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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


New Year's Reflections

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends, 
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives,
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when I ponder those who do,
I immediately think of you.

Thanks for being one of the reasons 
I'll have a Happy New Year!

~ Joanna Fuchs


My Grandmother, Margaret, who lived to be 102 years old, often told me that if you have your health, you have everything.  If there is one lesson that I learned this year, it is that she was right.

I wish you a happy, healthy New Year
 in 2014.   

Thanks Ruth!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas at Sista's

To those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope it was a merry one. As many were nestled by the fire with cookies baking in the oven, we spent the big day emptying a few more boxes - we did make a short escape, though. The four of us went to see The Wolf of Wall Street, the much anticipated Leo DiCaprio movie. About an hour into the movie we all realized that we should have stayed home and finished up the few boxes we had left. #2 was so bored she looked up the run time; 3 hours - okay, 2 hours and 59 minutes. By a unanimous vote, we left early. Can't even remember the last movie that I just had to walk out on. 
Highlight of that hour and a half that I wasted: my bag of peanut M&Ms. 

Anywho, since my holiday photos would consist of cardboard, paper, and a dash of eye rolling, I called on Sista to send me some of her pics to give me a taste of her holiday.  If you are new to my blog, you can catch up on Sista's beautiful home here and here.

Love Sista's door decor!

Lady Annabel... Sista's niece with her letter for you-know-who.  She did not include everything on her list.  She told her parents that she also secretly asked for a BIG gift.  She wouldn't spill the beans what it was, either.

Sista's beautiful table.

Soooo jealous Sista has a fireplace in her dining room!

Nef #2 enjoying some holiday spirit with Mr. Max.

Sweet Edna (Sista's MIL) with crazy Wiley.  Wiley is convinced that she is a 5 lb. lap dog. 

Lady Annabel's wish came true!!  She got a fish that looked just like Nemo!

Life is good.

Best buds... Mr. Max and George Clooney.  Obviously, George's sweater was a Christmas gift.  He usually chews them to pieces.

Crazy Wiley looking for another lap to occupy.

Hope your next few days are filled with rest and relaxation!

Life is good in Mr. Max's world.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my friends in Blogland.  You have made this year very special for me and I cherish all the friendships that I have been fortunate enough to make.

I hope your Christmas is filled with oodles of love and laughter!


Thanks Ruth!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Wish List

Deborah Wilkins 
of the 
Christmas Ornament 
Crawford Boutique!

Hope you're having a good week.  We are getting settled little by little.  I don't want to see another box or box cutter for the rest of my life.  

Have a very happy holiday!

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Closing Day!! - And My Giveaway!

Today, we became homeowners again.  This is our new very old  house.  It was built in 1890 - the same year my dear, departed grandmother, Margaret, was born. I'm thinking this is a good omen.

The house was owned and loved by its former owners for twenty years.  They hosted their daughter's wedding in the back yard a few years ago.  Because of this, my girls have nicknamed their new home as "The Father of the Bride House."

Their house....

Our house....

We are just a few doors down from the General Store otherwise known as the "Genny."  The Genny is charming, serving hot coffee daily - and even includes wine in their inventory.  I consider this an even better omen.  Attached to the Genny is a post office where we I pick up our mail.  Not so sure I'm crazy about this arrangement. Who needs snail-mail anyway!

I will post photos of the inside of the house in the weeks ahead.  We will begin some renovation projects in the beginning of the year after the girls get out of my hair go back to college.   

I better get the Mister a nice shovel with a big red bow on it for Christmas.

This is the cute little barn.  Picture was taken on a much warmer day.

Hope your day is filled with sunshine!

Not much time left on my giveaway...

Every year we produce a limited edition of 100 CRAWFORD BOUTIQUE'S silver Holiday ornaments.
Made by hand in sterling silver with a festive red silk ribbon.
Designed originally as a Christmas tree ornament, but have been popular as graduation and commemorative gifts for that special year. Equally fun as hostess gifts and they look fabulous around a bottle of wine!

The 2013 edition strictly limited to 100.
Hurry and order soon - these are becoming a collector's item! 

Some Music & A Giveaway

I saw this group on one of the morning shows last week and thought they were amazing!

Hope your day is filled with music!

One day left on my giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Two Favorite Things & Another Giveaway!

Melody Camp 
for winning the
Bella Snail Mail stamp!!


I have received two early Christmas gifts and I  positively love them.  The first one is The Preppy Cookbook by Christine Nunn. 

I am going to admit something very few people know about me:  I judge a book by its cover.  And I am usually always happy with my choice.  The Preppy Cookbook's plaid cover is so darling that if you gave it as a gift you wouldn't have to wrap it.  I can't wait to put it on my  bookshelf in my kitchen.

Many of you know I am married to a man that is a former chef.  So needless to say, I am not the sharpest knife in the kitchen.  The majority of  recipes in The Preppy Cookbook have fewer than ten ingredients and are relatively simple, yet the final product looks very impressive.

