Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, December 9, 2016

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  
Welcome to The Friday Files.  
I hope that you are enjoying your week. 


My latest blog crush...

Nora Murphy Country House website is not actually my latest crush because I have been following her for years.  I could probably classify Nora Murphy's Connecticut blog as my biggest crush after perusing her on line magazine, Christmas Country House Style over and over again.

I sent Nora's link to my Sista awhile ago, and it cost her a lot of money.  Sista's awe of Nora's dining room led to the renovation of her dining room last Fall.

You know how much I love buffalo checks?  When I saw this pic of Nora's bedroom, my heart literally skipped a beat.  And those glorious bookshelves!  I love every inch of this room.

Stop over and visit Nora Murphy Country House.  
It is truly a feast for your eyes.


Diet Tips

I'm beginning to think that this is the only thing that will work for me!


House Notes

I took this pic last week.  I can't believe how long this tree stayed in bloom.  Sadly, the leaves have gone today.


TV Talk

This Is Us fans... 

Say it ain't so!
I have to wait until January to find out Toby's fate?!?!

RHBH fans...

Yay or Nay on the new cast member with the questionable British accent?


What I've been reading...

I am halfway through with this twisting tale.  It's great so far but as you know, an ending can ruin a book for me, so I'll keep you posted. 

One of my dear readers, Pam, recommended this book to me.  I have been listening to it on my walks and enjoying it tremendously.  It's a great gift for the person who enjoys history spiced with entertaining stories about the White House famous residents from the Kennedys to the Obamas. 


While the Mister's Away...


The Mister was out of town for a night last week so I chose The Meddler to keep me company.  It was cute, but I'm glad I didn't pay for a movie ticket. 


Gadgets, anyone?

Has anybody bought the Echo?  Amazon has certainly been running enough commercials for it.  The Mister has been dropping some not-so-subtle hints that he wants one.  I'm not so sure that I would appreciate him talking to Alexa more than he's talking to me, though.  

I bought this Ableware Roll Lotion Applicator about ten years ago.  I get really dry skin during the winter months, especially on my back.  This applicator is a godsend and I've never had to replace it.  

I also recommended it to a friend who pulled a muscle in her back and had to apply BenGay.  She called me to tell me that it worked like a charm.

How did they get my picture for their ad?


World News

A Tacky Christmas Sweater Party at The Palace?  I wish!  No, the party is actually at Madame Tussauds in London.  I'm looking for the sweater that Kate and William are wearing for the Mister and me.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Could you imagine having a wall of books in your bedroom? You'd never sleep!! That is amazing. I love your little sweatered bulldogs at the end! -Jenn

  2. I will check out that blog you mentioned Katie. I love country and I love buffalo checks!! I saw that picture of the Royal Family online and I almost spit out my coffee !! I am trying to get my 10,000 steps per day in an effort to ward off those holiday pounds but superglue might be the answer.

  3. I was a history major in college and I have to say that I enjoyed the book --The Residence.
    Also to get myself in the mood it is time for a Winter Housewalk today. It is cold around here so boy will it add to the scene.
    love the picture of Royal family in tacky Christmas sweaters.

  4. I'm going to read the book about the White House - thanks! I love White House history and I'm not saying this to be political, but I'm afraid the Trumps won't give the White House traditions and protocol the reverence they deserve.

  5. I wish you lived next door so that any time I was down in the dumps I could run over and get cheered up just by your presence!

    I love everything here and really need that back lotion thing desperately. And that Mme. T's Christmas photo which I must share on FB. And the opening video with your fluff ball. And I should scold you about Nora's site -- new to me and I think I may end up pulling a Sistah and getting into all sorts of trouble! Happy weekend!

  6. I've been crushing over Nora's bedroom since she first posted. What a wonderful room! I've been trying to figure out how to give our master a little tweak. Wall of bookshelves is out, but boy would I love that! Maybe just the buffalo check pillow shams to start. '-)

    Thanks for the book recommendation. May pop that in a friend's stocking.
    See you soon........bring your winter coat. It's freezing in Texas!

