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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Chocolate Kind of Hodgepodge

1.  I read here a list of 13 things you should do in June.  I'm paraphrasing a little but basically...

Go on a road trip with your best friend, pick fresh strawberries, host a garden party, take a morning run, treat yourself to a flower bouquet, spend a whole day hiking, discover a new coffee shop, try a new ice cream flavor, read at least one book, visit a farmer's market, make a swing for your home, and visit a new city.

Which thing on the list do you most want to do?  Of activities mentioned, which one holds the least appeal.  How many on the list will you attempt in June?   What's one thing you'd add to the list?

Susie Watson Designs

Of all the things mentioned, I would most want to host a garden party.  I need to make sure the Chef is on board before the invites go out, though.  I don't think my chicken salad salmonella would go over big.

The least appealing to me is to go on an all day hike.

Now that my hydrangeas are starting to bloom, it's just a matter of time before I can turn my house into hydrangea heaven.  Chow tells me he already watered this one. 

By the way... I just listened to the first hour of this book on my walk and it is really good.  It is about a recluse who lives in a beautiful estate in Connecticut and also happens to be a very popular Mommy blogger.  There's one catch though - she's not a Mommy.

I'm beginning this one tonight.

I just started two new books yesterday - one Audible and one Kindle.

I strolled around a fabulous farmer's market in Boston last week.

I am planning a trip to a new city (to me) within the next couple of weeks.

The World on a Platter

The thing I would add to this list is to enjoy a fabulous meal al fresco.  

2.  What's something you could do today to feel more peaceful?

I go to Mass when I need to feel peaceful.

3.  June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.  Are you a fan?  Swiss mocha rocky road, Chocolate chocolate chip, peanut butter and chocolate, or a dish of plain chocolate... what's your pleasure?

I wish all the questions were this easy.

4.  If you came with a warning what would it say?

5 . What's the most interesting website you've visited in the last week?

My girls always send me funny Instagrams to follow.  I have to admit, Talkthirytome can be off color, but never fails to make me chuckle.

6.  Spring, summer, autumn, winter... which season are you?  Why?

Summer... because the Mister thinks I'm hot.

7. "You lose sight of things... 
and when you travel, everything balances out." - Daranna Gidel

Would you agree with that sentiment?  

Explain why or why not.

That depends...

I think that everything balances out a lot better here...

than here.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hey Hodgepodgers...

Our buddy, Judy, from Cranberry Morning had hip surgery this week.  I haven't seen any updates but thought it would be nice if we all stopped by her blog to say hello.

What's your favorite website?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your blog and my dear friend's Dressed to a T are favorites. Happy June!

    1. Thank you so much Carol! I am off to Dressed to a T right now. Enjoy your week!

  2. Stopping by from the Hodge Podge. The picture of your dog by the hydrangea is so cute. He is "trying" to look innocent! :-) Your picture from the Farmers Market makes me want radishes!

  3. Could Chow be any cuter? I've never been to Durham, but I love North Carolina! Have a fun trip! Heading over to Judy's blog...thanks for the reminder about her surgery!

  4. Agree - when I need some peace I always go to a weekday morning mass. Usually very few there and a bare bones mass without music, but the simplicity of it speaks to me :-)

  5. Your "summer body" is to die for!! Funny girl!

  6. Thank goodness for daughters to keep us entertained and current : ) Have you seen the Hedgehographer on Insta. I'm loving that one right now, but my girls and I have a thing about hedgehogs. Maybe we will land in the Raleigh/Durham area at the same time one of these days!

  7. As usual my favorite day to read blogs is Wednesday because of you!! xo K

  8. I can always count on you for a good chuckle!!

  9. The pressure!! I might be able to get to these .....pick fresh strawberries, host a garden party, take a morning walk on the beach, treat myself to a flower bouquet, spend a whole day lounging, discover a new coffee shop, try a several ice cream flavours, read at least one book, visit a farmer's market, and visit a new city......maybe Portland.
    The woman in the black whatever reminds me of my mother-in-law (may she rest in peace). She was an original.
    I agree with the quote about travel, at least in this time of life. When I travel I like to unplug - hard for the first few days, then marvelously liberating.
    Mass? Yes. Peace and quiet in a too-fast world.
    Thanks for the smile on a Wednesday!

