Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, January 22, 2021

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you had a good week.  Are you in the mood for another snippet of apartment living?  Here goes...

About a week ago, there was a knock on the door.  The Mister answered it, and a young man was standing there.  He explained that he and his girlfriend just moved in down the hall.  Their internet was not going to be connected until next week.  Could they possibly use ours?

The Mister politely declined and directed him to the apartment lounge where they could get online there.

Just another day in Paradise. 

A famous actress just put this stunner of a home on the market. 

Take a gander at this beautifully-appointed Victorian in Canada.
Are you listening, Kelly?

Mister... now this is what I call a study.

This gorgeous historic home was built in 1748 and is for sale in Glouster, Virginia.

If I lived here, you would find me here with book-in-hand at the stroke of 5PM.

Have a taste for takeout?

Are you watching your carbs?
Here are some low-carb recipes.

Would you consider your kitchen spotless?
Here are some tips from the pros.

Do you enjoy a good before and after?
These are some of the best kitchen makeovers I've seen in a while.

No politics here - just an interesting story about what happens behind the scenes at the White House on Inauguration Day. 

Ohhh, Mister... I think I have found our new empty nest...

It may need a little fixing up.

Or this one may be a better fit.

Don't forget to pack your swimsuit!

Anybody out there watching this fabulous show?

Here are seven interesting facts that I bet you didn't know.

I am counting the minutes until Succession comes back.

Here's the scoop on Season 3.

By the way...

Who is your favorite character?

This crazy guy is mine.


I admit it.

I am spoiled.  

I do not want to wait a whole week to see the next episode!

All Creatures Great and Small is a delight! 

Here's some great news!

Does anybody have bumps on their face like me?
Not to worry - none of them are fatal.

Are you happy at work?
If not, you need one of these.

Are you moving?
There's an app for that.

My friend Mary sent me this video.
If you love to needlepoint, you can find the ultimate inspiration here.

This site is devoted to well-dressed doors.

I am a big fan of James T. Farmer.

Great eye candy! 

The Mister ordered this set of pans, which are on sale.
By the way... he loves them.

These ads are the only ones that I don't fast forward through while watching one of my programs shows.

Until next time...

Allow me to introduce you to my lovely reader, Becky from New Mexico, and her sweet furbaby, Basil.

This is Basil, an 11 year old chihuahua mix.   He is a typical small dog with separation anxiety who barks at the drop of a pin, but we love him anyway.  He's a great snuggler and has a commodious bladder which I appreciate.  He is playing with his beloved Mr. Bill who says  "Oh NOOOOO" when squeezed.  Basil weighs ten pounds.

If you have a cute dog, email me a picture with a short bio, and I would be honored to include your little furbaby on my blog.

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Good morning Katie! I am going to need another cup of hot chocolate to read all of these fabulous links! I love the houses, especially the one in Glochester Va, and these cute instagram picks. I am going to follow a few of them. Off to check your links. Have a great weekend.

  2. I love those commercials! And James Farmer. I also just bought a set of Green Pans. We love them too.

  3. Are young people these days just stupid or entitled? lol I guess Mister set them straight. Marvin and I were off the grid at Grimmwood and I was having Shtizel withdrawal. I am not sure how I will wait another year for season three. I have found the cutest house on our route between AL and GA, I have to drool over it every time we pass by. It is just a cape cod with a lovely sun room but I think I could live there. Now if the sun would just come out. January has been very dreary.

  4. What?!?! Somebody actually knocked on your door to ask that question???? LOL!!! I am in disbelief! Keep the apartment living stories coming!! HAHA!

  5. I am hysterical over the neighbor. At least they didn't ask to borrow some wine! Thank you for the skin care info. I will be taking a trip to Ulta asap for the products.

    As a needlepointer, I am put to shame by that video. I guess I need start with the audio books when I pick up my half finished canvases.

    Happy Friday and treats for the hoodlums.

    xoxxo Annie G.

  6. That commercial is hilarious! I had not seen it before.

  7. I enjoyed reading “All Creatures Great and Small” as a teenager and now am enjoying watching the show with my teenager!

  8. I enjoyed reading “All Creatures Great and Small” as a teenager and now am enjoying watching the show with my teenager!

  9. I am dying laughing over that commercial. I'm going to have to find them on you tube, as I love when I see one on tv. I also love Succession and can't wait to read the update. I have PBS "Passport" that lets me watch the whole season of All Creatures in a binge session. It is so good!! The Passport is well worth the $60 annual donation to PBS. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. That burger looks so delicious! I think I would use a whole day's worth of WW points for it. The nerve of the neighbors...who would allow a stranger to use their internet when they can get free WiFi just about anywhere these days? Off to check out some of those sales. Have a great weekend :)

  11. We are patiently waiting for Succession to return too. Ahhh Last Tango in Halifax...hooked. Your photos and funnies bring me such joy. Extra prayers to house hunt is successful sooooon. xo

  12. A great post and now I have a bunch of those links to check out! Thanks for the great homes to look at and that food... oh my! Have a good weekend, friend!

  13. Gosh those homes are beautiful....sigh. Looks like it’s going to be a cold dreary weekend around here so I will have time to check out your links. Thanks.
    I did a double take when I saw the place you said needed some fixing up. We rented a place in Provence on a street that is a spitting image of that! Have a nice weekend Katie.

  14. That manor house in VA - if those beautiful walls could talk! I must've opened 6 different links on this one post. Fun! Soldier on in the hunt!

  15. Continuing to enjoy your gorgeous and entertaining contributions to my blog reading habit. I'm glad The Mister turned that neighbor away. That person was definitely waaaay out of line!

  16. So much to unpack in this post. Love LTIHalifax. Love it! I think the psychiatrist in the Sopranos.... what's her name bought a house in Triona area. Just added all creatures great and small.
    Happy Weekend! laura

  17. LOVE Last Tango in Halifax, reminds me so much of growing up, being with my Mum and aunt and someone making a cup of tea every ten minutes! They were very liberal with the use of "our", our Jennifer, our Barbara, etc. Have to admit to bingeing all the way through All Creatures Great and Small on PBS Passport - was really afraid it wouldn't be up to the orignial series but it is excellent.

  18. Literally obsessed with those progressive ads! I would watch them like a program...I mean show! :)
    While we are on the topic of shows, how do you like the Reals of SLC?

  19. I just watched the needlepoint video, holy wow, that is amazing!!


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