J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Monday Kinda Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  It is a cold, wet morning here in the Northeast.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge. 

1.  Let's talk holiday decorating.  On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall?  (1=Scrooge and 10=Clark Griswold).  What's your favorite corner-room-table-space to decorate?  Is it done?

I would say that I am about an "8."  The outside is done, but the sunroom and mantle still needs some tweaking. 

Unfortunately, thanks to this guy, we have very few decorations on table tops.  Chowdah's tail has a wingspan of about 8 feet, so we need to hold our cocktails and iPads close at hand.

2.  Is there a nativity scene in your decorating somewhere?  Post a picture or, if it's special to you some way, tell us why.  Or do both - it's Christmas.

We did have a nativity scene, but unfortunately, it got lost in one of our moves.  I have been meaning to replace it.

3.  Do you live in a social neighborhood?  If so, are you glad? If not, do you wish you did?

This is the first time that we haven't lived in a transient area.  The people that live in my 'hood have lived here for most of their lives and have family in the area and established friendships.  It's a lot more difficult to meet people.

Honestly, I miss Bunco nights and happy hours and all the socializing that goes along with living in a new neighborhood.  

4.  As the saying goes, 'there's no time like the present.'  How does that ring true in your life right now.

There's no time like the present to stop shopping for myself and start shopping for the people on my list.

5.  Do you dread Mondays?  Why or why not?

When I was in school and/or working, I would practically get a stomach ache with the thought of facing another miserable Monday.

Now that I am a supermodel trophy wife, the only thing that happens on Mondays is that it's Holy Sheet Day.

6.  Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Amaryllis - which on the list is your favorite holiday plant?  Are any of these on display in your home right now?

In my humble opinion, there is nothing prettier at the holidays than an arrangement of paper whites.  I did not attempt to plant bulbs this year because the ones that I planted last year never bloomed until Easter.  What can I say... I have a brown thumb.

7.  Share a favorite quote from a Christmas movie.

"Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings." — Zuzu Bailey (Karolyn Grimes)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

One of the talk shows yesterday was featuring some funny family Christmas cards so I decided to do some googling for my your benefit.

Hello CPS?

No words.

Until next time...

Sounds like my Mister.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am in total Christmas limbo!! In between two houses selling one and moving into another I feel like a total scrooge!! My children are going to disown me if I dont do something soon!! Bah Humbug LOL!

  2. I agree with you about Mondays Katie. I always dreaded them as well. Tuesday is Holy Sheet Day at my house. My husband laughs at me because EVERY Tuesday night, I say, "Thank you God for Clean Sheets!" and I mean it!! If i were rich and had a live in maid, she would have to change my sheets every day!:)

  3. Hubs says I torture our houseplants. I bring them to the point of death, then water and revive them. I bought several things on Monday and the lady asked if I needed a gift receipt. Uh, no...they're for me : ) I need to chip away at my gift list now too. I have to mail some things, so need to get crackin'. Love your tree!

  4. Hi Katie,

    Your house is gorgeous, just gorgeous, inside and out. Love your pretty tree and the window boxes. Everything! I am wild about Christmas. I'm not quite a 10 -- the outside leaves much to be desired. Maybe a nine, possibly an 8, depending on how intense life is at the moment! At least I got the first round of decorating up on the blog and hopefully finishing today, except for the big tree which will get done when Rick gets back from his trip. Then pictures and done!

    I'll do poinsettias because I don't bond with them and when they die, and they will because I have horribly terrible light in here, I won't feel bad pitching them. I love the paperwhites, though. I keep threatening to do them and then don't.

    Thanks for stopping by and lovely comments. I just realized you have an email address on your blog so now I don't have to reply in a comment! Woo hoo!

  5. I miss my old neighborhood and the bunco groups too! Making new friends at midlife is tough. Your house looks fabulous!

  6. I love your Christmas decorating - it looks traditional, classy and cozy! I know what you mean about the neighborhood. This is the first neighborhood where we have lived that has mostly original owners from when the neighborhood was built 18 years ago. In the two years we've been here, we have met everyone, but no one is very social. Ho hum! :)

  7. Ha, I love that last one.

    We also live in a not at all social neighborhood. My boys and I play a game it is called, "Let us try to get the neighbor to wave at us" ;-)

  8. Yes, your house is just gorgeous and especially with all the beautiful decorations. So warm and welcoming looking. Happy rest of the week!

