Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

First Stop - Santorini

Hello dear friends.  Hope you are enjoying the last days of summer.

This post takes us back to the cruise.  Lucky you.  If you missed the first or second installment, and you don't mind being bored to tears, you can find it here and here.  

After leaving Rome, we spent one day at sea.  Naturally, these sea days are the busiest on the ship.  People get up early and run each other over to save chaise lounges for themselves as well as 12 additional chairs for their nearest and dearest.  The restaurants are crazy, spas are packed, and the gym is filled with well-meaning people that think they will keep the extra poundage at bay by working out.   By the end of the cruise, the gym is empty except for the Mister.  

Our first stop was Santorini, the most popular island in the Greek Islands.  If you have daughters that were teenagers a few years ago, there's a good chance that you saw The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants which was filmed there. 

This is the view from our room.  

People going to Santorini were chartered in a small boat to the island.

There were 3 ways to get up to the town of Fira.

not in this lifetime

when pigs fly


not a chance in #@$%!

One of the many phobias that I have is heights.  I could see Santorini just fine from the rooftop bar on the ship.  My #2 and I decided to keep an eye on Wild Bill while the rest of them had jumped ship for cocktails in Santorini.

Cocktails on the Mother Ship with Grandpa.

B-I-L took these pics on the island.

The Mister picked out those socks all by himself.  
Note to self:  Do not let the Mister go shopping without supervision.  
You could never guess that these four characters were tourists.

When the gang got back, they told me it was beautiful, but I probably would have had a heart attack from a combination of fear and exhaustion if I had attempted the journey. I guess they know me pretty well.

Glad to have the family back safe and sound.

We topped that evening off by going to the Lawn Club Grill.  

The 2 nefs were the guest chefs while my #2 was our roving photographer.

They began with pizza.

Longest 5 seconds of their lives.

Whew!  That was close...

The crowd was riveted by the guest chefs' performance.

The excitement was building.  The crowd couldn't control themselves.

2 nefs pretty darn proud of themselves!

Πολύ νόστιμος!!

delicious in Greek

An encore performance at the grill.

If you can't take the heat... drink more wine.

The best lamb chops I've ever had in my whole life!
sorry, Mister.

Enjoy the last days of summer!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I needed the laugh..just seeing that cable car had my heart racing...NO WAY! I wish I could reach in and grab that wine (OK and the pizza) but sorry you can keep the Mister's green socks, no offense to the fashion maven:) Looks like you had a blast!

  2. You are too funny!!! I am afraid of heights too! looks like a blast!!!

  3. I like Greek yogurt and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, so I'm sure I would love Greece! What a great time you had!

  4. Those socks are 'striking' and truly make the outfit! And there goes any possibility of seeing Santorini if these are the three possibilities for access. Just not gonna happen for all the reasons you have listed. One more thing off the Bucket List.

  5. i'm so jealous of your trip but love seeing it thru your eyes! london and rome are on my bucket list....we were supposed to have gone to london this past february but had to postpone due to my knee surgery....but like the hubs said, london "ain't" going any where....we'll go one day!

    those socks are hilarous!

  6. Unless I am strapped in and going super fast (roller coaster), I am not doing heights either!!! What fun that the nefs got to be chefs!!

  7. I am hopelessly afraid of heights but nothing could keep me from seeing Santorini - particularly Oia. We took a bus though, so I just had to close my eyes around the hairpin turns. Here's one for you - when we go to Hong Kong in November, we are staying at the Ritz Carlton which is on the 100 - 118th floors of the tallest building there. I get a pit in my stomach just thinking about it! Hope you are having a great week! xoxo

  8. Looks like a blast...I am pretty sure Mister chose those socks so you could see him from the ship...

  9. I have a fear of flying; not so much heights. If you can fly then other modes of transportation are cake. I will taking a cruise ship to Rome when I go ( just as my grandmother did)! These last few weeks of summer are crazed! xoxo, Dawn

  10. How fun - we would have opted for the donkey/mule ride up the hill at a nice slow pace giving us plenty of time to see the sights and get used to the heights! It's been ages since we visited the Greek Isles and it seems like nothing has changed... even the tourists are wearing the same outfits! :) We hope you're enjoying this beautiful day, Katie.
    C + C

  11. You...are...a...chicken! I would have totally done it. Granted, I would have been sitting in the middle of the seat and slightly inebriated doing it. But, I also want to go ziplining, so there you go. Greece looks fabulous!!! Question: did the Mister momentarily lose his mind or vision when he put on those socks? May I suggest that he consult his eye doctor for any issues? The look on your face watching the nephews is priceless! I suggest you employ that look when the Mister wants to wear those socks again. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Your aversion to the trek to Santorini reminds me of my aversion to sharing the cliff side path with a feisty goat in Montana. No thank you! But I love the pictures! Your nefs did themselves proud as guest chefs. Their future spouses are very lucky!


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