Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Weekend in Pictures

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good week.  July is my "maintenance" month.  I am very busy but not having much fun.  Yesterday was my physical, today blood work and next week includes fun things like teeth cleaning, mammogram, and eye doctor. 

There are also a couple of fun things going on this week.  Sista is coming in to spend the night tonight!  She has business in Beantown tomorrow.   

So, because of Sista's royal visit, I am not participating in Hodgepodge this week because I'm not going to have the time to work on it.  Instead, I put together a little post showing the highlights of our weekend.    

Thanks to all you wonderful readers, I took your advice and picked up a thunder shirt for Little Miss Crazy Pants.  The lady at Petco told me to not only have her wear it during "stressful" times but also during the calm moments so she won't associate her new fashion accessory with hysteria.  So, we had her sleep in it for a couple of nights.  Here are some photos of Chili's introduction to her thunder shirt.  By the way... we don't call it thunder shirt in front of her, we call it her jammies.

The Mister is the only one in our family that actually reads directions.  The girls and I usually try to "wing it" and then complain to him that the "darn thing" doesn't work!!

Looks more like a cross between a bullet proof vest and a straight jacket to me.

Good luck Mister, last time I tried to put a hair bow in her hair I almost lost a finger.

Help me Mom!!

  All geared up and then there is silence.

The clock is ticking.  It seems like we've been watching her for 3 days.  Not a movement.  Not even a blink of an eye.

 Chow: Dad... are you sure you put it on right?

Me:  MisterIs she still breathing?   

and giving a look reminiscent of my girls' teenage years!!

Chili:  I had more fun when I was homeless...

On Saturday, we did a little work in the yard.  The only things that actually loved the snow last winter were the hydrangeas. 

We then decided to regain our strength with some nourishment.  The Mister asked me where I wanted to go for lunch and I gave him my classic answer:  anywhere on the water.  We decided to go to one of our favorite places in Scituate. 

I ordered a delicious beet salad.  It seems like beets have become very popular on menus lately.  I've eaten so many beets my skin has developed a purple hue. 

The Mister had his beloved fried clams - his favorite thing (except for me) in the whole world.

Note to self:  make an appointment for the Mister's physical.


Sunday was another beautiful day.  We went to Mass and then had lunch at another one of our favorite waterfront spots in Cohasset. 

Instead of ogling the Mister, I couldn't take my eyes off this stunning house across the water. 

As usual, I ordered a salad.  It was watermelon and feta and I've got to tell you that's the best combination since peanut butter and jelly!

You can pretty much guess what the Mister ordered.

Note to self:  call the Life Insurance agent and increase the Mister's coverage.

No, we did not purposely dress in the same color.  
Our stylists made us do it.

Enjoy your week.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Chili and her jammies are way to cute. Loved the "frozen" look she had when you first put it on her. Hopefully having it on will help her.

    1. Thanks. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Have a great weekend!

  2. We use "jammies" on our Ella girl and it helps so much! I hope your little princess is adjusting. Also, I miss chatting with you and also also, I miss Maggles so much still!! Xoxo

  3. The pictures of your baby in her "jammies" are so cute!! Our Maybelline does the same thing,when she wears her coat. The pic of the fried clams have made me quite hungry and longing for the beach...I am SO.VERY.JEALOUS......Have a lovely week.Hugs,Elaine

    1. Hi Elaine! Love Maybelline's name! Have a great weekend and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

  4. Cute Jammie's and cuter pups! Oh to have a stylist...! :-)
    those fried clams look yummy! I have not had any in forever and ever ...since I am in land locked Ky!

  5. The Thunder Shirt photos crack me up! I can never get that thing on our dog the right way.

    Fried clams look delicious. We don't have them on menus down here. Just fried oysters, shrimp,fish, okra, squash, everything except clams. Weird.

  6. Can't stop laughing about Chili and her thundershirt...let her know I am laughing with her not at her. If you had been to Scituate one week earlier we would have rubbed elbows as we picked up carry-out (fried clams...Hubster's insurance recently paid) at The Mill Pub...as a matter of fact I think we have a photo taken of us at the exact same table a few years back.

    Have a great day!

  7. I HAD to comment on the adorable pics of Chili in her thundershirt. I laughed so hard and then showed them to my husband. Our poor pup is terrified by storms and fireworks. We've often thought about getting him a thundershirt, but wondered if they worked. When we put his winter coat on, he does quick laps around the edges of the room, listing to one side.

    1. Chili does the same thing!!! So funny! Thanks so much Miss Lily for taking the time to write a comment. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Chili must have been wondering what her dad strapped onto her. I think that she laid there perfectly still waiting for him to remove it.
    I like the color-coordinated Sunday outfits. I'll take a beet salad over fried clams any day.
    Love hydrangeas - surprised they loved all the snow last winter - it must have insulated them from the freezing temps.

  9. Tell Sista to bag work and hit the CHS with us! A.

  10. Jammies...I love it. And your lunch spots look fabulous. So glad I discovered your blog.

  11. Oh those summer months in New England...they are magical aren't they? Thank you for letting us be a part of it all Katie....poor darling Chili.....let's hope this works for all of you! Your hydrangeas are just stunning! Lovely times!!!

  12. Fingers crossed for Chili's jammies! All that doctor stuff is no fun but I'm glad to hear that you are diligent about it. Love the matching outfits that your stylist chose for you and the Mister. I went to a play with a friend on Sunday and the only thing that kept us from being dressed in identical cobalt blue shirts and white jeans was my laziness since the jeans needed to be ironed. BTW, you will see me in that outfit in Richmond. :-)

  13. I had to write a follow-up comment. I have been laughing so hard with Chili and her jammies that I forced the Hubster to read your post, plus I promised fried clams from the Mill Wharf Pub...he fell for it...he laughed with Chili as well...hoping the jammies are woking ...Hubster is a bit bitter about the clams...I'll make it up to him (used his credit card and fill up his gas tank..I am not heartless.) Hope the royal visit goes well.

  14. HYSTERICAL.......I think I use that word with YOU A LOT!
    The dog and his straight jacket.......how does that HELP THUNDER FEAR?
    Then the two of you in the same color which is not a TYPICAL COLOR!!!!!!!AT ALL............
    GOOD JOB ON doing all the YUCKY STUFF!

  15. Looks like you definitely made the most of a gorgeous weekend. Poor Chili looks so pitiful but hopefully the jammies will do the trick!

  16. y'all are the cutest couple ever! and now i'm starving after seeing those delicious meals you've enjoyed. I think I need to come visit :)

  17. HAHAH I remember us trying to put that darn jacket on Dakota too, we were like which way is up?? xo K

  18. We got Rusty a Thundershirt too. And the lady in our Petco here said the same thing. We also associated a treat with it, so he wouldn't be afraid of it!

  19. Katie I love anywhere on the water, you are such a wonderful couple and loved your adventure with putting the Thundershirt on Chili!! Have a great weekend and get your husband in for his checkup!! Haha!

    The Arts by Karena

  20. I'm with Mister. Clams all the way over beets! The pics of Chili made me laugh out loud. I keep wondering what she was thinking. Have fun with your sister!

  21. Loving the Chili images - so cute and I'm siding with Mister on his food choices…YUM! How in the word does he stay so thin?!! Totally not fair…happy Sunday!!

  22. oh my goodness - I shouldn't be laughing like this when i'm at work! I actually have tears in my eyes. too funny! I am so in love with your fur babies! good luck with your tests! linda r (phila burbs)


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