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Friday, July 10, 2015

this and that

Little Miss Crazy Pants

Hello dear friends.  I'm thinking of changing Chili's name to Phobia.  The Mister and I were up at 3AM last night helping Chili conquer her fear of thunder storms.  It wasn't pretty.  I've tried dog melatonin but it didn't work.  My doctor gave me a prescription for people Xanax.  At this point, I think I need it more than Chili Phobia.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  

I'm happy to report that she is sleeping soundly now, while I sit here with dark circles and bags under my eyes.

Hooked On Houses

I want to personally thank my wonderful readers who took the time to recommend Grace and Frankie to me.  First of all, holy guacamole, Jane Fonda looks great!  And I LOVE her clothes!  Lilly is wonderful as usual, and very convincing in her role.  You can tell that Jane and Lilly are good buds because of their great chemistry.

Aside from that - I am in LOVE with the beach cottage that Jane and Lilly share.  So my Christmas list this year is going to include Jane's bod and wrinkle free skin, Jane's wardrobe, and that darling beach cottage.   

Thank you Diana from the fabulous Nana Diana and Lea from the wonderful Cici's Corner and some other wonderful readers for recommending Call the Midwife.  When The Mister and I began binge watching this little jewel, we treated it like an addictive drug.  We did not want to overindulge because before we knew it we would not have anything left.  I positively adore the story line and enjoy every one of the characters, especially the nuns.  

I received another Glossy Box thanks to Sista.  Great conditioner.  Loved the mascara but not sure I will buy it because of the name.  Can you imagine me, a post pre-menopausal woman, asking a 22 year old Ulta employee for "Better than Sex" mascara?  Forget it.  I'll stick with "They're Real."  It's easier to say.

The "lip plumping" gloss did nothing for me except sting my lips.  Hello Angelina... I know you are a devoted reader of my blog... what do you use? 

Every once in awhile I recommend something I really like.    I received this full size City Cosmetics Total Eye Rejuvenation Eye Serum in my Glossy Box.  Thanks Sista, once again.  I have never heard of this company before.  I will tell you that I love this product.  It has really done a great job on my crows feet and dark circles.  If you buy it from the company, it is a lot more expensive than Amazon.  Don't tell Sista... I don't need to share ALL of my beauty secrets!

A couple of months ago I received a note from Wesley Banks telling me that he read my post recounting my beloved Gypsy's passing.  He said that he just had his book published and asked if I would read it and write a review.  How could I say no to a guy with a beautiful name like Wesley Banks?  He sounds like he could be in a soap opera, for gosh sakes.

So I read Hope In Every Raindrop in two days.  I could have read it faster, but good books are like hot fudge sundaes to me; I consume them slowly so they last longer.   It has everything - great characters, a simmering love story, and a group of lovable dogs that pulled at my heartstrings.  

This is a great beach read.  
Move over Nicholas Sparks, Wesley Banks is coming to town.


I've never been a big fan of popcorn.  I bought a bag of Skinny Pop because a friend was popping over for a glass of wine and I was too lazy busy to whip up an hors d'oeuvre.  This stuff is great.  Even my friend and the Mister agreed.  It's got to be the one with black pepper in it, though. 

That's it for now.  Hope y'all have a great weekend.  All I want to do is sleep.

Until next time...

"Phobia" catching up on her beauty sleep.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Try thundershirt for chili they work great for dogs who are afraid during storms. Just google the name and you'll find them.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I ran out yesterday and bought one. She slept in it last night but there were no storms. We shall see. Have a great weekend!

  2. I have heard of the thundershirt, but can't speak to its effectiveness. I think it is worth a try. As far as Call the Midwife...I love the book and the show...wrote about it a few months back, glad others were able to convince to check it out. I cry at the end of almost every episode. Like you the nuns are some of my favorite characters...wish the bursar at my high school had been a little more like Sister Monica Joan, unfortunately Sister Solano remembered every penny in tuition I owed...I still have the receipts to prove it.