Ms. Nunn is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of the Arts, just like my Mister.  Along with the delicious recipes, she writes warm, humorous stories about her family as well as her adventures in entertaining. 

The Preppy Cookbook has sumptuous recipes as well as gorgeous photos.   If you are looking for a fun read or a great hostess gift, this book is for you!

Sorry the photos aren't better.  They are beautiful in the book.


The Mister gave me my other favorite thing because he feels guilty that I have to brave Boston's bitter temps to take Gypsy out.  He bought me headphone-wired earmuffs by Uggs.  These things are the best!  Not only are they great looking, they are comfortable and delightfully warm.  The added bonus is being able to listen to James Taylor while Gypsy is taking care of business!!


Now, for some great news.  I have another fabulous giveaway thanks to my friends Caroline and Alistair Crawford who own Crawford Boutique, a company which makes some of the finest silver in the world.  They have kindly agreed to donate this beautiful ornament as a giveaway.

It's easy to enter.  All you have to do is "like" Preppy Empty Nester and Crawford Boutique on Facebook.  For a couple of extra points, visit Crawford's fabulous site and leave a comment below about what gorgeous item you would put on your wish list.

Every year we produce a limited edition of 100 CRAWFORD BOUTIQUE'S silver Holiday ornaments.
Made by hand in sterling silver with a festive red silk ribbon.
Designed originally as a Christmas tree ornament, but have been popular as graduation and commemorative gifts for that special year. Equally fun as hostess gifts and they look fabulous around a bottle of wine!

The 2013 edition strictly limited to 100.
Hurry and order soon - these are becoming a collector's item! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you're staying warm and toasty!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

One Year Ago

I could not let this day go by without recognizing the precious lives that were lost one year ago today.

This is a video of a mother who lost her beautiful 6 year-old daughter, Emilie on that fateful day. She shares with us what the tragedy has taught her. It is a beautiful testament to love, courage and carrying on.

Grab a tissue.

The beautiful children and courageous adults that senselessly lost their lives in Sandy Hook are in my thoughts and prayers.  The families of the victims ask to honor the anniversary with "acts of kindness" or volunteerism.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Christmas Tree Skirt - Part 2 & Giveaway

I can't believe that it's Friday already!  This weekend will be chock full of fun for me.  Sista and bro-in-law are coming for the weekend.  She is planning on doing some serious Christmas shopping.  Sista is way ahead of herself this year... she usually starts her shopping on Christmas eve.

We are expecting 8 to 10 inches of snow on Saturday night.  Sunday afternoon is our walk-thru of our new very old house.  I'm putting together ideas as we speak of how we're going to get there if the roads aren't plowed.

"Hurry up, Mister!"

I opened my email and this video was in it.  It was from who else? but Dude saying that she got this from her college buddy, Patrice. 

If you don't have any idea what I am talking about, you can read yesterday's post here.

Get out there and be the first in your 'hood to don a tree skirt!!!

Better hurry... giveaway ends tonight!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dude's "Aha" Moment & the Giveaway

The other morning Dude called me.  She started stammering about some "pictures" and she said she was trying to decide whether or not to send them to me for the blog.  I couldn't get the jest of what she was trying to tell me.

I finally stopped her in her tracks and said:

Wait a minute, sister... I will have NO frontal nudity on my blog!!  

Dude told me that there were no nude photos involved - just some pics from Homegoods.  I was quite relieved, to say the least!    

And now I present:

Dude's "Aha" Moment 

Omg!!!!!  I was in Home Goods the other day picking up a few things when I had a MAJOR "Aha" fashion moment.... yes,  a fashion moment in Homegoods (go figure)......well, I was totally drawn to a fab item (in my opinion) that I couldn't wait to throw in my cart! It was was a furry cape/poncho/capelet (whatever... ).  

Please don't make fun of Dude's fat legs.

So sad... how does she find pants to fit her?

And those cankles!!!!

Would someone please give her the 1-800-JENNYCRAIG number?

Then,  I saw more ... I wanted all of them, I filled my cart with a black, a teal and a camel faux fur cape...  I  couldn't resist a linen, then  I saw a silk taffeta with beading! Wait a minute... Omg....... they 're not Capes/capelets........they're Christmas  tree skirts!!!!!!!!!!! 

I am totally embarrassed now that I've gone back to Homegoods and looked at everything again .... Oh well... 

Ps... There r a lot of Xmas tree skirts that I didn't take because they r sooo ugly...believe me I only liked the solid colors, no bells and whistles.


Now, after I saw her pictures, I decided there was NO WAY that I would allow Dude to out do me!  No sirree!  So as soon as I hung up the phone, I threw on my extra puffy puffer coat and ran down Boylston Street to the closest Marshall's in my 'hood.  

I marched in with one thing on my mind: 
tree skirts.

Guess Dude forgot to tell me you have to be 5'9" and 105 lbs to pull this look off....

Hope you're rockin' your outfit today!

One day left for my giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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