Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Bittersweet Farewell

This post is about 3 weeks overdue.  My friend, Corrine, and I threw a farewell party for three of our dear friends who are moving away.  Madhumita is off to Singapore, Big V is taking up residence in Pennsylvania and skinny Delaney is in search of a home in Virginia.  

To my blogging Friends: Simply LJK, Enchanted Home, The Gazebo House, Suburban Charm,  Ruth Rosenblum,  It is What It Is, and Ready and Fading a sincere thank you for your recipes.  I used most of them and the ones I didn't I put on file for the next party.

Enough with the food!  On to the supermodel, trophy wife eye-candy!!

Miss Cindy, Judy, skinny Delaney and Nancy.

Skinny Delaney with our old doubles partner, Miss Cindy.

skinny Delaney, Pam and Amy

Trying to pose like our kids ("sorority squat")... Jackie, skinny Delaney, moi, and Judy.

Old tennis buddies, Corrine, skinny Delaney, and Miss Cindy. 

My new BFF, Judy.  We went to sister schools and were very proud members of the White Team (GO WHITES!) at Camp Tegawitha.  

Judy and me (featuring my summer uniform: a wrinkled J Jill tent dress)  competing for the Tegawitha songleader award.

Lisa and Chris 

Skinny Delaney and Hostess with the Mostess.

Fellow songleader, Judy, moi, and Little Debbie.

Chris, Corrine, Big V, Amy and Madhumita

Safe travels, dear friends, and much happiness in your new homes.  Your new neighbors are pretty darn lucky to get great ladies like you in their 'hoods!

"There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart."
~author unknown

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Anniversary Mister!

The Mister began our marriage with a double chin then gifted it to me in the later years.

Happy Anniversary, dear Mister,
I can't believe it's true...
That I've been married 23 years
To a handsome stud like you.

We began our journey in Connecticut,
Where we feathered our nest,
Before we knew it
#1 came along
And we were truly blessed.

Across the country...
California ... we were on our way;
Before we knew it
#2 bounced into the world -
Another blessed day!

The following years were filled with inevitable moves;
Florida, Illinois, Houston and Dallas
We slowly but surely got into the groove.

You're the Felix to my Oscar,
No question there! 
We drive each other crazy at times,
But we still make a pretty good pair.

What a ride it's been...
that much is true
23 years later,
and I would still say "I do!" 


My girls made me pose like this.
The Mister looks suave and I look like an idiot.

Hope your day is filled with love!!

Her dress is cuter than mine.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dude's Blooms

When I got back from my cruise, I called my buddy, Dude, to catch up on things.  For those of you who don't know who dude is, you can find posts that I have written about her here, here, here and here.  
Somehow the subject of hydrangeas came up.  They are my very favorite flower in the whole world.  They are very hard to grow them in Texas because of the heat.  The two small bushes I have not killed yet always start off blooming, but when the heat hits they take a nose dive.
Dude told me that her hydrangeas are blooming with gusto thanks to all the rain Connecticut has endured this summer.  I asked her if she would send me some pics to be shared with you. 
She said yes with her usual provision:  I don't spill any of her secrets from our high school days to her son.  I promised but secretly had my fingers crossed. 

Mista Dude and Dude built their fabulous home a few years ago on the water in Connecticut.  The house on the inside is modeled after the beautiful house in the Hamptons used in one of my favorite movies, Something's Gotta Give

Hopefully, my good buddy, Dude, will take some pictures of the inside of her beautiful home so I can share them with you.  
Otherwise, I've got some tall tales to tell to her one and only!

Have a wonderful day!   

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm Back & #2's Faves

I'm baaack!!!!  The Mister and I took our girls on a tech-free family vacation on a cruise to Bermuda.  We had a great time and I have lots of photos and stories to share with you.  
It was a very enjoyable week.  We came back a few pounds heavier and a lot more relaxed.  One member of our family (#1) felt that sunscreen was a detriment to her beauty.  She arrived home with about 6 fewer layers of skin than she started out with.  
I didn't say I told you so... much.   

So this is a post my #2 wrote before we left on vacation.  #2's list of favorite things grows and grows...kind of like my waist line on the cruise. 


My Favorite Things
by #2

I know, I know, I've got a lot of favorite things. But here are a few of the most recent things that I either can't live without or have already been added to my birthday list (shout out to mom and dad in case they forgot...).

This Madewell purse has been my absolute favorite thing for years - not only is it beautiful, but it is also made for the standard wear-and-tear of a college aged girl. I got the black and brown (goes with everything) but they also make it in a full brown.
Thank god they offer that student discount though. The only reason they do is because you have to rid yourself of pride enough to reveal your school picture, which flatters no face.
Because of that student discount, I tied one of their scarves on the strap - I mean, I was saving money anyway...right?


Okay, now for my obligatory food product: nutritional yeast! Before you scroll right past this one, hear me out, coming from a lac-tard, it is the cheesiest substance your stomach will be able to withstand. Mix it with a little water to make a light sauce, throw it on some veggies, pasta, or even eggs. This stuff is even sodium free (salt: my guilty pleasure). 

You can find this at nearly any grocery store.


$20 says my mom will make fun of me for this next one; Sunstone Yoga. I absolutely love doing yoga, but in my small college down I'm not given many opportunities to take a class so I registered at our local studio to take it up again. Yes, while you do have the overly enthusiastic breathers and life insurance threatening poses, it is still so fun. 
I think the right may be more my speed. 
It's a time to stretch and completely relax. My mom complains about the "feet smell," body odor, and lack of clothing on some of the men - she refuses to join me. But definitely, if you are interested in relaxing for an hour with a group of people in the same boat - hit up yoga. But go with an open mind.


A website I love? www.psiadoreyou.com
This is a site with daily deals on cute, etsy-like, pieces. This means clothing, hair accessories, crafts, baby stuff. It changes daily and is DEFINITELY worth a look! It's on my "Daily Reads!"


Thank you, #2, for a great post and I will work on opening my mind to yoga!


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Some Time Off

I'm taking a week off to spend time with my family.  
I hope y'all enjoy a wonderful week.

p.s. I miss you already!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Connecticut Weekend - The Finale!

The day finally arrived.  My #1 nef was graduating from high school.  It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day.  All the graduates looked so handsome in their coordinating navy school blazers, white trousers and matching pink Vineyard Vines ties.

The man of the hour!


This pretty lady is Miss Ellie who is BIL's sista and an old friend of mine.  We were classmates at Katie Gibbs after we graduated from college.  The handsome gent pictured is Mr. Bill - BIL's BFF.

Nef #2 arriving fresh from his exam with his proud parents.

Holding onto his diploma for dear life!

Here comes trouble!!

Off to a beautiful lunch hosted by the school.  And then... the dessert party down in the field at Sista and BIL's home.

Sista and BIL setting up for the guests.  #2 Nef doing some much needed taste testing.

Sista whipped up these yummy cupcakes and then made these adorable signs with the name of the graduate's college destination.

Make your own strawberry shortcakes.

Sista's "slutty brownies" were a huge hit.  This plate was full 20 seconds before I took this pic!

A great time had by all!

Hope your day is filled of sweets!

Wiley and I agreed... it's not easy being party girls like us!

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