope that you enjoy your Christmas and have a happy, healthy new year.

  10. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Your blog makes me laugh and I look forward to more posts in 2017.

    1. Thanks Melissa for all your nice comments. They are appreciated very much. Have a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy new year.

  11. So happy to hear you got to spend some time with Sarah! What a greta pic of the two of you! Hoping you have a wonderful holiday season.....love the pic of your pooches (coal in their stockings probably?)

  12. Greetings!
    I am a New EnglandER but a snow bird too. I enjoy you blog and we share many intersts. BUT
    Guess what I have? My husband's Mom, aka Big M (M= Margaret) my mil!,,, Is 104 and lives in Houston! Could we work out a deal, she loves younger men!
    The above is true and she does quite well, hearing is not 100%!
    Big M has outlived 2 of her 6 sons, and will probably outlive me and I am the youngest dil.
    Happy holidays to you and will check in again in 2017.

    1. Beverly... I smell a love connection senior style. Sounds like a reality show to me. My Dad's hearing isn't great hearing either - they already have so much in common. BTW my maternal grandmother's name was Margaret and she lived to be 102! Hope you have a great Christmas and very happy new year!!

  13. What a fun way to end the year. You have a beautiful family, and it's a joy that you all love being together so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  14. Your family -- immediate and extended -- are all beautiful and I know you had a time filled with great joy and love! Wishing you all the best for a lovely holiday and I will look forward to seeing you in the new year. After all, one of the joys of the old was discovering you!

  15. Katie, Wishing you and your lovely family a very Merry Christmas! I'm so happy to have found you recently, actually through Sarah!! Looking forward to meeting you sometime next year in Boston! Maybe we can get Sarah to fly up too! Linda

  16. What a fun-filled trip! Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year to you and your family. Your blog always makes me laugh, and I look forward to 2017.

    1. Hi Susie! Thank you for always taking the time to leave nice comments. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year.

  17. It looks like you had a fun weekend in Austin, and I'm glad to see your dad is still going strong at 99! I bet you were here in the Lone Star State for our cold front where the temperature dropped about 40 degrees in an hour. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  18. Merry Christmas to your family Katie....love the picture of your daddy. He is looking good for 99!!

  19. Katie, have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Your dad is remarkable, you come from good genes! I was going to comment about your perfect little pets who posed so beautifully for that picture, but then I scrolled a little farther down!! Tsk, tsk. Merry Christmas! -Jenn

  20. Merry Christmas to ya'll! Your Dad looks amazing! I'm coming to Boston after the 1st if you want to catch up!

    1. Yes Pattie! Let's do lunch. I enjoy seeing all of the pics of your grandson on Instagram. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  21. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!
    Have a wonderful time!
    Blessings and a Happy Healthy New Year!

    1. Same to you, Eli. I always appreciate your lovely comments. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  22. Looks like a wonderful little getaway to see your Dad! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! Best wishes for the New Year!

  23. Katie, I love this post! Family (great genes throughout, from Dad through the next two generations), friends (tickled for you & Sarah), and fur babies (ruh roh). Merry Christmas!

  24. What wonderful photos Katie! Very happy to hear you were able to have a good family visit. I adore the photo of your darling daddy and beautiful daughter! Blessings for a Merry, Merry Christmas!

  25. Have a wonderful Christmas. Our oldest son and sweet family live in Austin. It's such a fun city. Your celebration with your daddy sounds like a family Christmas for the memory book.

  26. Merry Christmas to you and your adorable family! And best wishes for 2017!

  27. Merry Christmas Katie - enjoy the girls! P.S. Your father is amazing!

  28. MERRY CHRISTMAS...................
    YOU were a HI-LIGHT of 2016!!!!!!

  29. A great weekend with family in a great city, Austin! Hmm, maybe your dad does need a lady friend. Happy Christmas to you and yours! See you in 2017!

  30. Wishing you a Merry Christmas from Houston! Your blog is my favorite and always brings a smile. So wonderful that your dad is healthy, I bet he loved your visit. Looking forward to your return in 2017...Happy New Year!

  31. Wow - 99 and well - God bless your dad!
    Love the pups behaving for your Christmas photo.
    Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in 2017!

  32. Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a fabulous time with your girls! Enjoy every minute of fun! Hopefully chili and chowder will refrain from making a mess! That made me laugh, who knew there was so much stuffing inside one cucion.

    Thanks for sharing your adventures, books and for making me laugh!

  33. Katie, it was a highlight of the holidays to have you in town. So enjoyed our breakfast together and getting to meet your mister and Sista. I know it was a whirlwind visit on a very cold weekend, but looks like the family had a grand time. #1 and Jonathan are cute as ever! We need to get #2 here for a visit. ;-)
    Enjoy the girls' visits. The pups will really be spoiled with both girls there! Bet those pups missed you!
    Looking forward to reading Preppy Empty Nester in 2017. Your humor keeps me laughing.
    Merry Christmas to each of you. Feeling very blessed to share a friendship with Katie Clooney!

  34. Merry Christmas dear Katie!
    Your trip to Texas sounded like it was great fun.
    Enjoy your time away-
    I am!

  35. Awe, your precious Dad! Can't believe he is 99. Know you hope you have his genes and I'm betting you do. Wishing you a most wonderful Christmas!!!!

  36. Your Dad is too adorable! Probably where your family gets it from ; ). Have a wonderful Christmas dear Katie & the happiest New Year! Thank you for the many gifts you give your readers & friends. xoxo, Dawn

  37. Merry Christmas! I can't wait to see where 2017 takes us!

  38. What a wonderful trip..so glad you could see your Dad and everyone else...I hope that I will be signing back on to my blog soon. This has been the most challenging school year in ages...so glad for the break..I plan on doing nothing school related over my break. Merry Christmas.

  39. Looks like you are in for a wonderful holiday.....family is what its all about. How great for your dad to have everyone together. Thanks for sharing, haven't been around much in blogland and missed my fave blogs but did want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all great things in 2017! Enjoy your time in Austin...ho ho ho!

  40. I'm so sorry you were in Texas the coldest weekend of the year! I'm so glad you posted about Adorable Jonathan. I was nervous when he wasn't in the Thanksgiving pics!!
    Merry Christmas to you, Katie!! Enjoy!!

  41. Dear Katie - Merry, Merry & Happy Happy! You are a delight and I wish you all much joy in the New Year XO, Patsy

    1. You too, dear Patsy!! Hope to meet you in person some day!! Happy New Year!!

  42. Sending fondest good wishes and cheer to you and your lovely family my dearest friend,
    Across the miles you bring joy and a sense of peace and goodwill to us, not only at Christmas, but every day. Thank you dear Katie
    My special love to you for a Happy Christmas and wonderful 2017
    Sally xx

  43. Merry Christmas, Katie Clooney and a very Happy New Year! 2017 cannot come soon enough for me and your blog will continue to be a highlight and refuge in my life! Thank you! xo Juliet


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