Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The 4-1-1 on My First Blog Conference

Hello dear friends.  I am back from my blog conference in Richmond.  I learned a lot of useful tools for blogging, thanks to some of the great teachers and mentors at the meeting.  I also couldn't help but feel that the blogging world is becoming more complicated by the minute when it comes to the technology.   I was educated  about the Blogger Network, the new world of Ahalogy, and new ways of taking the perfect photograph with Shotbox.  Successful bloggers shared their stories and touched on topics concerning increasing income (what income?), their schedules for writing and pinning, secrets of keeping their writing fresh, and also how important social media has become in the ever-growing world of blogging.

The Ramona & Sonja of the Blogworld.

It looked like to "2015" to us!!

But along with all the priceless information, I had one heck of a good time.  I met some really great ladies.  My buddy, Mo, from Mocadeaux and I were the self-professed grand dames of the conference.  Translation:  we were the oldest by more than ten years a few years. But we didn't look it.  According to us.

 Sweet young things.
From left:  Alicia from Vibrant Home Schooling, Jennie from The Diary of a Real Housewife; and Jennifer from Organized Home, Organized School.

Every night, Mo and I were invited to sit with these lovely young ladies for dinner and we enjoyed every minute.  We felt like we were asked to sit at the "popular" table.

 It was customary that after we finished dinner we listened to a panel of speakers who droned on for way too long.  

But after that was over, the fun began.  Our table worked together on some fun team building exercises playing friendly competitive games with the other tables.  They involved a scavenger hunt on Instagram and Twitter and every night we had to make a 15-second video that was judged and awarded prizes.  I am pleased to report that at least one of the young girls won a prize each night at our table.  From the first night, we named table The Dream Team.  The girls were sweet to tell Mo and me that we were their good luck charms.  (That was about all we contributed).  That made our day!

So, if you are a blogger and have ever considered attending a conference, I strongly recommend it.  They offer great resources and wonderful workshops.  But the best part to me was spending time with my good buddy, Mo, and meeting wonderful lady bloggers from all over the country.

Who wouldn't want to get on the party bus with these two wild and crazy ladies?!?

Mo and I have already signed up for a blog conference* in February in Salt Lake City.  We'd love to have you join us!! 

Until next time...

*  BTW... I don't want you to think that I get any compensation for having you sign up for the conference.  The conference may compensate you for talking Mo and me out of signing up for it!



Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love it. You are so funny, and clever! I would be a très grande dame if/when I attend a blog conference too! Oh those youngsters! Sheila

  2. Oh, how I wish I had been there! This looks like so much fun. I would have been hanging with the young chicks, of course . . . hahahaha! Okay, I could have completed "team experience" with you and Mo, but don't we have loads more experience and depth? And most importantly, can't we afford better wine? Take that, smooth-skinned-girls!

    Glad you had fun. I'd love to hear more details about the techie-stuff.

  3. Hey one thing you two have that many of those whippersnappers don't is uninterrupted time without little kiddies underfoot! Fun recap, with age comes lots of wit and wisdom and you've cornered the marketing that! Wow I'd love to visit Salt Lake City and I do have a blog that I'm averaging one post a year...going to think about attending for the fun of it.

    1. Carol... I met a couple of ladies that didn't have a blog at all... they were just thinking about starting one! Think about it - it would be great fun!

  4. Such a wonderful weekend with the best partner in crime a gal could ever ask for. Watch out Salt Lake City! XO

  5. Hahaha. Great post. No way Alicia from Vibrant Home Schooling or Jennifer from Organized Home, Organized School has your perspective, sense of humor or clever & witty writing style. Youth and good looks get you only so far in this world (not that I can remember back that far)!

  6. Would love to attend the next blogging conference with both of you, then it would be a little like a Charlie's Angels reunion, but that pesky committment I have from August 17 to June 18 keeps dragging me down. Sounds like a fun time with plenty of new blogging avenues to explore.

  7. Ha! I love it Katie, I can see you brought back the best of the conference and made new friends!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Ceramic Artist Leah Bowring

  8. If you haven't already realized it......those silly ol' conferences, seminars, classes or whatever we want to call 'em......that us ahem...'older' gals attend, is just a cover for ROAD TRIP or PLANE TRIP or just a time to get away with your favorite galpals and laugh. And laugh. And kinda feel as young as all the young ones who really are learning the newest techie gadgets that are out there...all the while they try to explain it to us. All the while we're wondering when that first glass of wine will be served!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...............
    I must get up north to meet ya'll finally so we can "make our own conference"!!!

  9. I had so much fun reading this post. I bet those girls had a blast with you and Mo at the table. You should be the keynote speaker at the salt lake city conference. Way more people would sign up for the conference. :-)))

  10. When we first started blogging we attended some of these conferences and learned so much from the discussion. We learned even more from fellow bloggers attending and that is why these events are great! So glad you came home feeling energized.
    C + C

  11. Please don't change a thing about your blog! It's hilarious, it's fun, it's beautiful...and it's my favorite. Just keep on keeping on with your fabulous self!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! You made my day!

  12. Oh Katie, I love your blog! I’m certain you and Mo were the It Girls of the conference and the MVPs at the popular table. This morning I woke up determined to stop procrastinating and get started on my blog. Well, reading your post sent me scampering back down the rabbit hole. Yikes - who can keep up with all this technology, social media, young whippersnappers? Heck, this morning I sent an email to a friend but addressed it to myself and was irritated that she didn’t answer. Good grief. Keep on bloggin . . . I live for your posts!

  13. If you girls are the Ramona and Sonja, I'll be Vicki! The SLC conference sounds great! With you two there, I know those Mormons will start drinking! Ha!

  14. How fun. I may hobble into a conference someday. Trying to keep up with all of those young things makes my head spin around like I am in the Exorcist. xo Laura

  15. Hi Katie - I have now signed up for the February Conference - I look forward to seeing you & Mo there. I may even have cards, a blog/website and oh yes, hoping to learn technology before this conference. I'll be arrive a week or two early - SLC 'was' my spot for the last 15 years. See you soon... ~ B.


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