Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A String of Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  It's pretty nippy around here, and it is supposed to get even colder by the end of the week.  I'm not sure I am cut out for this weather.  

I hope that you are having a good week and you are checking a lot off your list.  

You know the drill.
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Are you more task oriented or people oriented?  Elaborate.

Definitely people oriented.  I'd rather chat on the phone with my girls or my Sista than empty the dishwasher any day of the week.

2.  December 15 is National Wear Your Pearls Day...  do you own/wear pearls?  Everyone share a 'pearl of wisdom' with us here today.

I have worn pearls for all of my adult life.  I have real ones, fake ones, one strand, two strand, three strand, six strand, and eight strand.  I have short ones and long ones, white ones, grey ones, gold ones, and pink ones.

I have more pearls than I have sense.

Everyone share a 'pearl of wisdom' with us here today.

If I had a dollar for every time I said this to my girls, I could afford the most expensive pearls in the world.

3.  Speaking of pearls... oysters? Are you a fan or not a fan?  If you answered yes, tell us your favorite way to eat oysters.  If you said no, be honest - have you ever tried one or does just the idea of eating an oyster make you gag a little?

Although I never order them, I could eat fried oysters provided they were accompanied by a mountain of fries.

4.  Time Magazine has named President- elect Donald Trump Person of the Year.  Let's take presidents and presidential candidates out of the mix for a minute.  If a political figure had not been chosen who would you name Man or Woman of the Year for 2016.

I don't know about Person of the Year, but I think that Marlo Thomas should be honored for carrying on her father's legacy in her fight against childhood catastrophic diseases at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

5.  The Pantone Color of the Year for 2017 has been announced, and it's a vibrant green aptly named - greener.  Your thoughts?  Is this a color currently in your home or wardrobe?  Will you add something in this shade for the new year?  

No plans for new home decor, but I am planning on changing my hair color for 2017.

6.  Today, I've had too much Walmart.

I made my monthly pilgrimage to Walmart for all our household essentials, and it was packed.

One of the nice greeters even took a picture of me.  
And just in case you are wondering, I do have my pearls on.

7.  Share a favorite lyric from a favorite Christmas carol.


8.  Insert your own random thought here.

An oldie but a goodie

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh you made me laugh! Thank you.

  2. You are too much, Katie! Oh, I hear you about Wal-Mart...ours has been packed to the gills, too. Love Marlo Thomas and St. Jude. We used to live about 30 miles from the hospital when we lived in TN. They do such amazing work!

  3. I think I may have said this before .... but, I really enjoy your hodgepodges and the pictures you choose to pair with your words.

  4. Oh how I loved your answers today. It only takes one visit a month to Walmart to say I have had too much!!!
    Great choice on the Woman of the Year. As for the greener, I could see it paired with navy...maybe.

  5. Haha...I look forward to your new hair color...maybe you can find some lime green pearls to pull it all together! Enjoy the holiday season!

  6. I know your Pearls were taking over your jewelry box....just a classic look always! Southern girls are never without pearls from the time they are babies! I so look forward to the humor on Hodge Podge day! You are such a joy Katie!

  7. I love how your hodgepodge puts such a smile on my face! I love my pearls too but don't wear them nearly enough, so in honor of national pearls day tomorrow I'm pulling them out and sporting them to the fullest! We will make this color of the year work, I've seen worse shades of green and I think this has promise. I hope you have a festive and fun day beautiful lady!

  8. Thanks for sharing the Downton Abby "Text Santa" video..love it! I must share this with my friends. I believe a gal can never have too many pearls! I wear them almost everyday...I even rock by best Walmart look with classic stand. Have a good week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  9. Agree, you always manage to get us all giggling!

  10. LOVE your hodgepodge! It always makes me smile. I like pearls, too. My elderly cousin just gave me a lovely set that had belonged to her best friend-she had passed and left them to her...that is one of the 'dearest' presents I have ever received.

    I think that color green would be great with my eyes. lol xo Diana

  11. I love your pearl of wisdom; that’s exactly what my mom always told my brother and me.

    Stores frighten me at this time of the year. I try to avoid them whenever I can! You're a braver woman than me! :)

  12. I totally want to wear pearls tomorrow now, but I have already declared it a "home day" to wrap presents all day. My family may think I'm a little crazy if I accessorize with pearls on a cozy day, but oh well.

  13. When I lived in Memphis would drive by St. Jude's every day on my way to work. It's a special place and proves that celebrities can do good. I was just talking to my husband how I'm tired of hearing people complain and protest which solves nothing - they should get out and do something for their city and make a difference.

  14. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge today! I need to borrow your pearls!

  15. I LOVE that color. Good thing I have too many books and china/glass in the cabinets so I really can't move it all to paint. By the time I finished the new color the year would be something totally incompatible.

    LOVE that Downton clip. Someone shared it with me today and I sent it everywhere!

    See you in blogland. Oh wait, we ARE in blog land!

  16. It is always so much fun to read your blog and I especially enjoy all the pictures. I just had to share the Downton video. Too funny! Thanks.

  17. I'm so sorry I couldn't work the HP in this week. I'm busy marking things off my list. Always fun to read your answers and please do not ruin your pretty hair with the green color. ~big chuckle~

  18. Hate to tell you, but don't think TX is going to be sunny and warm this weekend. '-( But, I'm thrilled you will be here! ;-)
    Pearls are a favorite here. I probably wear my pearl stud earrings more than any others. Love the way pearls can be dressy or for everyday. Classics with a capitol C! BYW ~ no one wears them better than YOU!

  19. Sis. You've outdone yourself with this one. Absolutely loved it. All of it. Right down to the green hair and George popping into Downton. Were you able to go on set due to your connections?

  20. Great hodgepode! I'm behind as per usual; I am in New Jersey with zero pearls. I'll make up for it this weekend. Have a great rest of the week!

  21. It is freezing cold here in the Alleghenies too. I love, love, love my pearls...so much so that I wore them out and just had to have them restrung. As for Walmart, I avoid it at all costs and hit Target instead. Your hodgepodge was hilarious and put a smile on my face as usual. Have a terrific weekend, and stay warm!

  22. You always crack me up! It's freezing here in NJ too but it helps it feel more Christmas-y. Have a great weekend!

  23. You can't beat the prices in Walmart - sad but true.
    No thank you to green(er).
    Yes please to George Clooney.
    Stay warm - the freezing temps, wind and snow are right around the corner.

  24. The perfect way to start the countdown...thank you and best of everything this holiday season.

  25. Chuckle, chuckle! I love green, but this one is a bit too yellow for me. Oh, by all means, go ahead and use it on your hair. It will look great!

  26. The Walmart pic....oh my sweet Jesus that made me crack up. Loving that green and yes it is a good idea for hair color bahahahahaha. xoxoxoxo

  27. I could actually wear that shade of green well when I was younger and had a bit more color myself. Love your enthusiasm for pearls. I haven't worn mine (one strand) in years because wearing jewelry irritates me! Walmart never enters my thoughts; I've never shopped there, don't have a clue (I'm not on Facebook either, I'm a rebel).

  28. I have quite a pearl collection too, and love and wear them pretty regularly. Nobody bats an eye here in the south : ) The eating this time of year-yikes! I can relate to that last cartoon a little too well. Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm and cozy in the northeast!

  29. Please tell me you are kidding about that green color. Thanks for the book recommendations. I need a books for a trip. I am in Texas and it will not get above freezing today. me oh my. Something besides the heat to complain about. Merry Christmas!

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