    Thanks for the recommendation in Hope in Every Raindrop as soon as I finish the Boston Girl I will have to check it out.

  3. Love call the Midwife! I have another BBC recommendation - Last Tango in Halifax - I love it even more :-)

    1. Have never heard about it! Will definitely tune in.

  4. I'd hire a doggie behavioral psychologist, or whatever they're called. She/he could help with positive reinforcement (not that my dog isn't terrified of storms, mind you.) ANYway, I'm sure I'm the only person on the planet who can't tolerate Call The Midwife. I mean really, who wants to see women suffer in labor hour after hour? For some reason, I don't find that the least bit appealing. Have you tried Doctor Blake Mysteries? Set in Australia, good stories, and no one's panting and groaning. :-)

  5. I just saw that recommendation for the Thunder Shirt. I've heard they work wonders!

  6. Another recommendation for the Thunder Shirt. We have a very (generally) anxious dog and they do work. Also, Houzz did a post on the sets of Grace and Frankie, including the beach house: http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/49070179/list/take-a-behind-the-scenes-tour-of-netflixs-grace-and-frankie. I need to try Call the Midwife. Thanks for the recommendation.

  7. I'm sorry to be monopolizing your comment section, Katie. But one more thing: Please watch Lark Rise to Candleford and agree with me that it is the most annoying, sickeningly sweet, contrived show out there. Okay, that's it. Because I know how much you needed my opinion. LOLOL

    Always love the photos of your sweet canines!

  8. One of the attorneys I work for swears by Benadryl. She has four large dogs, and they are all go nuts during storms and fireworks, so springtime in Oklahoma and the 4th of July was all kinds of fun at their house. I wonder if lavender oil would help...maybe diffusing it in the same room where the pups are? I use Young Living's cedarwood and lavender on my Lillie's coat, and she really loves it.

    I would love to get in on the cosmetic sample boxes that are so popular now, but college tuition is commanding a spot in my budget, so maybe when I don't have teenagers at home or in college I can indulge. At least then I will have the time to work a part-time job to fund my product addition! Maybe you can pay me to try yours, and I can report back to you...kind of like a personal product consultant. :-)

    Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are two of my favorites, but I don't have Nexflix. Maybe, it will be on Hulu.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Katie!!

    1. Hi Lori... I know all about that college tuition! I'll make you a deal... when I get rich and famous I'll hire you as my personal product consultant. Don't hold your breath tho. Hope you and your children are having a great summer. Always so great to hear from you.

  9. I've been binge watching Call The Midwife, Last Tango in Halifax, and Doc Martin. Love them all. Grace and Frankie is next on my list. Now get some sleep. xo Laura

  10. Fun post!! I'm dying to watch Grace and Frankie because everybody seems to be talking about it. My new favorite thing on TV right now is The Astronaut Wive's Club. Have you watched it? I kind of love it. :)

    I see that Laura mentioned Doc Martin....can't get enough of that either.

    Don't ya love it when you find a beauty product that works for you? I went to the dermatologist last month and asked what over the counter beauty products REALLY work. He told me to get Neutrogena Advanced Wrinkle products with retinol. I can tell the difference already. Woo hoo!

  11. Yes, I have heard great things about thunder shirts as well. Also, maybe try music by her crate if she is in it.

  12. Hi Katie, Sorry about poor Chili! My girls just hide under a table & drool during a thunderstorm; for fireworks they sit & bark. I have a friend with a small dog like Chili who swears by the thunder shirt...might be worth a try. Nexxus makes great hair products. If u want to try sulfate-free shampoo I recommend Wen; very good but pricey. Renpure Solutions makes a comparable shampoo at a very reasonable price & can be found at Rite Aid. I LOVE Skinny Pop...my favorite snack! Mr. Banks' book sounds good; will need to add it to my summer reading list as long as all animals in the book are safe & sound ; ). Been waiting for you to do a post on the RHONY...I'm am very surprised at Carole's behavior this season. Latest DH celebrity sighting.... Vanessa Williams. Hope to see you soon! xoxo, Dawn

    1. Hi Dawn! How's everything? Thanks for the shampoo recommendations. I am planning a post on RHONY after the season is over. Did you read my post on #2 meeting Ramona at a small airport. She was soooooo rude!! I bet Vanessa Williams is gorgeous in person. Hope you are having a great summer with DH and your beautiful daughter!!