  9. You have a picture perfect home for the holidays! I'm a full blown Christmas enthusiast. I love bringing out holiday things that we've collected through the years. Most hold special memories. I love the twinkle of the lights, the whimsey, the joy. I've never played bunco, but I have fun with my Mah Jongg group every Tuesday afternoon. I say there is no time like the present to be with friends and family! So your upcoming visit to Austin makes me happy! Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Amaryllis are all in our home at the moment. Poinsettia are my lest favorites. My mother-in-law always gave us a Christmas Cactus, so I buy one every year. My sweet sister gave me one today. ;-) Amaryllis are on our dining room table.
    Sadie says, "Treats and more treats. Definitely no clothes, Santa!"

  10. I'm so jealous of how far along you are. I'm thinking of enlarging a picture of last year's Christmas tree and propping it in the corner of my family room.

    1. Maybe I'll do that next year! Have a great weekend, Susie!

  11. This was a great post, Katie! I love your tree and your outdoor decorations. If you can believe it, I haven't done any decorating yet! I am currently painting the den (ya, good timing, I know) and so I am not dragging out any boxes until I have that room back in order. I'm not Clark Griswold, maybe about a 6?? Favourite quote? There are so many from "Christmas Vacation", how about, "Save the neck for me Clark!" -Jenn

  12. Your decorating is so pretty. Mine is minimal. I love paper whites but never think about them until it's too late. I wish I'd bought poinsettias before the temperature dropped. I'd love to see your neighborhood.

  13. The outside of your home is decorated to perfection!! Nothing like a New England home during the holidays!! All you need is a dusting of snow. Your tree is lovely, too - Enjoy the season!

  14. As YOU can imagine my house is kinda full ALL YEAR ROUND so NO there isNOT much decorating going on here........TREE IS UP, outside lights,green swags on the stone walls DONE!I did buy a BOUQUET of PAPER WHITES two days ago!I couldNOT resist!They sit at my kitchen sink where I see and small them A LOT through out the day.

  15. Your house looks picture perfect beautiful. Our #1 and only told us we are getting a tree this weekend. My hubby put evergreen branches in our deck planters. I've done nothing. I'm sure I'll formulate a plan but not today. Have a great rest of the week!

  16. Your home looks lovely!
    My outside lights are up, the tree is up, the kitchen and family rooms are decorated and the wreaths are on the doors. On a scale of 1-10, my house is decorated a 6.5. The best news is that after the holidays, my husband helps me put everything away; the sooner the better.

  17. Your home is gorgeous, Katie! I love the pops of lively green you've used. My husband is "Father Christmas" around here 10+ so I can fall at about a 7 and still have an over the top light display outside. ;) I'm into a bit more natural elements (white lights, snowy effects, mixed metals) and he has a Christmas Globe collection that has taken over the den. It's a good balance.
    Now that I am retired from my school psychology career I do not fear Mondays one bit--it's kind of magical. Though I'm still working hard- on my online boutique and travel consultant business - I can do it from a laptop in my pjs. #bliss
    Fun post!
    Merry! Merry!

  18. Your house is so pretty! I'd definitely say you are an 8+ girl. :)

    Thank you for asking about our new build project. The actual house itself hasn't started yet. We have had the lot prepped and some things like that but nothing super exciting. It takes more time than it should to get all the paperwork and approvals from the HOA. It will happen though.

    I can imagine that you would miss Bunko and all the things that go along with transient areas. Also, I can see how it might be kind of hard to break in with people who have known each other all of their lives. Why don't you start the Bunko group? :) I just might when we do get to the new house.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Don't forget .... you have your NRRBC!

  21. Your outdoor decorating is just perfect. Beautiful.

    I change sheets on Monday too and just about every Monday night either my hubby or I will remark on how nice the clean sheets feel. Especially flannel ones, this time of year.

  22. Wow your decorations look magazine worthy Katie. For a super model trophy wife you sure keep busy :)

  23. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I have to admit to being a bit of a scrooge this year. I finally relented and put up a small tree but did not haul out all of the decorations. Next year for sure!


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