Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Books, TV,& Movies

Hello, dear readers.  Happy Sunday.  The Mister and I have had a great weekend so far.  Yesterday was a picture perfect day.  Today is going to be a wet one, so we are headed to the movies. Hope y'all are enjoying your weekends as well. 

Young and quirky Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) moves from one job to the next to help her family make ends meet. Her cheerful attitude is put to the test when she becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident two years earlier. 

I'm pretty sure that I will not be able to hold my composure during this heartbreaking flick.  I tear-up every time I watch the trailer.

In the 18th century, the seductive and manipulative Lady Susan (Kate Beckinsale) uses devious tactics to win the heart of the eligible Reginald De Courcy (Xavier Samuel).

Going to see this one today!

In the 1930s, a young man (Jesse Eisenberg) falls in love after moving to Hollywood, then finds romance again after returning home to New York.

I'm not a huuuuuge Woody Allen fan, but this film intrigues me.

What I've been reading...

This one kept me guessing until the end.


I loved Clint Hill's first book Mrs. Kennedy and Me.  The Mr. and I listened to Five Presidents on our trip back and forth to Connecticut. It's very entertaining and full of great stories about the Presidents and First Ladies.

I'm almost finished with this one.  I enjoyed Chamberlain's last book, The Silent Sister and I am savoring this one as well. 

The Widow centers around a child kidnapping.  However, the reader never meets the child or witnesses the crime.  The book focuses on the accused kidnapper's widow and her role in the kidnapping.  It's a good one.

This book simmers along.  Every chapter holds a clue to each character's personality and motivation.  If you like Jodi Picoult, you'll love this one. 

On my reading list...

While summering in Martha's Vineyard, a wealthy couple learns that they've lost all their money.  I'm looking forward to this one which will be released on June 14th.

This is the next one on my reading list.  Another novel that takes place in Martha's Vineyard.  The plot centers around the aftermath of a small plane crash.

I have always enjoyed Emily Giffen's books, especially Something Borrowed and Something Blue.  She hasn't released a book for quite awhile.  I have high hopes for this one.

I'm a big fan of Liane Moriarty's, and I'm waiting with bated breath for this novel's release on July 26th.

I loved Ann Leary's last book.  This one takes place in Connecticut and sounds really good.

What I've been watching...

The Mister and I have been spending our evenings in Scotland with the good people of Monarch of the Glen.  It's an oldie but a goodie.

I'm halfway through with Season 2 and loving every minute of it.
Note to self:  Order Jane Fonda's workout DVDs.

On my watch list...

Yeah, baby!  I can hardly wait to watch my boyfriend, the Coach in Season 2.  Has anyone seen it yet?  I hope it is as good as Season 1. 

I'm not proud of it, but I need something to satisfy my crazy gene.

What's on your book/movie/tv summer list?

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wow...great line up of movies and books.

  2. Your book list sounds terrific, Katie. And I need to watch Monarch of the Glen. I may get to Love and Friendship today -- it's raining; a good movie day. And eager for Cafe Society. I read Me Before You and will probably give the movie a pass.

    My book list for summer is long -- I'm into Stuart Kaminsky's "Toby Peters" mysteries right now, some by Deborah Crombie, two or three books on the WWI/WWII periods, Danubia, a couple of Bryant and May books, some Edith Wharton and Kingsley Amis and a few re-reads -- All my Vivian Swift books but especially the new Gardens of Awe and Folly, some of my old kids books (some Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew) and a few biographies (Anne Lindbergh's diaries and one on Julia Child.) I either need rain or beach time!

  3. Love and Friendship is definitely on my to-see list. I love Liane Moriarty too, and just downloaded one of her older books that I haven't read, while I wait for her new one to be released. Also waiting for the new Elin Hilderbrand book. That's a summer reading ritual for me. Loved Ann Leary's 'The Good House' so looking forward to checking this one out too. Bloodline Season 2 was great! I binge watched it over Memorial Day weekend.

