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Monday, December 26, 2016

A Peek at Sista's Holiday Table

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and/or Hanukkah.  My girls left today for their "other" homes.  This is always the hardest day for me.  The least they could have done is stay long enough to take down the decorations and put them away!

I know that I said I wouldn't be back until the first of the year, but I couldn't help myself.  Sista sent me these pics of her Christmas table and they were so pretty I wanted to share them with you.  If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you will recall that I wrote posts about her kitchen renovation and her dining room renovation, as well.

I love these dinner napkins.  I asked Sista where she got them and she said that she found them on Amazon.  She also bought the ribbon on Amazon, as well.

I wish you all a happy, healthy new year.

Until next time...

George Clooney


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I am glad you popped back in as your sister's table is so pretty. Love the silver and black and white checks. I am so sure it is hard to let those girls go back to what they want to call "home." We raise them to be independent, but couldn't they have a house next door?

  2. So lovely.....wishing you a wonderful rest of the holiday season and hope your Christmas was very merry:)

  3. Oh, I'm so happy you came out of hiding and posted this. Of course I love it! May have to order a set of those napkins. Have the ribbon. '-) I know it must feel empty at your house. Hope you and the mister do something fun! Happy New Year!

  4. Beautiful, thanks for sharing, and tell sista it certainly inspires those of us who love tablecaping!
    What's not beautiful is all the crap, er....I mean Christmas decor, lying around my house, waiting to be put away. The only thing worse is all the holiday stuff I have to put away at the antique mall - today. Ugh. I'd rather sit in my pjs all day and buy more stuff online with all the sales going on, hehe.

  5. I simply adore this Katie! I am inspired for next year from your sister's beautiful holiday table! Happy New Year love!

  6. Sistah clearly rocks! What a glorious table! Merry, Happy, Katie!

  7. Gorgeous table!! You and your sister are such fabulous decorators! Happy New Year!

  8. Your "sistah" is amazingly talented. That said, what I've seen of your home, the two of you could start a design firm!
    Enjoy the week before we start a new year.

  9. Such a beautiful table and I love seeing the fire - warm and cozy. Wishing you all the best in 2017!!

  10. You and your sister have such wonderful abilities to create beautiful settings! Her table is to die for! -Jenn

  11. Old school cozy beautiful! My next house will have a fireplace in the dining room, just like Sista's.

    It is really the pits when the kids leave. Our one and only and the boyfriend took off this afternoon. The dog and I are depressed. Will have to start cocktail hour early...

  12. Beautiful! You and Sista have such good taste. :)

  13. The kids are never home long enough for Christmas anymore - that's why I cram as much fun and as many activities as possible into our few days together,

    You and Sista have a flair for decorating!

    Happy New Year!

  14. Wishing you and yours a blessed, healthy and happy 2017.
    Marilyn and family

  15. Just gorgeous, makes me envious! Happy new year Katie!

  16. Yes, she definitely has a gorgeous table. And don't we get everything from Amazon?? That's why we know our UPS man so well. He's always delivering something. Happy New Year to you and yours, including those darling fur kids! xoxo

  17. Gorgeous! I hope that you have a very Happy New Year!


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