  10. All of the open ice cream stands is my favorite part of summer. Non-chocolate flavors with a lotsa mix-ins are my favorite flavors.
    Yoga bring me peace.

  11. I'd like to host a garden party, or at least dinner on the terrace. I better hurry though before I miss our window of time. The heat of summer is moving in on us. ;-(
    I'd like some morning walks on a pretty beach, but will have to settle for our shady streets in the hood. New coffee shop and new ice cream flavor would be good. Thanks for the reading referrals. I'm going to put them on my library list. And yes, bouquets of fresh flowers always!
    Thanks for my Wednesday Hodgepodge smiles!

  12. I do not understand the 'pleasure' of hiking;). Mass calms my soul:). Every couple of years or so, I get 'itchy-travel-feet', and MUST visit another country...it makes me feel as-if I'm a citizen of the world:) As usual Katie, yours is the best blog around for ladies of a certain type, age and stage. I love it, and feel as if I know you (because you are so genuine and relatable).

    1. Nickie... thank you so much for your kind words. They not only made my day... they made my week. Hope you are enjoying yours.

  13. LOVE your hodgepodge posts!!! Have fun in Durham!! xoxo

  14. You're hilarious, Katie! I can't decide if travel is worth it this summer or not. We're celebrating our 30th in August and we're considering a staycation. Looking forward to your Durham report.

  15. To show you where my mind is, at first, I thought the list said, "Spend a whole day DRINKING." Oh, yes ma'am, I'm in for that! Then I reread the words and suddenly felt a little guilty, but still checked the clock to see how far away 5pm is. That kind of week . . .

    Always love your hodgepodge!

  16. Great summer body! Hub, daughter, and I just returned from Durham a few weeks ago. We have to return in July-pharmacy meeting and floor show. Enjoy your stay.

  17. Katie,I go to Mass when I need to feel peaceful too.
    Lately, I should be going 5 times a day, to get that peace .
    Thanks for a fun blog.

  18. Yikes. I've done six of the things on that list already. (Chicken Salmonella. Sounds like a good diet food.)

    I love every single one of your answers! And don't worry -- should we ever meet, I will not suggest hiking!

    Thanks again for stopping by Marmelade Gypsy -- I shared your congratulations with Rick who was very happy!

  19. Chocolate, Dutch chocolate. Blue Bell. Nothing chunky in it. Just smooth creamy chocolatey chocolate!!!
    Tonite is my first non grandchild, non toddler night in over 2 weeks....ahhhhhhh. Quiet. No macaroni n cheese. No questions. Love em to death but this ole YAYAs bones are too old for many more days like the last!
    Mass! Solitude with bliss!

  20. Katie, enjoy your trip to Duraham, NC it is a great place! I ALWAYS love your posts, they always make me smile. Have a great week

  21. Your book reading makes me feel like a slacker...too many tv shows On Demand lately. YOU are so funny ...the serene beach scene followed by baggage claim...hahahaha.

  22. I love reading your hodgepodge. Are you a treadmill walker, or an outside walker? I think I am hosting a party this month for my coworkers. I will definitely be picking strawberries as well. That's a lovely outfit on your summer model! -Jenn

  23. It's fun parenting young adults isn't it? They do fun stuff and sit with the coll kids and sometimes take you along! LOL And chocolate ice cream? Yes please.
    PS My new house is being built in the historic district of downtown McKinney TX!

  24. Hi Katie, I could write a book answering you! This is too much fun!! But I'll just say, as to #3, yes, please. As long as it has "chocolate" in the name I'll take a carton. #1, no morning run because I'm busy doing my major caffeine intake then. And as to being hot, well yes, I usually like being hot (haha) except for those times when I'm the only "hot" one in the room--you know--and I just found some pearls that you put in the freezer and take along, then put them on! Hot still, but only in a good way! :) Linda


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