  7. I too love Nora Murphy! Eveything thing she decorates looks comfy and beautiful. Thanks for the book suggestions! I have to go and order them.

    We still have a lot of leaves on the trees and lots of Fall color here in VA. But this weekend it will be incredibly cold for this time of the year so the leaves will probably all fall from the shock.

    Have a fabulous weekend.

  8. I loaded Evelyn after on my kindle but haven't started reading it yet. I wil have to check out Nora's blog, love the designs so far! Have a wonderful weekend!


  9. Katie, I visited Nora's house during a charity tour and I fell in love with every single bit of it!! And she is the sweetest person too and full of interesting stories. Can you believe that bedroom was once a chicken coop? I would not relish having Alexa around to satisfy my hubby's every wish. Let us know how she works out for you. Can't wait to read The Residence--sounds like a fascinating book! Linda

  10. I love everything here and really need that back lotion thing desperately. And that Mme. T's Christmas photo which I must share on FB. And the opening video with your fluff ball. And I should scold you about Nora's site -- new to me and I think I may end up pulling a Sistah and getting into all sorts of trouble! Happy weekend!http://musclegainfast.com/muscle-science/

  11. Superglue for lip gloss - I finally have the solution!! I am not familiar with Nora's blog - I can't wait to check it out! Hope you have a beautiful weekend celebrating the season! xoxo

  12. Inspired by your house, your blog and Ballard Designs, I wanted to put buffalo check drapes in a client's country house, she said too busy. Umm, I don't think so!

  13. Fun post, Katie - you never disappoint! I need to get over to Nora's house - ASAP, so I can feel the rush of inadequacy stream through my veins. This Is Us - my sister and her husband were talking about that show this past week, and my hubs & I want to watch it. It may have to wait for a binge weekend in Jan, though, at this point. Hey, that lotion roller looks pretty cool! Someone in our family white elephant gift exchange may 'need' that. Come to think of it, I think I need that. Have a great weekend.

    1. Had to come back and tell you I fainted while ogling over Nora's Christmas Country House. What a feast for my senses. Can you believe that mammoth RL cupboard she scored at HG??

  14. I have been following Nora on Instagram but never been to her blog. I ran over and now ai am her newest subscriber! Thanks for the tip. I love her photos and style. A visual retreat!

  15. I love the look of the bookshelves in the bedroom...mmmm, just what I need, another idea - but it could work here! As for the new fake british accent - the jury is still out on her! Lisa V can sure hold a grudge, huh? I am beginning to think that my TV is turned to Bravo more than any other channel! I need to get a life - lol

  16. Thumbs down on the new cast member of RHOBH. I don't think I've given a thumbs up to too many of the new RHOBH cast members over the years. Erica is okay. The "witch" Carlton with the long dark hair may be my biggest thumbs down. At least Brandi is gone.

  17. Nora's home is amazing...inspo for me and we are building our dream house in 2017!!! I'll be heading to blogs like hers and yours for ideas!! GREAT Friday fun Katie!! Blessings on your weekend!!

  18. I love Nora Murphy and everything that she does! I literally gasped at the end of This is Us. However, as much as I love Toby I am not sure if his character really has that important of a story line. I do think this show is going to break my heart. My husband even watches with me. So far the new housewife on RHOBH is okay, but I am starting to lose interest in all of them. I want Bravo to bring back Million Dollar Decorators!! Have a great weekend!

  19. Nora is now on my MUST READ list! Ooohh how gorgeous. I have mixed feelings about Alexa. Get this, I totally forgot RHBH is on. How dare I? I must catch a marathon ASAP. I am also wondering about Toby - I have a feeling they are killing him off. Just a gut instinct. You are so fun, my friend. Warm weekend wishes to you!

  20. Oh, I love that bedroom too! And, I've been thinking seriously of ordering the Echo. My hair stylist has one and says Alexa is just amazing. I just hate to get one more gadget. When is enough enough? I have a lotion applicator but I think this one looks better so I may just have to order it. Happy weekend!

  21. Nora has just the right amount of rustic with prep! My kind of style!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  22. Jury is still out on Dorit. I'll have to see how she treats my friends Rinna and Eileen before I commit. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!


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