Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Reading, Watching, & Listening


I hope that you had a good weekend.  Ours was busy and lots of fun.  We met the Adorables, AJ's parents, on Saturday for lunch.  It seemed like forever since we had seen them, and it was fun to catch up.  On Sunday, we took our favorite grandchild and her parents out to lunch.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Friday Files

TGIF!  I hope that you had a good week.  The weather has been beautiful here in the great state of Texas. 

Today, we will add a few steps to our walk and vote.  We tried to fulfill our civic duty yesterday, but there was not a parking spot to be found.  So today we are going to beat the system and walk.  There is a first for everything.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fall Decor & More


I hope you all had a good weekend.  I enjoyed a couple of catch-up lunches with friends, scratched a few errands off my list, got a little shopping in, and had a team-building lunch at Capital Grille with my staff, otherwise known as the Mister. 

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year, and I want to add some festive decor.  Over the weekend, I let my fingers scroll, and I'm taking you along with me.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Friday Files

Fall temps have finally hit Texas!  The cooler temps have given me a little more pep in my step on my morning walks.  I also find that I sleep better when it's chilly outside.

I am finished with all of my check-ups for 2024. Good news for me—no more pap smears! Now, my physical is reduced to drawing a clock and repeating three words they tell me to remember ten minutes later. 

I got a C-.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Designer of the Day/ Whitney McNell


I hope you had a good weekend. I am very excited to introduce you to my guest of honor today. I have been following Whitney McNell on Instagram for several years. I love the way she uses color in her designs, as well as her talent for mixing patterns.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Prime Time/Take 3


I hope you had a good week. If you have had to deal with Hurricane Milton's destruction, you have my sympathy.

Today, I am headed to the pickleball courts. I haven't played in months, and as always, the sport takes a backseat to catching up with my pickle buds. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Prime Time/Take Two


My heart goes out to all who are in Milton's path. I can't believe the devastation Helene caused over the past few weeks. 

Did you get anything good on Amazon yesterday?  Share your good deals in the comments.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Prime Time Take One


I hope that you had a good weekend.  Ours was very busy and a lot of fun.

On Friday night, we went to a neighborhood happy hour.  I am always happy when I can catch up with our sweet neighbors.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Friday Files


I hope that you had a good week.  The Mister was out of town, so Millie and I held down the fort. We were so naughty.  We left dishes in the sink and made the bed seconds before the Mister's arrival. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Mister's Reads & More


I hope that you had a good weekend.  The weather has been nothing less than glorious lately. You can't beat Texas in the Fall.

The Mister was out of town, so I headed to Dallas to see my favorite grandchild and her parents.  Miss Lucy loves her Cowboy books!

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