  4. What a great post....I am so excited to see Me before you, loved the book and the movie looks as good. Dragging my husband today since theres been a change of plans, its a rainy day and the graduation party we were invited to has been postponed, its like a monsoon here, perfect movie day! Cannot wait to see Love and Friendship, supposed to go with a friend next week:) Let us know how it is!
    Thank you for singlehandedly giving me my summer reading list...great list of so many good ones. I will be thrilled if I can finish half this many:) Just finished Sweetbitter and it was really good, one of those hard to put down books...enjoy the movies!! And of course RH....a guilty pleasure for me as well, they are all turning into wackadoodles!

  5. All of the movies......Monarch of the Glen.....but I don't know about the others, except for Housewives, and that one by reputation. Perhaps it's time to broaden my viewing!
    Have a great week.

  6. I just finished binge watching Grace and Frankie. It is delightful. I am ready for season three. I am going to start season one of Blood Line and then binge on season two. Thank you also for the book recommendations. I do enjoy reading.

    1. You are entirely welcome, Maxine. Enjoy your week.

  7. Thanks for all the great book and viewing recommendations. I can't wait to see Me Before You, and have been wanting to watch Bloodline. I always see the Monarch on the Glen Dvd's when I'm volunteering at the library, and now I definitely want to watch them. Thanks for all the great tips! I'm putting out my Media Monday tomorrow (hopefully) so you can see what I've been reading. Have a happy Monday!

  8. I was waiting for this list...now I am covered for summer reading AND movies! Hope you have a great week! xoxo

  9. Great selections! I have been working on my list as well. Me Before You is next on my reading list but I feel sad every time I see the trailer too! I am a big fan of Lynn Moriarty so that one is on my list as well. I can't read the plane crash one because of my fear of flying and the fact that I will worry it will jinx my upcoming flight... I am adding the others to my list though! Have a great week!

  10. Hi Katie,
    Great reading selections! I am not much of a television person, I love to be outside gardening and we are on the cusp of putting in a pool. You know if you live in Texas you have to have a swimming pool!

  11. Thank you for the movie and book recommendations. I love many that you suggest. sheila

  12. I will DO my BEST to keep up with YOU!NO wonder YOU have put those doggie's to WORK!YOU are a BUSY WOMAN......................THANKS for the RECOMMENDATIONS!The films look RIGHT up my alley!

  13. Now I have a few good book suggestions to read this summer. Love a good book that you dare not put down until the next day.
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. All's well here in HOTlanta!

  14. Lots of great suggestions as always! If Love and Friendship doesn't come to Jackson soon I may have to take a trip to Memphis or New Orleans - I am dying to see it!

  15. I tremendously appreciate all of your recommendations! All of your book, TV, and movie recommendations are always excellent.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I've been watching a lot of old Woody Allen movies lately, so I'm glad to see there's a new one coming out. He's so creepy in real life, but his movies are full of great dialogue and interesting characters. It's a kick I didn't anticipate ever being on.

  18. Thanks for the recommendations,you always have a good taste!
    Bloodline season 2 was great,can,t wait for season 3..

  19. We have watched Bloodline (Season 2). It is great! Now, to find something else to binge watch!!

  20. I enjoy Emily Giffin books, too! It's been a while since I read a fictional book, I may need to check that out. Hope you are having a great week!

  21. LOVE Love love reading your movie and book recommendations! Will definitely put these on my list! Thanks!!

  22. Thanks for all the concise reviews! I love Liane Moriarty, so will be watching for that one...also I forgot all about Frankie and Gracie-hey, I couldn't do Jane Fonda's work outs 30 years ago! Ha! I've got to check out Bloodline, that looks good. My guilty pleasure is the New York Housewives, but for the life of me I can't figure out how they stay friends when all they do is scream at each other!

  23. Did you like Me Before You? I liked the book and can't quite decide if I can handle the movie. My daughter and I saw Love and Friendship yesterday and we liked it. We agreed you need to be a Jane Austen fan to appreciate it, and also female : )

  24. I enjoyed Love & Friendship and can't wait to see You Before Me. Thank you for so faithfully joining us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You are a treasured blogging friend.

  25. I love your lists!
    They keep me from standing in Barnes and Noble and looking dumbfounded!!
    Thank you for being party of Thoughts of Home.


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