    2. Yes...I called Ramona a named that rhymed with witch ; ).

  13. We have a dog who goes nuts in storms, wind, sprinkling and God help us if a hurricane comes our way! We've tried the Thundershirt with so-so results. This dog climbs in bed with us and starts scratching the wood headboard. Explain that to your mother!

    We are binge watching Mr. Selfridge, which we've never seen before. It's like an old fashioned Mad-Men of retailing and Downton Abbey rolled into one!

    Happy weekend!

  14. So glad to know you are enjoying Grace and Frankie....adore this series....love! Yes....Call the Midwife is excellent...we never missed an episode from day one....cannot wait for second seasons of G & F and Bloodline....Chili may be a handful but he is darling as can be! Y'all have a great weekend up there in MA! Hugs!!!

  15. Katie, Just checked on ebay for City Cosmetics Eye Serum. There is one there for $41 including shipping. I usually find my products on ebay. I love to save a few dollars.

    1. Thanks for the tip Susie. I'm going to go there next time I order. Have a great weekend.

  16. Have you tried Rescue Remedy for your pup? They are drops , I have seen them at PetCo and PetSmart. Seems to calm them down.
    As far as TV...Odd Mom Out on Bravo is hilarious..
    Love your blog!

    1. Thank you Santamaker! I will definitely look into Rescue Remedy for Chili. Thanks for the tip. I love Odd Mom Out too!!! She is so talented and so darn funny!!! I did not have high hopes for this scripted show because the last one that Bravo put on was awful. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

    2. I'm a big fan of Odd Mom Out too! Dawn

  17. Regarding your dog's fear of thunder, I helped a neighbor's dog for whom I was pet sitting, comfortably adjust to storms by noticing that she really enjoyed a certain piece of music, a New Age thing by Deuter. She would put her head right by the old tape player I was using at our mountain cabin when this was playing. The next time a storm came up, I put on the Deuter tape, calmed and soothed her with words and touch, and kept doing this each time it stormed. She eventually seemed as if she almost looked forward to the storms so she could listen to the music!

    1. Tedee Grace... Thank you so much for your suggestion. I know that music soothes me, so why not Chili? I will definitely try during the next storm if it's not in the middle of the night. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  18. My 98# german shepherd is afraid of thunderstorms, fireworks etc… We tried the thunder shirt and it worked for a while. Then he figured out something was going to happen when we put it on and started shaking immediately. #smartdog So, I gave it to a friend who has a golden who is terrified of almost everything. It works great for her. I use Benadryl to take the edge off for him, and it helps some. He still shakes some but doesn't pant and drool as much.

    I love Grace and Frankie! And, Odd Mom Out!!!

    Thanks for the beauty recommendation, I'll have to look for that one. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Gina! We have had her sleep in the thundershirt the past few nights even tho we have clear skies. The guy at Petsmart told me to do that so she wouldn't associate it with a bad thing. Wed nite we are expecting a storm. I think I will give her 1/2 tab of Benadryl too.

  19. NO help in the THUNDER department as we rarely have rain!
    I agree JANE LOOKS DAM GOOD!WHAT nights does that air or do I just need to figure out how to go to NETFLICKS on the TELLIE?
    I hope you are having a lovely summer............the SON I found out from ONE of your READERS is at HEAD OF THE MEADOWS BEACH in TRURO........across the street from the CHOCOLATE SHOP!!!Just in case you and the hubby are out for a drive...........look for two BOXER DOGS TOO!MY GRAND DOGS!!!!!!!!

