Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, July 6, 2015

A Perfect Day for a Garden Tour

Hello, dear friends.  It is great to be back.  The Mister and I went on a wonderful cruise to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  We visited fabulous places and made some lovely new friends.  I can't wait to tell you all about it.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a sucker for home and garden tours.  I usually walk away with plenty of new ideas and inspiration.  Whether any of those ideas ever come to fruition is a whole different story. 

My new bff, Anne, and I decided to take this garden tour which was held in the South Shore area a couple of weeks ago.   

This beautiful house is in my neighborhood, which is a historic district.  The house was built in 1847.  I have always admired the front of this home and I was totally blown away by the backyard.  Some serious gardeners live here.

This is a Belgian fence of Colonnade apples along the walkway.

Notice the lights.  This backyard oasis was made for a party. Now I have to introduce myself to the owners so I can get on their guest list!

Never met a potting table I didn't like!

I think I could take up painting if I lived in this gorgeous home.

Outdoor entertaining at its best.


Our next house was a few streets away.  We met the lady of the house and she was lovely.

Note to self:  buy the Mister a hedge trimmer.

Another beautiful home and garden.

Love the cozy porch.

Some highlights from the other gardens on tour.

It was a great day!  
Now I've got to go out to the barn and see if I can scrounge up some garden gloves.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What beautiful gardens - so welcoming and suit the style of the houses so well. Happy Monday Katie and I can't wait to hear about your cruise :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so glad you're back; I have missed your posts! These photos are lovely and inspire me to do more with our own gardens and flower beds. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I like the variety of different shades of green in the beds at the first house. So pretty.

    Glad you had a good vacation, we can't wait to hear all about it, and Congratulations on the big anniversary! Very rare for a trophy wife to last that long!

  5. love the gardens, beautiful historic homes to go with it. Love the picture of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, looks just like my Winston.

  6. Congratulations on the anniversary cruise celebration! I laugh at the ideas you get for your lucky Mister. LOL. Bet he can't wait! You crack me up. Love those garden tours. I need my own personal landscape artist, but I hear you have to pay them. ;-)

  7. Happy Anniversary to you and the Mister...can't wait to see your photos of the cruise!

    Wow! That first house is beyond gorgeous and that back yard? You better hurry up and get on her guest list so you/we can see the inside (LOL)!

    All the homes are stunning, as is your historic neighborhood. We have a wonderful old historic neighborhood here and I need to do another "drive by" like a did a few years ago and post some pictures.

    Hope your 4th was a 'blast"!

  8. So glad you had a wonderful getaway. And those gardens...to die for. Now if it only weren't 90+ degrees here in the summer months. Thanks for you kind words regarding our daughter's accident. She is thankfully on the mend, and enjoying her new truck.

  9. this is gonna sound like a crazy question but just remember I'm from the deep south where our temps barely go below freezing. Are all those gardens perennials? and do they really come back even after winters like ya'll have?? Or do they replant new every year? And don't ya'll start getting cold weather in Sept?? There must be a short blooming period. See?
    I know as hard as work in my gardens for a 6 month showing, I couldn't imagine doing so much for such a short time.
    Told ya my questions were gonna be crazy!
    Glad you had a fun time cruisin'!!!

    1. I think those are GREAT questions. Yes, most of the plants are perennials. Everyone has been saying that hydrangeas must love snow because they came back this summer with a vengeance! I plant geraniums every year but other than that, everything comes back. As far as your question goes about getting cold in Sept. - I refuse to think about it!! Hope you are having a great summer!

    2. I've lived in these parts all my life. Sept is warm as is most of October. Real cold doesn't set in til January with occasional "previews." And some winters never. Most Christmases are green. Hydrangeas are best ever! Snow is an insulator and everything else survived. You'd all love fall!!

  10. Loved this post Katie! And so glad that you're back to blogging! I can't wait to hear about your cruise vacation!

    1. Thanks Jean. I hope you are having a great summer!

  11. Absolutely beautiful gardens...glad you're back. Can't wait to hear all about the trip. Sorry we were not in town at the same time.

  12. Beautiful gardens and houses. I always love the stately older ladies! They have weathered the years, storms, and families who lived in them. Not sure why I refer to houses as women...but in French they are feminine...La Maison. Anyway, love the houses in your post.

  13. Glad you had a wonderful time celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary on the high seas.
    Lovely home-and-garden-tour photos. I always wonder how much time is required each week to maintain beautiful gardens like those. A dozen flower pots around my house just about overwhelm me.

  14. Hi welcome home! 25 years...quite an accomplishment, congrats! Glad you had fun:) What a fun tour, this is so evident of someone who truly loves to garden, you can see and feel the passion jumping off the computer screen....very inspiring. Glad you are back safe and sound and hopefully refreshed:)

  15. Before I forget the SON and his food truck is in TRURO..................
    Parked at a BEACH!Thats ALL I KNOW!!!!!!!
    What fun this garden tour looked to be........BUT where did you cruise TOO!We just had our 29th...............I made hotdogs and we sat around the CASA.Not much celebrating but at least we were together..............XX

  16. Hi Katie! Welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your cruise. The home tours looked lovely; I am so jealous that you live in a historic district....that is my dream. Sent you an e-mail right before you left; let's try to get together soon. Hugs, Dawn

  17. Wonderful wonderful post, Katie. Now---see if you can get ME on that list, too. I want to see that place up close and personal. I just found out there is no garden tour here this year- I can't believe it! xo Diana

  18. Hello Katie dearest
    I stopped by earlier today and it islovely to see you are back with your garden tour....but Im so sorry I didn't know about your special anniversary, now I feel bad..
    Many Congratulations to you and your husband, for your Silver wedding and what a wonderful way to celebrate on a super cruise, I cant think of a better way to be spoilt, there is so much to enjoy,and you deserve it you are very lovely people. Im raising a glass across the miles, to the next 25!
    Thank you for your friendship and much love to you
    Sally xx

  19. Those gardens are such a far cry from what we can grow here in Texas. It's hard to imagine! I was in heaven when we lived in Charlottesville and could get a spade in the ground with no effort and not hit a single rock. Congrats on your anniversary. we are celebrating our 25th as well!

  20. Congrats on 25 years Katie!! Thanks for sharing that incredible garden, it's one of my favorite things to do in the summer too, and I missed them this year so this was the perfect fix! :)


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