Talbots Spring Essentials

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Friday, November 17, 2023

The Friday Files


How was your week?  Mine was fairly quiet.  The Mister was out of town, so Millie and I were in full command.  We left dishes in the sink until evening and then stacked the dishwasher willy-nilly.

I know you are grinding your teeth right now, Mister!

Our #1 came for a sleepover last night!  I have been shopping and stocking away some darling dresses for the little one.  I presented them to the Mama-to-be and felt like I had hit a home run.  Mama Bear loved them all!  The above is one of them.  We ordered pizza, and my girl spent the night.

I think the Mister was kind of jealous.  But I reminded him that he will see the girls and AJ on Sunday.  We will be celebrating AJ's birthday in Dallas.

You will be pea-green with envy after touring this beautiful home in Sea Island, Georgia.

Click here to see the rest of this gorgeous Houston home designed by Charlotte Moss.

 If you are an antique lover, you are going to love this tour of a French country house.

This Napa Valley home was once owned by the CEO of Restoration Hardware.
Good news!
It's for sale.

Have you ever regifted something?  

Here is a code of ethics on regifting.

Ashley Whitaker

Here are answers from the experts on holiday entertaining etiquette.

Who knew cooking spray had so many uses?

Ina gives 9 tips for making the perfect Thanksgiving meal. 

Here are some Thanksgiving cookies that are guaranteed to steal the show!

Here is a list of suggestions for movies to watch over Thanksgiving weekend.

If you're looking for a fun, uplifting account to follow on Insta, I highly recommend @tandttwintalk.  They are twins, over 50, and both breast cancer survivors.  They post two outfits of the day - one is budget-friendly, and the other not so much.

If you are looking for a hostess gift, you can check out my last post here.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this silly little blog of mine.  You make my day with your sweet emails and comments. I have been so fortunate to meet many of you in person.

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and laughter.
And remember...
calories don't count on holidays.

40% Off

40% Off

Pretty sweater / sour face

Cashmere, reversible, plus 40% Off!

40% Off!!

I bought 2 of these.

Cashmere sweater 40% Off!

Today is my lucky day!

I've been waiting for this sweet little number to go on sale.

Unbelievable deal on this sweater.
Lots of colors, too!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I know you must be over the moon spending time with your daughter and buying baby clothes! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  2. Although I have followed your blog for many years, I’ve never commented. I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I love your sense of humor, hearing about your family and the antics of your dogs, your gorgeous home, book reviews and sales. I could go on and on. You will thoroughly enjoy being a grandmother. That little girl will win your heart. I’m happy for you. I’m looking forward to many more posts and, of course, pictures of your granddaughter. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Happiest of Thanksgivings to you and your family!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Glad we got to meet a while back. Deb @ Mountain Breaths

  5. I’ve followed your wonderful blog for several years. Although I have never made a comment before, I want you to know how much I enjoy your blog, and appreciate your humor. Love your reading and watching recommendations! I think if we ever met, we would be great friends!

  6. Love the baby outfit! You are going to have a stylish granddaughter.
    How fun you and #1 had a sleepover.
    Melissa…. now in Texas

  7. It is so much fun buying clothes for little girls!

  8. Love your blog ❤️

  9. Great homes on your tour this week. I'm so happy for upcoming fun as a grandma. It's certainly the icing on the cake of life!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Karen B.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Katie! I love the home tours this time! PLEASE tell me that the over 50 twins are using a filter in that picture. Otherwise, I'm getting a facelift.... Gray


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