  20. I've also read good things about the Thundershirt for anxious dogs. One blogger talks about how it's allowing them to keep their rescue that has separation anxiety. It was destroying the house and tore its way out of a crate! Ouch!!! The Thundershirt allows them to go out now. Sorry I can't remember which blog.

    We also love Call the Midwife, Paradise (only lasted 2 seasons), Selfridge, Last Tango in Halifax and Murdoch Mysteries. We tried to watch Lark Rise to Candleford and agree with CM... no drama, boring, sugary sweet nothingness.

    1. OMG... that poor blogger with the rescue dog with the separation anxiety! Hopefully, the thundershirt is going to work for Chili. We are going to tune into Last Tango in Halifax and Murdoch Mysteries. Thank you so much, Janet, for taking the time to comment. Hope you had a great weekend.

    2. OMG... that poor blogger with the rescue dog with the separation anxiety! Hopefully, the thundershirt is going to work for Chili. We are going to tune into Last Tango in Halifax and Murdoch Mysteries. Thank you so much, Janet, for taking the time to comment. Hope you had a great weekend.

  21. The first picture of your pup is so adorable, he is totally smiling. I Love Grace and Frankie, can't wait until they do more episodes. I am like you, I don't want them to end. I will have to try this pop corn, we love popcorn snacks. Love your This and That post!! Always puts a smile on my face!
    Happy Weekend,

  22. Our dog had never been bothered by storms or fireworks,,,,, this year (she is 5) brought horrible reactions. Benadryl does seem to help.
    That popcorn is addictive. And easy!!
    Mr. Selfridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good!
    The house on Grace and Frankie IS amazing.
    Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you don't have any more storms.

    1. Hi Chris... thanks for your note. Wed. nite we expecting big storms so I stocked up with Benadryl and we have been trying out the thunder shirt. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  23. I'm so glad you liked Call the Midwife...it's one of my favorites. I'm currently enjoying Bletchley Circle on Netflix. Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. My adopted southern belle Kota suffers from severe anxiety. I had a dog behavioralist come we did exactly what she said but still she seemed so up tight. She goes running almost everyday till she is exhausted but still nervous. We finally after 3 years gave in to doggie prozac, and it worked! I did try the thunder jacket it has worked for some friends but not for miss dakota. You may want to try that during storms.
    xo K

  25. Sitting here with very anxious dog in my lap catching up on your blog. Something has spooked our little Jack Russell Terrorist and she won’t let me out of her site. When my Mister leaves in the morning she stands guard in the hallway and shakes. Lord help me when he’s traveling. This is new behavior and can’t be blamed on Thunder storms. We live in California and do the rain dance everyday, to no avail. Really appreciate your readers comments and suggestions. My all means DROP EVERYTHING to watch Last Tango in Halifax. If only the seasons weren’t so short. :-( The Astronaut Wives Club is also good and reminds me of the fabulous movie, The Right Stuff. I’m going to give Gracie and Frankie a try. How’s this for a hodge podge of comments?!

  26. Hello Katie! Okay, I ordered the eye serum today from Amazon. I have tried everything and nothing works. I am having a knee replacement this summer and as you well know, no makeup allowed. Well, I am not a natural beauty. What can I say. It takes a lot of work (and concealer) to get it all together. I have previously had two hip replacements and I know each time I must have looked a fright. So, I am going to give this a try and hope for some improvement around the eye area prior to the surgery. Now, I know this sounds like such a silly thing to worry about. Am I worried about the surgery? No, I have the best surgeon on earth, but I can't help but think he must think Mrs. Allen sure does look a lot (and I mean a lot) different when she comes in for surgery. And I must confess, I don't really care too much about make up for about a week after each surgery. Once I start to dabble a bit of makeup back on the face, I know I am slowly back on the road to recovery!


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