Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Good Bye Summer... Hello Fall

Hello dear friends.  I have a love/hate relationship with Labor Day.  When I lived in Texas, I loved it.  It meant that the 100 degree temps were on the way out and cooler breezes would soon arrive.
My favorite seasons in Texas were Spring and Fall.  The temperatures were were warm most days with cool nights.  

Now that I live in Massachusetts, Labor Day is my least favorite holiday.  It marks the ending of the most beautiful summer that I can remember.  I do have to say that I am looking forward to Autumn and the foliage.  I have not lived in the East for twenty-three years.  But I will still be gazing into the rear view reminiscing of warm summer days.

I started pinning some Fall decorating ideas.  The good thing about moving is that you have to re-think decorating for the holidays.  Once I started pinning I couldn't stop.  So here is the first of a few Fall posts.

This family must start decorating for Fall on the 4th of July!
Home Design Ideas

Wish mums were in season all year round!

Home Design Ideas

Love the simple elegance of this table.


For the family who keeps forgetting what season it is.


This guy must own a pumpkin patch!


Looks like the size of spiders I've found in my house!

Corner Paint

The last thing I need is a witch with better legs than mine.


Who needs to go into the kitchen to eat?  Just sit on the stoop and help yourself to all the food groups.


She Knows

I don't know what the pictures are of on the wreath.  Perhaps some banned trick-or-treaters?

Pottery Barn

So this is what an ironing board is for!

Rustic Pig

Have a safe Labor Day weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great roundup. Yes, looking forward to it cooling off.

  2. Thank goodness we don't go overboard with fall decor around here! A pumpkin or two is all we need to celebrate the season to come. We hope you relish the last days of August, Katie, and enjoy this beautiful weather.
    C + C

  3. Yep, it's still HOT here! However, even us Texans are wanting the heat to end and the Fall weather to begin. Our Fall, of course, means temps in the 70's-80's, not the high 90's. :)'s

  4. What beautiful pictures! Can't wait for fall! Love sweater & boots weather. Hugs, Dawn

  5. I LOVE all your fall photos and I LOVE fall! It's my favorite season. I would like to borrow one of your photos - the pumpkin lined street.

  6. Oh, I love fall and these pictures get me even more excited. I plan to start my decorating this weekend. Happy long weekend!

  7. Love the pumpkin path...you are right about Labor marking the end of summer in MA...I feel like I used to wear a coat on the first day of school.

  8. They look very gorgeous and all in different designs...they are great ideas for a good home.

  9. I am absolutely NOT ready for fall! As empty nesters, we can take advantage of the next three weeks until summer officially ends...I intend to make it last! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  10. I will also have a love/hate relationship with Labor Day as long as I live in Nebraska (hopefully not forever!) Our summers can be dreadfully hot and humid, but winter is absolute torture for me, haha! If we are lucky, we will get a couple of months of pretty fall days before it gets bitterly cold and dumps mountains of snow on us.
    Love all of your inspiration photos. It's so fun to decorate for this season :)

  11. After moving to Cleveland, we feel the exact same way about Labor Day weekend. Now we're like, "Ugh, winter is coming!"

    I always loved visiting the Dallas Arboretum to see the pumpkin displays in late October...when it was still sunny and 75 degrees. Hah!

  12. Loads of inspiration, Katie! Love the table with the white pumpkins in the urns and artichokes on the plates - so pretty! How funny are the witches legs - at least maybe we could borrow the shoes after the season…hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend!

  13. Boy it seems like you've been in MA forever. I forgot that you didn't arrive until after the fall colors last year! As you well know, here in San Diego one season blends right into the next so I haven't been too inspired to decorate for the seasons. But when I get back to my beloved Chicago, I will go straight to your Pin Board for inspiration!


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