Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

Hello, dear friends.  Is it Friday yet?  I can never figure out what day it is when there is a holiday on a Monday.  Last weekend was an abnormally busy one for us but chock full of fun.  Here are a few pics that I took along the way. 

On my way to Lexington, I had to make a pitstop in DC for a press conference.  I'm running on the supermodel ticket.

We met the graduate at the hotel and toasted to her future.
Or at least I did. 

On Wednesday, Washington & Lee held their convocation.  The students got to wear their cap and gown for two days in a row!  The only ones that were happy about that were their parents.

The Mister took a creative approach to camouflaging my double chin.

Proud Papa.

Same place, next day, different ceremony.  
Graduation day.

Can you spell r-e-l-i-e-f?

She can!

Celebration dinner in Charlottesville.

We arrived home late Thursday night and attended a fabulous cocktail party on Friday night.  Remember my favorite house on the garden tour?  Yup, lucked out on an invite to the hottest party in town.  We met the owners and they are positively darling.  

On to Susie's wedding...

I've been to a lot of weddings in my lifetime.  But I have never seen a happier bride and groom.  

I didn't take many pics because I was having such a great time.  The wedding was held on the grounds of a beautiful home owned by my ex boyfriend in Fairfield, Connecticut.  The flowers were breathtaking and the tables were done in a stunning blue and white.  

Twin beauty!

I met Holly, who was sweet enough to tell me that her two favorite blogs are The Enchanted Home and mine.  Thanks Holly, I'm glad I'm in good company.

I leave you with a pic of Susie's younger brother and moi.
Or as I refer to him... 
the one who got away.

Have a great weekend!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Smiles in all the pictures. Looks like it was a time to remember.

  2. I love that photo of you, the Mr. and the graduate....ya'll look like movie stars!

    Oh, and let me say with regard to your D.C. "photo op" you've got my vote!

  3. What a great post...congrats to your daughter, she looks happy, and relieved:) I promise I will vote for you....I have more faith in you than the current prospects:)
    I loved seeing the pic of the bride and groom..what a happy happy couple, their smiles are infectious, tell them to keep on smiling, the world needs more of that. Loved every single picture and how sweet that your readers loves our blogs:) Always the best validation, don't you think?

  4. Congrats again to #2. She is just darling. And agree, Suzie is one of the happiest brides I have ever seen!!! Congrats to the new couple.

  5. I simply adore the picture of the bride and groom...she looks amazingly happy! Congrats to your lovely, lovely daughter! Just a beautiful time with lively celebrations...life is very good right now! Big hugs Katie!

  6. Hi Katie -- Congratulations on your beautiful daughter's graduation! I remember those feelings of relief -- I hope the future treats her well. And then a wedding? Wow -- talk about wardrobe time! Well, it all looks delightful and filled with fun and love.

    Speaking of, I loved your wonderful comment on The Marmelade Gypsy and trust me -- you get to Lansing, MI, we'll have tea for you anytime!

  7. Your friend, The Bride and her Groom, red beautiful!......and so is the graduate. The relief of the parents' faces is evident t, but so are pride and elation!

  8. Hooray for the newest degree holder and to the new bride. You have had a busy week and you still found time to write; perhaps I know where the recent grad scored her time management skills.

  9. What a wonderful month you have had! Congratulations to your beautiful daughter! She looks ecstatic. Katie, if only you would run for president--you have my vote!!

  10. Congrats all the way around ~ to Susie & groom, the happiest couple; to #2 on her amazing accomplishments; and to the proud parents who obviously made a huge difference in #2's accomplishments. '-)
    Oh, and to that cute doggie who must have received a diploma in something . . . Obedience School????

  11. Two great events, all in one weekend! Happy daughter, happy friend. Great post!

  12. Congrats to your daughter!! She looks SO happy. We endured two days of graduation activities as well - never ending but worth the end result!! I love Lexington and C'ville - I went to school there - back then it was only boys at W&L. Have a great weekend!! xoxo

  13. The bride and groom look like they are having so much fun on their wedding day! Congratulations to your daughter. Quite the accomplishment, graduating from a post-secondary institute and moving on to the next phase of her life! -Jenn

  14. So happy for your daughter and your friend on her wedding! you looked fabulous in blue and white my friend!!

  15. Sis! I am about to enter the land of graduation. Thank you for the inspirational photos. Now if I can only just get everyone to crop out my double chin we'll be golden. Btw - does Suzie's brother always smile that big?

  16. Wow -- you did have a fun weekend and week! My nephew graduated from Washington & Lee a couple years ago! What a great school! Your girl is so pretty! You look fabulous! Your friend's wedding looks like a blast! Have a good weekend!

  17. What an action packed weekend you had! Everyone looks so happy and I love your dress!

  18. What a great (exhausting) week you had! :-) So fun to see pics of your daughter and yourselves. And W&L chapel (although Lee in Repose was impossible for me to photograph for some reason). Love that campus. Many congratulations to your daughter and to her parents for getting her there. Hope you have another great weekend. I won't be blogging for a while, but will still be on IG because I can be virtually immobile and still IG! :-)) Take care. xo

  19. What joyous pictures! Looks like a great weekend.

  20. A friend's daughter was in that graduating class! I tried to see if she photobombed any of your pics to no avail.

    I add my all around congrats!

  21. So many happy times make me . . . happy! Congratulations and best wishes all around!


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