Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Buongiorna!  It is another gorgeous, crisp morning here on the East Coast.  I am planning on dragging taking Chowdah out for a nice long walk.  He is not a big fan of walks.  Chowdah is a true homebody that chooses to use his youthful exuberance to wreak havoc on the home front.

This is my first installment tediously detailing my summer vacation.  OK, I just heard some low groans and sighs out there.  Who doesn't like to look at someone else's boring vacation photos?

The Mister and I met our #2, who flew in from Virginia, at Logan late Saturday afternoon.  Our flight departed at 7:30PM.  This is a late start for me - I usually have my jammies on by then!  We flew to London and then on to Roma.  Don't I sound worldly calling it Roma?  You should here my authentic Italiano accent!

Sista, along with a wonderful travel agent, planned the trip.  Hats off to them - they did a great job.  Sista, her family, and my 96 year old father, Wild Bill, arrived in Rome a few days earlier.  Sista hired a wonderful driver to pick us up at the airport and drive us around Rome.  His name was Luca and she texted us a warning.  She told the Mister to hold on to me tight.  Luca was searching for a beautiful American woman to make his wife.  I could tell that the Mister was nervous.

  Enter... Luca.  The Mister's Italian competition.  

Sista had rented an apartment in Rome for a few days so my Dad could get acclimated before boarding the ship.  Luca picked us up, gave us a quicko touro, flirted with me constantly, and dropped us off at the apartment which was located in Parioli Mansion.  I walked in and announced to Sista's family that Luca and I were engaged.  The Mister rolled his eyes.

The apartment was large and very clean.

Some interesting Roman decorating touches.  Notice the lava lamp sitting on the speaker. 

Sista putting on her sexy, come hither look for the camera.

The Mister checking his email again.

Sista researching a good restaurant in the area.  Another beautiful touch - that little artifact behind Sista is a light-up electric fountain.  I checked Sista's suitcase before we left to make sure that there were no souvenirs leaving with her. 

Nef #2

Nef #1

We enjoyed some wine and appetizers on the patio and then we went out for - what else? - Pizza!  

Tomorrow we hit the ship.

Arrivederci Roma!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sounds like so much fun!! The apartment was beautiful!! Hope it was amazing!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this post and have been anxiously awaiting it! Don't you love Italian men? One time in Florence a waiter tried to trade his girlfriend for me - my husband was ready to bite, but I decided that bringing home "Casanova" to my children probably would not be a good idea! The apartment looks amazing! I am waiting with baited breath for more on your trip!! xoxo

  3. Katie,
    your trip looks like it's off to a great start! The apt looks amazing as does the driver. Feel free to send him my way!
    Looking forward to more!

  4. So happy to see you back in blogland. I always laugh when I come here...well, except for when your telling those "non-truths" about Chowdah, lol. The apartment is beautiful!

  5. So glad you survived the ALS challenge - we may a pact not to nominate each other but unfortunately, one of us had to do it today. This Roman apartment is such a mix of traditional and modern and we hope Mister finally put the iPad away to admire all that Rome has to offer.
    C + C

  6. How wonderful. What a beautiful apartment. xo Laura

  7. I was in Roma two years ago and can't wait to go again! Just seeing your plate of food brings back vivid memories. Love the apartment. I think that's the way to do it. Our hotel was okay, but I think you get a better deal, especially with a larger group in an apartment. And you get a lava lamp too!

  8. Looks like such fun.....the apartment looks fabulous! What a fun getaway, tell the mister his Italian "competition: has nada on him:)

  9. Fabulousa...if that is Italian...I can't wait to hear more. I love that your Dad traveled with you....can't wait to hear more.

  10. What fun!! Then again your family always has fun! The apartment looks beautiful; I can't wait for the other posts. Hugs, Dawn

  11. YAY! I've been anxiously waiting to hear about your trip! The Italian apartment was a great place to start. It actually looked like the owners included some New England coastal touches for you and your family with the lighthouse and sail boats. Now, let's see what mischief you got into on the ship! ;-)

  12. Talk about Roman Holiday, I'm surprised you did not bring Chowdah along for protection to ward off all the Paparazzi following you in Roma.
    Wild Bill, is he single and available? I know few wild ladies lurking around and looking for a companion to travel on a "arribaderci" adventure. Looks like your "ship" came in and how fortunate for Luca that he was able to carry you over the threshold, I mean gang plank. Can't wait to see your roman wedding dress!

  13. Dear Katie, I'm so sad you didn't start your cruise in the South of France! I was eager to read your comment about Marseilles... What will be the next place? Suspense!


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